Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2937 You still have a master


It was an unpopular neighborhood with dark corridors. With Chen Xin'an's eyesight, although he didn't have night vision, he could probably see the surrounding environment.

Coupled with his extraordinary sense of perception, he should be able to know that there are no outsiders along the way.

But he did hear a sigh just now!

And it wasn't just him, even Li Qi heard it and called softly: "Boss?"

Chen Xin'an hummed and said, "I heard it, it seems there is someone!"

Han Yunmei hugged Li Qi's arm and said tremblingly: "Master, don't scare me!

There is no one below the third floor of this building, and there are only three families on the fourth and fifth floors..."

But at this moment, a gentle sigh came from the corner not far away again.

This time Han Yunmei heard it herself and was so frightened that she screamed "ah"!

Li Qi covered his mouth. Chen Xin'an had already rushed over and turned on the flashlight of his phone while stomping over!

It's just that this kick didn't stomp down after all. Under his feet was a bloody face!

In such an environment, it looks like a ghost crawling out of hell!

Han Yunmei was so frightened that she buried her face in Li Qi's clothes.

But he soon felt something was wrong, so he bravely turned his head and looked at the bloody man on the ground.

"Brother Zaiming? Is that you?" Han Yunmei walked carefully to Chen Xin'an, lowered her head and looked at the person on the ground carefully, and exclaimed:

"It's really you, brother Zai Ming, how did you become like this? Who hurt you?"

Li Qi came over and asked, "Yunmei, is this your friend?"

Han Yunmei said anxiously: "He lives across from my house! Master, help me take him home, right up there!"

She hurriedly took a few steps and ran to the door above to open the door. Li Qi reached down, picked up the dying person on the ground, and walked into Han Yunmei's home.

The room is not big and quite messy. It seems that I didn't have time to clean it up when I left last time.

Han Yunmei quickly arranged the sofa and wanted Li Qi to put her person on it.

Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "You can't put it there, it's too soft!"

He turned around and looked at it, and said to Han Yunmei: "Go get a sheet and spread it on the floor!"

Han Yunmei immediately followed the instructions, simply brought a quilt, quickly cleaned the floor, spread the quilt, and asked Li Qi to put him down.

Chen Xin'an squatted next to him and began to check the man's injuries.

Han Yunmei wiped her eyes, looked at the bloody man on the ground and said, "His name is Yuan Zaiming, and he grew up with me.

When he was in junior high school, something happened at home. His mother cheated on him and ran away with someone, and his father's temperament changed drastically. He drank too much every day and beat him when he was drunk.

He dropped out of school and joined the society.

Later, his father fell in love with gambling, owed a lot of debt, and committed suicide by lying on the train.

He just wandered around all day and rarely came back.

And he was also addicted to drugs. I saw him injecting himself into his arm with my own eyes!

I once wanted to help him, but every time I gave him money, he would use it to buy medicine.

Later, when I stopped giving it, he would steal or rob.

He has stolen from all the residents in the community, including the elderly and children, but he will never steal from my house or rob me...

Mr. Chen, how did Brother Zai Ming get injured like this? "

Chen Xin'an took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "This is the wound!"

As he spoke, he tore off Yuan Zaiming's clothes, exposing his bony chest.

It's just that at this moment, his left chest has almost completely collapsed, leaving only a piece of skin that is rising and falling slightly. It should be that his heart is still beating underneath.

Han Yunmei covered her mouth with both hands, crying and asked: "Brother Zaiming, who made you like this! Were you hit by a car?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "It's not a collision, it's a punch!"

Li Qi's expression changed, he looked at Chen Xin'an and asked, "A master of internal energy? Gong Musashi?"

"No!" Chen Xin'an shook his head again and said: "If someone like me and Gong Musashi did it, his heart would be shattered, but his ribs would not be broken like this.

This was beaten by a foreign Kung Fu master.

One punch shattered the bones, and the broken bones hurt his internal organs, so he was bleeding from all his orifices! "

Han Yunmei begged and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, I know you are a miracle doctor!

Can you save Brother Jae Myung?

He is really pitiful..."

Chen Xin'an sighed and said helplessly: "But I'm not a god, so I can't truly bring the dead back to life.

He was too seriously injured and should have died a long time ago. I don't know why, but he is still holding on for breath. "

Han Yunmei burst into tears.

Chen Xin'an took out the silver needle and wanted to pierce Yuan Zaiming's body.

Han Yunmei stopped him and said, "Mr. Chen, what are you going to do? Since there is no way to save him, let's not let him suffer any more, okay?"

Chen Xin'an looked at Han Yunmei and said, "He has been insisting on not dying, so he must have some last wish.

In this way, he has no choice but to live or die. He has to endure pain all the time, which makes him even more tired.

I helped him release the breath, and he was able to wake up for a moment, which was a relief for him. "

Li Qi looked at Han Yunmei and said, "Yunmei, you have to trust me, boss!"

Han Yunmei took a step back and stopped talking.

Chen Xin'an took the silver needle and carefully pierced Yuan Zaiming's chest.

The needle tip penetrated the thin layer of skin and pierced the weakly beating heart.

Within two seconds, the heart began to beat rapidly, and Yuan Zaiming's breathing became more and more rapid.

"Brother Zaiming!" Han Yunmei screamed sadly.

Yuan Zaiming opened his eyes and looked at the person in front of him blankly. Finally, his eyes fell on Han Yunmei. His expression became excited and his lips trembled as he said: "Yunmei..."

"It's me! Brother Zaiming, I'm back! Who beat you like this!" Han Yunmei walked up to him crying and held Yuan Zaiming's hand.

Yuan Zaiming coughed violently, and blood poured from his mouth and nostrils.

Han Yunmei was so frightened that she cried, but Yuan Zaiming grabbed her hand tightly.

"Iron, iron box! Small, small, small iron box..."

Yuan Zaiming spoke intermittently, just a few words, as if he had exhausted all his strength.

Immediately afterwards, blood continued to pour out of his mouth, mixed with a lot of black meat, these were his broken internal organs!

"Mr. Chen, please save him! Please save him quickly!" Han Yunmei turned to look at Chen Xin'an, begging and crying.

But Chen Xin'an sighed and did not take action.

Han Yunmei also lowered her head and looked at Yuan Zaiming in front of her.

He no longer coughed or vomited blood. He could only look at her with his face covered in blood, but his eyes had lost any sparkle.

Li Qi came over, put his finger under Yuan Zaiming's nose, sighed and patted Han Yunmei's shoulder and said: "Yunmei, he is free!"

Han Yunmei sat on the ground blankly, looking at Yuan Zaiming in front of her, her eyes blurred by tears.

"He was my last friend in this world, and now he has left me!"

Li Qi held her shoulders with compassion and comforted her: "Yunmei, you are not alone, there is a master!"

This was the first time that Li Qi admitted the relationship between the two. Han Yunmei covered her face with her hands and cried.

After a while, Han Yunmei raised her head and said to Li Qi: "Master, he has something in his hand and he won't let me go!"

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi looked at each other and looked at the hands held by Yuan Zaiming and Han Yunmei, which were really tight.

The two people hurried forward to help, rubbing Yuan Zaiming's right hand, and finally made him let go of Han Yunmei's hand.

And in Han Yunmei's hand, a rusty little key suddenly appeared!

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