Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2948 Throw things into the sea


There were three large vehicles, all covered with thick tarpaulins, parked in the awning behind the warehouse.

Early tomorrow morning, these three vehicles will set off and drive to the airport.

There seems to be no one around, but in fact they are all hiding in secret.

On the high roof of the palace, two figures suddenly appeared.

One of them raised his arm, and his companion immediately stopped.

Chen Xin'an pointed ahead.

At the corner of the corridor eaves, there were two people lying motionless.

They were all wearing night vision goggles and one of them had a gun in front of him.

Li Qi's eyes lit up, good guy, KC-13, a real sniper!

And he is still on active duty in Dongchao’s green-clad army!

Since Li Qi left Patrolling Eagle, he has never encountered a real sniper attack again.

Now you can only use the rifle as a sniper. If you really get one of these things, hiding in the dark to protect the boss will definitely be an order of magnitude improvement!

Chen Xin'an made a preparation gesture towards Li Qi.

The two of them walked over gently and came to the corner of the corridor eaves.

The person lying on the roof seemed to sense something was wrong and wanted to turn around, but Chen Xin'an and Li Qi had already pounced on them at the same time!


There were two crisp sounds, and the lying person continued to lie motionless.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi packed up the snipers beside them and put them into the gun case.

Now that you have encountered it, take it.

Find a way to bring Dongchao out. If you can't take it away, give it to Jin Enzai.

Not to let him use it, but to ask him to help keep it.

When Brother Snake comes again, take this thing to Eagle Flag Country and give it to Zhang Ji'an!

Squatting on the roof of the eaves, Chen Xin'an pointed to the three cars below and said: "We will drive away the front car later, and then destroy the two cars behind!

Show your face as much as possible, preferably so that people can take pictures of you. "

Li Diding nodded and asked Chen Xin'an: "Boss, where should we drive to?"

Chen Xin'an grinned and said to him: "Zeshen Port! Throw it into the sea!"

Li Qi's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

They are all golden Buddhas. The value of three cars is enough to make every normal person tempted.

Even if there is only one car, it can make anyone spend a lifetime!

Chen Xin'an understood what he meant by looking at his expression, and laughed and scolded: "What are you thinking!

We can't take these things with us!

And with half of the Azuchi Buddha, you have already made money!

I will use these three carts of golden Buddhas to force Lao Yinbi to show up, and also to force the gold thieves to show up.

The effect of throwing them away is much greater than keeping them! "

Li Qi smiled and said: "I understand, it's just a pity! Let's get ready to take action!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and asked, "Are you wearing the disguise?"

Li Qi pulled up his sleeves, revealing the clothes underneath.

Chen Xin'an asked again: "You have sent Yunmei out, right?"

"I have to find her!" Li Di nodded and said, "With this thing, we will be more sure of getting out safely."

Chen Xin'an thought for a while and said to Li Qi: "You will put off the gas later, and then take advantage of the chaos to meet up with Yunmei.

Leave everything here to me!

Let's meet under the department store! "

Li Qi thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll hide that thing first, and I'll take it with me when I go out later!"

Chen Xin'an nodded.

The surroundings became quiet, and everything was hidden in the night.

I don’t know how long it took, but there was a muffled sound on the awning behind the warehouse, as if something fell on it.

Then a figure quietly stood up from the awning, flipped to the ground deftly, and turned to the side of a truck.

Just when the man's hand grasped the door handle, the piercing alarm suddenly sounded!

At the same time, the originally dark courtyard suddenly became brightly lit!

The man in black standing next to the car door was startled, quickly retracted his hand, turned around and ran away.

Someone suddenly rushed out from beside him, pointed at him and shouted: "It's that guy named Miller! They are gold thieves! Catch him!"

Following the clanging sound, the big lights turned on and shone on Chen Xin'an at the same time, leaving him unable to hide.

In the darkness around them, many people appeared, all of them guards guarding the three cars.

Chen Xin'an turned around and ran away without saying a word!

The guards also shouted and rushed forward, waving the knives in their hands and slashing at Chen Xin'an.

Someone even fired a gun, and the sound of the gunfire was very harsh in the night!

"Don't shoot! Do you want to call the police? We are all our own people here, don't accidentally shoot!"

The gunshots disappeared, and everyone drew their knives and chased Chen Xin'an.

"What an idiot!" The leader who had just shouted cursed, and just as he was chasing after him, a figure flashed next to him, and it seemed like someone was running past.

But he turned his head and looked carefully for a long time, and there was no one around the car.

Are you dazzled?

The leader shook his head and followed the others to catch up.

Chen Xin'an ran wildly, avoiding the surrounding lights, leading people in circles, and even getting herself caught in a circle of people from time to time!

But just when everyone was shouting and slashing at him with knives, he rushed out again like a ghost!

"Over there! Don't let him escape! The people over there are blocking him!"

"Be careful, he has a knife in his hand, get out of the way quickly, his knife is so fast!"

"What are you afraid of! Which of us doesn't have a knife in our hand? We all rush up and fight with him to see how many cuts he can make!"

A group of guards rushed up with their knives raised as if they were risking their lives.

But just when they surrounded Chen Xin'an, there was a loud bang behind them!

Red light fills the sky and smoke rises.

"Oh my god, the car is on fire, put out the fire!"

A truck loaded with golden Buddhas had already burst into flames, and even the awning had turned into a sea of ​​flames.

A group of people ignored Chen Xin'an and ran towards the truck.

But at this moment, there was another loud bang, and another truck also burst into flames. A heat wave swept through, forcing those who rushed forward to move back!

The leader was angry and anxious, shouting loudly: "How could this happen! **, go and drive away the front car!"

A bald monk responded, took out his keys, opened the door of the first truck and got in!

But as soon as he inserted the key into the keyhole, he felt that something was wrong. He turned around and saw that the guy who had been chased by them and fled in panic was now sitting in the passenger seat next to him!

"Hi!" Chen Xin'an waved his hand with a smile. Before he could react, a fist appeared in front of him and hit him in the face with a bang!

**He tilted his head and fainted.

Chen Xin'an opened the car door for him and kicked him out of the car.

The people below let out a burst of surprise and wanted to rush to the car.

Chen Xin'an immediately moved to the driver's seat, closed the door, started the car, and put on her crotch to refuel!

The car roared and rushed forward.

The guards who originally wanted to stop him were frightened and fled in all directions.

If you were run over by this thing, it would be too much to hope for a whole body!

The leader stamped his feet angrily and yelled: "Stop him, don't let him run away!

Mingxin, Mingjing, what are you doing! "

But no matter how loudly he shouted, the snipers waiting in ambush above him didn't react at all!

A group of people could only watch helplessly as the truck hit the awning that was already on fire and rushed towards the side door.

With a crashing sound, the originally closed iron door was knocked open.

This is the door where the monks of Haiyan Temple usually go in and out for purchasing, and it will also be the place where these three trucks will go out tomorrow.

Although it was locked now, it couldn't stop the rampaging truck. It was knocked down directly. The truck sped away with black smoke!

The leader shouted angrily: "Hurry up and drive to catch up, we must not let them take away the golden Buddha!"

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