Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2963 She is not very skilled in business yet

Since Chaoya Bank also has shares in Miya Musashi, this old Yinbi probably put all his life savings in Chaoya Bank.

It is impossible to transfer all the money collected to Da Ying, otherwise it will easily attract the attention of the Dongchao financial regulatory authorities.

And compared to Da Ying, the Dongchao side has a deeper affection for Miya Musashi, because people here regard him as a god and call him a holy master.

Therefore, all his life savings will definitely be placed in Dongchao.

Since Chaoya Bank has his shares, it is safest and most secure to keep your money in your own bank.

It's just that Hong Shitai is personally supervising now, and Miyamusashi has lost power, so naturally he doesn't dare to disobey.

Of course his money will not be stored in his own name, there will definitely be other identities to take care of it.

Moreover, such a large capital reserve is generally not held in cash, but gold is usually purchased to preserve its value.

So the valuables in the car tomorrow should be gold and jewelry.

And there must be part of Miya Musashi in it.

This is why he held a Golden Buddha Exhibition and wanted to get the Pure Red Buddha.

If this car could be snatched away, Miya Musashi would be furious!

No one can bear to have his life savings taken away by others.

Especially for Miyamusashi, a character who is ruthless and only loves money. Once he finds out that his money has been robbed by others, how can he bear it?

At that time, he doesn't care whether he is wanted or not, he will definitely take back his money at all costs!

This is Chen Xin'an's chance to deal with him, and it may be the only time.

Chen Xin'an must seize this opportunity, otherwise it will be too uncomfortable to be targeted by a super master and have his head tied to his waist at all times!

Originally, I was worried that the three of them acting alone would give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of them.

However, the relationship between the three people and the officials is now good. As long as it is done openly, no one will dare to do anything against them.

The most important thing is that with the strongest disguise, the mask, the three of them are not afraid of being recognized by Miya Musashi's minions.

come out.

Li Qi and Han Yunmei both went out. Chen Xin'an sat on the sofa, took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

When the call was connected, Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "Secretary Bu, are you okay?"

Bu Xianting over there said angrily, "Chen Xin'an, what are you doing?"

The last time he met Chen Xin'an was a black spot in Bu Xianting's life!

This rude Chinese has no respect at all for him, the first secret of Dongchao!

This was an embarrassment he had never encountered before!

So he didn't have a good impression of Chen Xin'an at all. He originally thought that he would never deal with him again in this life, but he didn't expect that this guy actually took the initiative to call him!

Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "Nothing, I just wanted to ask Secretary Bu if he is free tomorrow and have a meal with you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Bu Xianting's impatient voice came from over there, "Sorry, no time!"

After finishing speaking, I was about to hang up the phone when I heard Chen Xin'an sigh and say, "I thought I could make friends with Secretary Bu and make some investments through your introduction.

It seems that there is no such opportunity!

I can’t give away the gift I just bought. It’s a Damon gold watch worth more than 100,000 eagle flags..."

"Dear Chen, I was just joking with you. We are all old friends. How can I not go with your sincere invitation?

Tell me, what time will we meet tomorrow? I promise not to miss a second and will never be late! "

"Hahaha! I knew Secretary Bu was a friend worth making! Tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning, in front of the Four Seasons Hotel! I'll take you to a good place for lunch. We won't come back until we get drunk!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xinan grinned, turned and walked out.

Chaojing cx shopping mall is one of the largest shopping malls in Dongchao.

The number of visitors is nearly 100,000.

Opposite is the headquarters building of Dongchao National Bank.

It is also a tourist attraction, with many tour groups checking in every year.

Today, a group of old people wearing red hats came to the mall. When they saw the small flag in front and the logo on the hat, they turned out to be Chinese.

The tour guide is a man and a woman, one wearing a little yellow hat and the other wearing a red hat.

They were not far away from Chen Xin'an, and through conversation, Chen Xin'an also knew that the man wearing the little yellow hat was a local escort sent by Dongchao.

The woman wearing the red hat was an escort sent by Huaxia Travel Agency.

It just seems that the relationship between Quan Bao and Di Bao is not very good. The woman has been consciously avoiding the man and seems to be a little afraid of him.

A group of old people seemed to be in high spirits, looking at the environment of the shopping mall and exclaiming in surprise from time to time.

The man on the ground showed disdain and pride on his face. He walked up to the woman on the ground and squeezed her hand quietly, but she quickly shook it off.

The man didn't care, with a lewd smile on his face. When the woman quickened her pace and walked forward, he actually reached out and touched the woman's butt!

"Ah!" The woman screamed, turned her head and cursed at him, "You are crazy, what are you doing!"

A group of old people all turned to look at the two of them.

The man seemed not to have expected the woman to have such a big reaction, and was a little embarrassed. He smiled at everyone and said, "It's nothing, I was joking with Xiao Lu!"

A middle-aged man with a dissatisfied look on his face lectured the woman, "Xiao Lu, can you get rid of this sudden problem of yours?

Mr. Park Jung-ho is just joking with you, what are you doing? "

The man laughed loudly, nodded to the middle-aged man and said, "Leader Zhang is right. The new tour guide from your company is not very skilled in the business. It seems that he needs to study more!"

The woman's face turned red and she wanted to say something, but Leader Zhang glared hard at her. She had to lower her head and walked forward without saying a word.


Park Zhenhao looked at his back and pouted, walked up to everyone, clapped his hands and said to everyone

"Everyone, come with me, let's take a rest on this floor first.

You can take a look around, shop around, and buy anything you like.

We are the largest shopping mall in Dongchao, so you don’t have to worry about reputation.

All products are genuine and you can buy with confidence! "

Chen Xin'an took a look at this floor. They were all luxury goods counters!

If this was just a coincidence, no one would believe it.

Although the group of old people were old, they were not fools. Naturally, they could see this guy's intentions at a glance, so although everyone stopped, they didn't move around. They just found the nearest seat and sat down.

Chen Xin'an walked into a watch store, took a look at the watches and prices inside, and was shocked.

I took out my phone and took a look at the price of the same model. Each model is more than hundreds of thousands more expensive!

This is the Eagle Flag Yuan!

Just as he was about to go out, the salesperson asked him, "Sir, are there no styles you like here?"

Chen Xin'an quickly waved her hand and said, "No, I just took a look!"

Upon hearing that Chen Xin'an was speaking Dongchao dialect, the salesperson's smile became more sincere and whispered to him, "Sir, please stay and follow me!"

She turned around and led Chen Xin'an to a group of counters, and said with a smile, "I just saw that Mr. looked at this watch for a long time, he must be very interested.

Are you hesitant about the price?

What you see now is the real price of this watch! "

She reached into the counter, took out the price list, then pulled it out, turned it over, gave Chen Xin'an a look, and put it back as it was!

Chen Xin'an saw the price, which was only more than 80,000. After flipping it over, it was 520,000!

It has increased almost seven times!

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