Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 293 Your boss won’t care

The atmosphere in the conference room was tense, close to the point of breaking up, but the Wei family father and son no longer had the aggressive momentum they had just now.

Li Zecheng snorted coldly, looked at them contemptuously and said, "What's wrong? Don't you dare?

Don't you two, father and son, be generous with each other? Is there anything you don’t dare to do?

Do you think something happened to your company these days?

From what you say, are you still relying on the Chamber of Commerce?

Do you think the Chamber of Commerce is responsible if you were stolen?

Then tell me, what is the responsibility of the Chamber of Commerce in this matter?

If it was really stolen because you joined the Chamber of Commerce, I will fully compensate you on behalf of the entire Chamber of Commerce! "

Mr. Wei and Wei Zhao both looked a little embarrassed.

They are not stupid, they naturally know that what they want is products, and it has nothing to do with whether they are from the chamber of commerce or not!

Li Zecheng looked at them with disdain and said: "The chamber of commerce is dictating your sales? Everyone is slapping the table and staring. It really seems like that!"

What restricts your exports is national law! It’s China’s trade law! It has nothing to do with my Chamber of Commerce!

Do you believe that if you declare customs today, Hongfeng will be seized tomorrow?

When you first applied for the project for research, you had already signed an agreement with the relevant departments, right?

Can this be blamed on the Chamber of Commerce?

How funny! "

Mr. Wei and Wei Zhao's faces turned blue and white, but they had no temper at all.

They are right, this kind of chips are originally restricted for export, and they were informed before they were developed, so even if the Chamber of Commerce did not stop them, Hongfeng would not have the guts to export them!

Mr. Wei coughed twice in embarrassment and said to Li Zecheng: "President Li, don't be angry. We were just joking..."

Wei Zhao still had a coffin-like expression, and said to Li Zecheng: "We are just angry that you left us alone and didn't help, but instead cared about a bunch of outsiders!

I have heard that when Chairman Li personally invited Liangmao Liquor to join the Chamber of Commerce, no one agreed!

People don’t like us at all, but President Li still rushes to show his courtesy and leaves our own people alone. This is not a crime..."

"Shut up!" Mr. Wei cursed with a dark face. Wei Zhao curled his lips and looked disapproving, but stopped talking.

Just then, the phone on the table suddenly rang. Li Zecheng glanced at the caller ID and grabbed his cell phone to answer the call.

"Mr. Chen, I'm at the Evergreen Hotel!


Very good!

Others don't matter, I just want this guy!

Thank you so much!

OK, I'll wait for you on the first floor! "

After hanging up the phone, Li Zecheng looked excited and said to Han Xiaolei: "Notify the boss of the company who had the accident last night and go to the first floor to greet him!"

"You're back? Is the matter done?" Han Xiaolei looked at Li Zecheng in disbelief. Seeing him nodding, she jumped up excitedly, turned around and walked out.

Li Zechengli ignored Mr. Wei and Wei Zhao and his son, and strode out with such momentum that he was carrying wind as he walked, as if he had scored double hundred in the exam.

The father and son looked at each other, not knowing what had happened.

Wei Zhao said with a straight face: "Who just left us here? Dad, let's go down and have a look too?"

Mr. Wei snorted with a dark face, said nothing, stood up and walked away with his son.

In the lobby on the first floor of the Evergreen Hotel, a bunch of business tycoons were standing!

These are the richest people in the whole of China. It is not easy to meet one of them normally, but now they are all gathered together. If you pick any one, they are worth tens of billions!

"The public security in Dongshan is still a bit bad! I heard that many local companies had accidents at their locations last night? A lot of important technical information was lost?"

"What do the police in Dongshan do for a living? The order in Dongshan City is so chaotic, who would dare to invest?"

"Is it still the second largest city in China after Kyoto? I think this title really doesn't deserve its name!"

Upon hearing this, the bosses of some local companies were unhappy:

"Guys, this is a bit too much, isn't it? Who is responsible for this matter? Others don't know, but we still don't know?"

"That's right! There have been a lot of incidents in Kyoto this month! Mr. Jiang, wasn't your company just stolen last week?"

"Our police in Dongshan are already quite good! They are very efficient and have now begun to set up a special task force!"

That Mr. Jiang was a fat man in his fifties with a big belly. He curled his lips and said:

“Don’t worry, it’s not that fast!

Four days have passed since Kyoto, and there is still no news at all.

It is estimated that the efficiency of Dongshan police is even slower.

Just because the case is closed does not mean that it will be solved immediately. Some people have to wait! "

Someone asked strangely: "Why did Xiao Han tell us to come down here? Who are we waiting for?"

Shen Changsheng smiled bitterly and said, "I'm sorry everyone, I miscommunicated!

Secretary Han just wanted the company bosses who had an accident last night to come down. There should be progress in the case and they need to be informed.

It was my fault I called everyone down.

Let's go directly to the restaurant, the banquet is almost ready! "

Someone stared wide-eyed and said, "The case has progressed so quickly? Are you kidding me, Old Shen? The police in Dongshan are so efficient? Then I want to take a look!"

Others also said: "Yeah, why are you so anxious? What's the progress of the case? Have the things been recovered?"

"How can it be so fast! I guess we have found a traitor in the company. People outside will definitely not be able to do this on their own. Without the cooperation of the traitor, it will take them all night to look for things!"

"Maybe they're changing the law and want sponsorship, maybe some money for solving the case or something like that!"

Just as everyone was talking about it, Li Zecheng came down, followed by Mr. Wei and his son Wei Zhao.

Everyone greeted Li Zecheng, and Ding Jianshe, the president of Haigang Manufacturing, came over to him and asked:

"President Li, what's going on? Do you need any more cooperation from us?

The company has arranged for someone to receive the investigation team. If you want to know anything, just ask them! "

Li Zecheng smiled slightly, patted his shoulder and said, "Old Ding, you will know later, I have a surprise for you!"


Ding Jianshe looked confused. Now all my core technologies have been stolen. You still said you would give me a surprise, which is more like a shock!

Just when everyone was looking forward to it, an inconspicuous motorcycle suddenly came from a distance and parked in the temporary parking lot in front of the hotel.

"Hey, you can't park here!" The hotel security guard was sweating and ran over to drive him away.

There is a sign on the side of the road with a no parking sign painted on it, and the boss is watching from the side. How could you be so careless as to drive the car over? Are you going to ruin my job?

Chen Xin'an took off his helmet, clicked it on the rearview mirror, smiled and said to the security guard: "Just put it on for a while, and leave immediately! Don't delay anything!"

The security guard became anxious, glared at Chen Xin'an and shouted, "Not even for a second! I tell you to go and leave quickly. There is no parking here. If you don't listen, I will call a tow truck later to tow your car away. Do you believe it?" "

"I just said it for a while, it's okay! Your hotel boss won't even care if he sees it!" Chen Xin'an didn't bother to argue with him and got out of the car with one leg.

The security guard became anxious, pointed at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "I'm giving you a face, right? You said you won't stop but you have to stop here? I will smash your car now!"

Of course the boss doesn’t care about you, but how can he care about me?

Are you leaving? If you don’t leave, I’ll have someone smash the car right away!

Don't tow it away, just throw the scrap metal on the car! "

At this moment, a group of people walked out of the hotel lobby, and one of them shouted to the security guard: "Ronald, okay, don't worry about it, just let Mr. Chen's car park here!"

The security guard turned his head and glanced, winced, and said quickly: "Yes, Mr. Hong!"

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