Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2974 I’ll take you around Chaojing

Seeing the angry and helpless expressions of the people around him, the police chief shouted loudly with a straight face.

"Why are you panicking! Do you think we only have this interception plan?

Don't worry, we still have back-ups and ambushes!

Those robbers are under our control, and they are doomed! "

The bulletproof car rushed out of the 4S store and turned into an alley within a hundred meters of the main road.

Bu Xianting's heart almost jumped out of his throat!

He has never been in such a crazy car in his life. If he had a bad heart, he would definitely die suddenly on the spot!

It could only accommodate one car, but the bastard next to me was driving so fast that he almost hit people several times!

After a series of thrills, the car finally drove out of the alley, and Bu Xianting felt that he could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

But the next second, the car rushed directly into a vegetable market!

It’s even more lively now!

Amidst the rapid blaring of horns, people in front of them ducked and jumped at every stall.

The bulletproof car didn't slow down at all and rushed straight past!

But the pursuers behind suffered a disaster. They were surrounded by a group of angry people, and eggs and vegetable leaves fell on them like rain. Even the police were not spared!

After rushing out of the vegetable market, Bu Xianting glanced behind him and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw no pursuers.

Chen Xin'an knew what he was thinking and said with a smile, "Don't be too happy! Even without the tracking and positioning system, it is not easy to get rid of all surveillance in broad daylight!"

They will catch up soon, and we still have time to run! "

Bu Xianting was so angry that he scolded Chen Xin'an, "You still know how to get rid of me! Then what's the use of doing all this!"

Chen Xin'an, don't forget that what you robbed was the escort vehicle officially designated by Dongchao!

It’s impossible for you not to know how valuable the things inside are!

Do you think the authorities will give up?

Or do you think the major chaebols will give up?

I just know how much impact the absence of these things will have on Dongchao's economy? "


Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, but did not answer.

He just turned his head slightly and whispered, "Aqi, what's going on? Can you get away?

Have the photos been sent to Yunmi?

Okay, let’s meet at Zeshen Port! "

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an dialed a number again and asked on the phone, "Yunmei, have the photos been sent? What do you say over there?"

Tell him, trust me, Chen Xin'an, and just help me!

I won't make fun of my friends' future! "

"Tch!" Bu Xianting snorted loudly next to him.

Chen Xin'an ignored him at all and continued to say to Han Yunmei, "Be quick and let him arrive at Zeshen Port within an hour.

Don't say more, I will explain it to him later! "

When he hung up the phone, Bu Xianting couldn't hold himself back and asked him, "Chen Xin'an, what do you want to do?

You want to ship this stuff out to sea?

Stop dreaming!

Dongchao Haiphong will never let you go!

To put it bluntly, Haiphong would rather sink that ship and let these things sink to the bottom of the sea than let you pass!

This is the wealth that belongs to Dongchao and can only stay in Dongchao forever!

You are simply wishful thinking to take them away! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to Bu Xianting, "Secretary Bu, you think of me, Chen Xin'an, too dirty!

Am I a robber? "

Bu Xianting was so angry that he felt like smoke was coming out of his nose. He glared at him and cursed, "Why do you do such a thing and still ask me such words? Are you not ashamed?"

"Hahaha!" Chen Xin'an laughed, looked at Bu Xianting and said, "Secretary Bu, you pretend to be in disguise, sometimes you look quite cute!"

"Don't do this to me!" Bu Xianting was furious and cursed at him.

Chen Xin'an smiled, said nothing, just looked around, and said with some disappointment, "It's a bit slow!

Old Yinbi, if you still don’t come out of the nest after all this, then I really look down on you! "

Bu Xianting asked with a puzzled look, "What are you talking about?"

Chen Xin'an didn't answer, just smiled and said to Bu Xianting, "Secretary Bu, it's done, I'll take you around Chaojing!

Make sure you’ve never shopped like this before! "

I am an authentic Chaojing native, and I need you, a Chinese, to take me around Chaojing?

Are you afraid you haven't woken up yet?

Bu Xianting simply ignored him, closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

Chen Xin'an didn't care, and kept driving forward, and then turned into the alley on the side of the road from time to time.

At the road monitoring center, there seem to be more people standing in front of the big screen than before!

A middle-aged man in casual clothes, with his hair slicked back, asked the man in police uniform next to him, "Is there no sign of the escort vehicle yet?"

The man in uniform lowered his head and said, "The police are conducting a vigorous search, and they cannot escape..."

"Stop talking nonsense!" the man behind the back yelled angrily, "Invest nearly a thousand police officers and set up five lines of defense.

What does it mean to be a dragnet and how to say it is difficult to fly even if you don’t have wings?

So far, we still haven’t caught him, and we don’t even know where the shadow has gone!

Is this the strength of our Chaojing police? "

The man in uniform was red-faced, lowered his head and dared not speak.

The man with his back turned his head, looked at Chief Jin in the crowd and cursed, "The official spent hundreds of billions to install satellite surveillance systems throughout Chaojing.

Now I can't even find an escort vehicle. Where has all the money gone?

What are you doing here every day acting like dogs? "

Section Chief Jin and the group of people around him all turned pale, not even having the courage to quibble.

The man with the slicked-back hair scolded everyone present, and then ordered with anger

"Don't stand here stupidly, do what you should do! If you haven't found the car before dark, all of you take off your uniforms and go to the Red Stone Platform to apologize!"

A group of people hurriedly dispersed, most of them went out, and some stayed, sat next to the monitoring desk, and began to operate quickly.

In this situation, Bu Xianting certainly couldn't fall asleep. He closed his eyes for a while and then opened his eyes, but looked around blankly.

This strange place, I have never seen it before!

Dilapidated houses, trash cans full of flies and wild cats, and passers-by with decadent faces, tattered clothes, and dirty bodies.

The escort vehicle didn't drive fast here, as if it was afraid of disturbing them.

And those people didn't have the slightest curiosity about the car, just took a look and lost interest.

"Where is this? Why have I never been here before?

Chen Xin'an, you didn't drive out of Chaojing, did you?

Impossible! It's not that fast!

But this place is not in Chaojing. I am familiar with every place in Chaojing. I am sure I have never seen this place before!"

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, pointed to the front and said to Bu Xianting, "Do you see that building? That's the National Bank!"

"Impossible!" Bu Xianting shouted, "I don't know how many times I have been to the National Bank, and I have never seen this place before!

National Bank The location of the bank is one of the most prosperous areas in Chaojing!

There is no way such a place like a garbage dump can exist! "

Chen Xinan grinned and said, "Believe it or not! Secretary Bu, even if you are from Chaojing, I can guarantee that there are many places in Chaojing that you have not been to.

Do you know that behind every prosperous area, there will be such a place full of garbage and poor people?

Secretary Bu is high and mighty, and he goes in and out of high-end places with bright lights and wine, and makes friends with well-dressed dignitaries. How could he have been to such a place! "

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