Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2977 It’s not too late for you to turn back now

The boat had entered the sea, and Chen Xin'an also got out of the car and took off the mask on his face.

A group of people walked towards them, including Li Qi and Han Yunmei.

Standing next to Li Qi was actually Jin Enzai.

"My brother Yanjun, you have posed a problem for me this time!" Jin Enzai walked over with open arms and gave Chen Xin'an a hug.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "It is a problem for anyone, but for Brother Enzai, it is nothing at all!"

Jin Enzai let go of him and said with a wry smile, "Brother Yanjun, you think so highly of me!

Fortunately, this time I cooperated with Mr. Wen, and also had the help of Officer Wang and Officer Heping, otherwise I would definitely not be able to complete it alone!

Come, brother Yanjun, I think you should know this old friend? "

A man stood up from behind Jin Enzai. His temples were gray, but his face was red, and his expression was even more respectful. He bent forward and stretched out his hand to Chen Xin'an.

"It turns out to be President Ding!" Chen Xin'an smiled, shook hands with him and said, "Is President Ding okay?"

The person who came was none other than Ding Taiyou, the vice president of Haichao Company of Xinghai Group.

At this moment, he was smiling all over his face and said to Chen Xin'an, "Thanks to Mr. Chen, it's not bad!"

Jin Enzai patted Ding Taiyou on the shoulder and laughed and said, "Old Ding, please don't be polite to my brother Yanjun.

How can I still be okay now? I am simply on the rise!

Lao Ding is now highly regarded by President Wen Chengmin. He was directly promoted from Haichao Company to the group headquarters and became a shareholder of the group.

He was the one who arranged this matter this time! "

Ding Taiyou quickly waved his hand and said, "I just obey orders and everything is in accordance with President Wen's instructions.

Mr. Wen also asked me to bring something to Mr. Chen.

He took a big gamble and hoped that Mr. Chen could fulfill his promise! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to Ding Taiyou, "This should be said by Wen Xiuying, Wen Chengmin does not have such courage.

You go back and tell their siblings that what I, Chen Xin'an, have said will definitely stand true!

This is the Wen family

After submitting the investment certificate for the first time, Xinghai Group and Anhao Group will become partners, and we will make money together! "

"Then let me thank Mr. Chen first for Mr. Wen!" Ding Taiyou said with a smile on his face and bowed.

With the current strength of Xinghai Group, it has actually fallen out of the ranks of the eight largest chaebols of Dong Chao.

After Moon Jae-hoon's death, Xinghai Group's business shrank significantly and its capital chain was on the verge of collapse.

The stock market almost collapsed. Fortunately, the entire Dongchao stock market experienced large fluctuations. Officials came to rescue the market, and Xinghai Group also benefited from it, so it breathed a sigh of relief.

Both Moon Xiuying and Moon Chengmin want to restore Xinghai Group to its former glory.

Wen Xiuying has become a semi-disabled person. If she wants to survive, she can only rely on her brother, so she becomes Wen Chengmin's think tank.

She is well aware of the darkness within the Dongchao Consortium. Once a conglomerate like them loses power, it will be like a beached whale that will become the food of all things.

If you want to become the king of the sea, you can only rely on external forces.

And Chen Xin'an is the person who can help them return to the sea!

So she advised her younger brother to bet on Chen Xin'an and do her best to satisfy him no matter what his requirements were.

Fortunately, Wen Chengmin is not good at business, and he doesn't have much affection for his eldest brother.

But I have had a good relationship with my second sister since childhood, and I listen to her words.

Even though Chen Xin'an had caused such big trouble this time, he responded to Chen Xin'an's requests and immediately sent a boat secretly from Guangtian City to Chaojing and waited here on the inland river.

"Who are you? Why are you doing these things for him! Do you know what you are doing?"

Bu Xianting also stepped out of the car and looked at Jin Enzai and Ding Taiyou with an angry face.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "Here, let me introduce you! This is Mr. Bu Xianting, the first secretary of Hongshitai.

Lao Jin, Lao Ding, it’s good for you to get closer to others! "

Jin Enzai and Ding Taiyou were not fools. When they heard Bo Xianting's identity, their expressions changed and they hurried over to shake hands.

Bu Xianting took a step back with a look of disgust, stared at the two of them and shouted, "Don't confuse me with traitors like you!

I was forced to have no choice but you took the initiative to help him!

Do you know how much damage these things will cause to Dongchao once they are shipped overseas? "

Jin Enzai and Ding Taiyou were not angry, they just looked at him with smiles.

Chen Xin'an ignored him and let him scold him. He turned to Li Qi and Han Yunmei and said, "What's the situation now?"

Li Qi shrugged his shoulders and said, "No less than five groups of people were staring at Yunmei. Fortunately, they discovered it early. Yunmei escaped before those people had a chance to take action!"

Han Yunmei nodded and said, "There is a group of people with bald heads, they should be monks from Haiyan Temple.

I saw a man who looked very much like the abbot of Haiyan Temple who had appeared in the news, not far outside Zeshen Port.

If Master hadn't appeared in time, I might not have been able to leave! "

Chen Xin'an nodded. Since the people from Haiyan Temple have chased them to Zeshen Port, it means that the fish they want to catch has been hooked.

As for whether Lao Yinbi will appear in person, it is estimated that only by releasing the big bait of his own can the big fish be attracted to take the bait.

Bu Xianting came over angrily and said to Chen Xin'an, "Chen Xin'an, you don't think that with this ship, you can take that car away, do you?"

You underestimate Dongchao Haiphong too much!

It will also implicate everyone on this ship!

As long as we are caught up by the coast guard ship, we will all die!

I advise you to stop having such wishful thinking. There is no way to escape. Surrender as soon as possible!

You can't reach the high seas! "

"Who said I was going to the high seas?" Chen Xin'an smiled at him. At this moment, the ship's hull shook and seemed to have stopped.

Bu Xianting was stunned for a moment, then quickly ran to the window, took a look outside, and asked with confusion, "Where is this place?"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "Zeshen Port, that's why we came here originally!"

Bu Xianting was stunned.

The boat enters the sea from the inland river, isn't it going to the high seas?

Even if he goes to Guangtian City, he can understand.

But after going around in a circle, we returned to Zeshen Port. What kind of operation is this?

Aren't you afraid of being surrounded by officials?

After coughing twice, Bu Xianting nodded to Chen Xin'an and said, "You are smart, you can find your way back.

It's not too late to surrender now. Don't worry, I will definitely put in a good word for you. After all, we can be considered friends!

Okay, let’s go, let’s take the initiative to find them…”

"Don't worry!" Chen Xin'an grinned and nodded to Ding Taiyou.

Ding Taiyou took out the walkie-talkie and said, "Okay, open the gate and let us go!"

Bu Xianting looked at this scene coldly, not understanding what it meant.

Chen Xin'an pointed to the window, smiled at him and said, "Look, don't blink!"

Bu Xianting walked to the window in confusion and looked outside with wide eyes, but there was nothing there.

I just wanted to turn around and scold Chen Xin'an, but as the ship shook, something flashed outside!

He opened his eyes wide and stared outside, finally seeing clearly what it was.

Escort vehicles drove out from the back cabin of the ship and landed on the steel plate.

Those cars are exactly the same as the one behind me!

In fact, it's not surprising. After all, all Dongchao's escort vehicles are almost exactly the same. The only difference is the license plate.

But now, those cars not only have the same model, but also have the same license plate as the one behind me!

After these cars landed on the shore, they increased the accelerator and rushed outside, and they didn't go on the same road, they split into all directions!

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