Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2981 Their target is all of us

No. 381, Zangbing Cave.

This is where Dongchao foreigners live concentratedly.

Many people have family members who work in the embassy.

They are all three-story buildings that look like villas, but are actually similar to commercial houses. The neighbors on the left and right don't know each other.

Therefore, the nightlife here is not rich. At most, it is just a bar street, which is not very lively.

Those foreigners who like nightlife are actually more willing to drive to the city.

You can play whatever you want, there will be no restrictions here.

This place is more like a dormitory area. You only come back when you go to bed, so no matter day or night, you rarely encounter people wandering around on the street.

Several figures wearing windbreakers and covering their faces sneaked into a building and opened the door of a room on the first floor.

After everyone went in, one person dropped what he was holding on the ground, and then kicked the chair next to him hard!

The woman next to him was startled and yelled at him, "Fiton, are you crazy? Are you losing your temper and trying to attract people?"

Fiton, whose face was still wrapped with gauze, leaving only his mouth and nostrils, cursed vaguely.

"Fake! Fake! I'm going to kill those bastards! Why are you blaming us for something we haven't done!"

The other three people all fell silent, with angry and aggrieved expressions on their faces!

No wonder Fiton is so angry!

They have always been the only ones to trick others, but they didn't expect to be tricked so hard by others today!

They didn't even know that Chaoya Bank would release gold, silver and jewelry from the warehouse. If they knew about it, they had no intention of taking action.

Because it is an escort vehicle, robbery will not end well in any country!

But now, they have become robbers for no reason!

And the portraits of the robbers shown on TV were exactly what Fitton and Miller looked like!

This is really hell!

Even Dai Shan found out that she was on TV, and she actually went to the bank entrance yesterday to check it out!

The four of them already knew that they had been tricked.

But who is the other party and how did he become

He looks like himself, what is his purpose for doing this?

The four of them still know nothing about it.

Just know that they are in big trouble now!

"You idiots!" A voice suddenly sounded in the room, startling all four of them!

Fitton and Miller took out their guns at the same time and pointed them at the man on the sofa!

When the man stood up and turned around, the four of them shouted in surprise, "God, Hughes, why are you here?"

Hughes looked at the four of them with a sullen face and cursed, "Fiton, Miller, Dai Shan, Lina, you really let me down!"

All four of them lowered their heads, and no one dared to quibble.

Hughes is their leader, their boss, and the spiritual leader of their group of gold thieves.

Their abilities were all taught by Hughes.

Hughes snorted coldly and said, "There is a problem with your account of the money you saved in China, so I had to go there myself.

But I heard that you are in trouble here, so I came to Dongchao first!

I didn't expect you to be so stupid and get into such a big trouble!

This time the gold thief may be trapped. Tell me, who did he offend? "

The four of them looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Lina walked up to Hughes, hugged his arm, and said softly, "Boss, it's not like you don't know, how can we, the people, not offend others?

Our enemies are all over the world, but who can really catch us?

This time someone actually used this method to frame us, wanting to take the property for themselves, and then make us take the blame!

Boss, the other party must be a local underworld organization, only they have such strength!

Fitton, did you kidnap that yellow-haired girlfriend in the bar before, and they framed us in retaliation? "

Dai Shan glared at her and cursed, "Lina, don't

Nonsense! Fiton taught that boy a lesson not for that woman!

Besides, where would that kid find four people who look exactly like us to pretend to be us? "

Hughes pushed Lina and cursed with disgust on his face, "I said you are idiots, but I really haven't wronged you!

This matter has nothing to do with the local gangs. If you offend them, it will only cost the lives of you four idiots. It is not worthy of enmity with the official!

The one who could do such a thing is definitely not the one among you who has a personal grudge against others!

This is a plan only for the Gold Thieves organization. The target of the other party is each of us! "

Everyone opened their mouths and looked at Hughes in shock.

I really can't believe who is so cruel and cruel, and wants them, the internationally notorious gold thieves, to be trapped in the East Chao? .??.

Hughes frowned, looked at Fitton and asked, "What's the matter with the injury on your face?"

Fei Dun was shocked. Could it be that the Chinese guy was really up to something?

But he was immediately amused by his own thoughts. They were just a few Chinese people with a little money. Even if they knew some skills, they didn't have the strength to rob an escort vehicle!

He waved his hand and said to Hughes, "Nothing, I had a little conflict with a Chinese guy at the Four Seasons Hotel.

That kid knew some kung fu and injured me!

He has been watched closely these past few days and has not yet found a chance to deal with him!

When the situation calms down, I will kill him! "

Hughes looked at him coldly and asked, "Chinese? What's their name? What do they look like? Do they use Chinese Kung Fu? Or ancient Chinese martial arts?"

Seeing how serious he was, Feiton laughed, but it hurt his wound, and he covered his mouth with an ouch, and said to Hughes

"Boss, why are you so serious? They are just a few humble Chinese people, not worth mentioning at all!

A little effort is nothing, as long as you give me the medicine, no matter whether it is an ancient Chinese martial art or not, I can easily solve it! "

Hughes looked at him coldly and asked, "What if that person is Chen Xin'an?"

Everyone fell silent, with a trace of scruple on everyone's face.

Miller on the side smiled and said, "Boss, it can't be such a coincidence!

We didn't lure that guy out in China, but instead we met him when we came to Dongchao?

Isn’t this too science fiction?

The appearance of the guy from Four Seasons Flower City is completely different from what we have seen before. It can’t be him! "

Hughes thought about it for himself, the probability of such an "accidental encounter" was indeed too low, he snorted and said

“Anyway, everyone be careful!

Try to cause as little trouble as possible and leave Dongchao as soon as possible!

On this trip to Dongchao, everything you did was a complete mess.

All plans have not been completed, and now we are still stuck here!

After returning home, there will definitely be punishment, otherwise we will not be able to convince the public.

Also, your identities have now been completely exposed, and Interpol is here.

During this period, everyone should not run around. I will find a way to get you out of Dongchao and get out as soon as possible! "

The four of them lowered their heads and did not dare to speak.

It's good to be able to go back alive. Who dares to care about punishment or not now?

Hughes looked gloomy, looked at everyone and said, "Everyone tonight..."

Before he finished speaking, his expression changed, he made a silence gesture to everyone, and then pointed at Dai Shan and the light switch behind her.

The moment Dai Shan reached out to turn off the switch, there was a bang, and the door was violently knocked open!

A group of people stood at the door, shouting loudly, "Don't move, otherwise I will..."

Before he finished speaking, the guy couldn't stop shouting!

After all, it looked like the lights were on outside, so why would it be completely dark once a force came in?

At the same time, a black shadow suddenly burst out!

The person who just shouted had his pupils shrink instantly and shouted "Help..."

Before the life character could be uttered, a knife was stabbed directly through the chin and into the nasal cavity!

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