Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2984 We win this time

A pair of blue-gray eyes appeared in front of Kong Zaifeng, staring at him like a wild beast.

Kong Zaifeng's whole body was stiff and he did not dare to move.

Linna walked over with a smile and took the gun from his hand.

Then he leaned against the owner of the blue-grey eyes and said with a coquettish smile, "Miller, I told you, no man can refuse my temptation!"

Miller looked around, frowned and said, "Where is Hughes?"

Lina raised the corner of her mouth and smiled, "You know, he likes this kind of game the most!

The more enemies there are, the more enjoyable it is for him. .??.

He's having fun now, let's protect ourselves.

It's a pity that he didn't bring his most advantageous equipment.

But the few pistols we have now are enough for those guys to endure! "

Miller looked at her with a gloomy face and said, "He is so powerful, why don't you partner with him? Why are you following me?"

Lina giggled, touched Miller's face and said, "Oh, my dear little mouse, are you jealous?"

The two of them flirted in front of Kong Zaifeng, not taking him seriously at all.

Kong Zaifeng's face was gloomy, but he knew that now was not the time to save face. While the man and the woman were getting tired of being entangled together, he quietly stepped back and prepared to leave.

But as soon as he took a step back, the cold barrel of the gun pressed against his forehead.

"If you take one more step back, I will make your brain bloom. Do you believe it?"

Kong Zaifeng broke into cold sweat and stood there obediently motionless.

Miller looked at Lina and asked, "Who is he?"

Linna glanced at Kong Zaifeng and said with disdain, "What a waste!

What does it mean to be an alternate prosecutor?

I just flirted a little, but he couldn't stand it, and he knew it wasn't something good at first sight! "

Kong Zaifeng's face was red, he was ashamed and angry, and he cursed angrily, "You two gold thieves, let me go quickly!"

If you dare to touch a hair on my head, my brother will not let you go! "

Without saying a word, Miller raised his arm and hit Kong Zaifeng hard with the handle of his gun.

On the head!

With a scream, Kong Zaifeng covered his head with his hands, and blood flowed from his fingers.

"Who is your brother?" Miller asked with a gun to Kong Zaifeng's head.

Kong Zaifeng snorted and said nothing.

Miller raised his arm again, and Kong Zaifeng was so frightened that he quickly said, "My brother is the anti-smuggling captain of Guangtian City, and he was also from Hongshitai!

If you dare to hurt me...kill me, the entire Dongchao will not let you go! "

Miller and Lina looked at each other and laughed.

Linna pinched Kong Zaifeng's face with her hand and said with a smile, "Although you are a waste, you are still somewhat useful.

Since we have such an identity, we are worried that we cannot leave Dongchao, so we will use you in exchange!

Let's go! "

Miller kicked Kong Zaifeng and forced him to move forward.

But at this moment, a group of people suddenly rushed over and surrounded all three of them!

The chaebol killer is coming!

When Miller saw that his way was blocked, he immediately put his gun to Kong Zaifeng's head and said coldly, "Don't mess around. Get out of the way, or I'll kill him!"

A group of consortium killers looked at each other.

Who is this guy? He is not one of ours at all. That guy actually used him to blackmail us. Are you crazy?

Seeing the confused looks on everyone's faces, Lina snorted and said, "This is Chaojing's alternate prosecutor!

His brother is from Hongshitai.

If you hurt him, do you all know how serious the consequences will be? "

Kong Zaifeng didn’t want to be pointed at with a gun in front of so many people, so he cursed impatiently at the people in front of him.

"What organization are you in?

Get out of the way first and let them go!

Is it dangerous now that you haven't seen me?

What are you doing standing still?

Get out of here! "


There was a gunshot, and the bullet passed through Feng's head and entered Miller's arm.

Miller and Linna yelled at the same time, turned around and ran away.

The chaebol killers were also stunned when the gunshots were fired, but when they saw the gold thief trying to run away, they all chased after him. This was their mission!

Kong Zaifeng fell to the ground, blood flowing from the bullet hole in his head, and soon gathered in a large pool around him.

He looked at the sky with dull eyes, as if he didn't understand in the end why he died here in a daze!

A police transport truck parked quietly at the side entrance of International City.

The car door opened and several heavily armed police officers jumped out.

Wang Jixing straightened his helmet and said to Kong Zhenjing, "Captain, go in, this is it!"

Kong Zhenjing stretched out his arm to stop him and said in a deep voice, "Why are you in a hurry!

Check the equipment first, then rush in after hearing the order. Is it your first day on a mission? "

Ping Hengjun quietly pulled Wang Jixing's arm, and Wang Jixing stopped talking.

In fact, no one knows what the captain is thinking.

In the past, when I went on a mission, I always thought that everyone was not fast enough, but this time I was in trouble. I stopped and stopped along the way, and I didn't seem to be in a hurry at all.

Everyone has checked the equipment several times, but Kong Zhenjing has not yet given the order to go in.

One of the team members couldn't wait any longer and said to Kong Zhenjing, "Captain, if you don't go in, it will be too late. Everyone will run away!"

Kong Zhenjing coughed twice, glanced at everyone, and said with a somewhat unnatural expression, "Don't be so anxious, someone may have already entered.

It's time to catch someone now.

If we wait a little longer, they will come out, and we won’t have to take risks! "

Everyone was stunned, not understanding what he meant by this.

Wang Jixing asked with a puzzled look, "Captain, who went in?"

This tip

It was Mr. Chen who called me and I reported it to you.

Except for a few of us, it is impossible for anyone to know.

Did the bureau send another team over? "

Kong Zhenjing pretended to be indifferent and said, "It's not from the bureau. Isn't my brother transferred to Chaojing? I just asked him to come and take a look. After all, he is close."

Everyone suddenly realized that it was the captain who had given the news to his brother.

Isn't this giving everyone's credit to his younger brother?

Everyone looked a little ugly.

No wonder he was unhurried along the way, it turned out to be to buy time for his brother!

Everyone has just arrived here, maybe it’s already over inside!

After all, they are just a few gold thieves, international thieves, and they are not vicious gangsters, so it won't be too difficult to deal with them.

But the credit is not small. If it were taken away by his younger brother, this credit alone would be enough to make his brother rise to the top, and all the previous setbacks would be nothing!

Kong Zhenjing also knew that what he did was a bit excessive, so he quickly said to everyone

“Don’t worry, I have told Zaifeng that if all four gold thieves are caught, they will be divided between two of us.

This time the brothers were able to achieve meritorious service without taking risks, and their journey was not in vain. "

Although several team members felt uncomfortable, they reluctantly accepted this condition.

Indeed, as the captain said, there is no pressure at all on this mission, which is equal to winning without hesitation.

You can still get credit for not putting in any effort. What else is there to dissatisfy?

Wang Jixing and Ping Hengjun had ugly expressions on their faces and felt resentful in their hearts.

Kong Zhenjing saw that the two of them were not in the right mood, and patted the two of them on the shoulders without expression.

"Don't think so much, just help me this time!

I will let Zaifeng get along well with you from now on.

You are classmates, and you should be friends!

There will be many opportunities to interact with you at work in the future, and I will take more care of you! "

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