Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2992 I can save you even if you die


Hughes, who fell to the ground, vomited a mouthful of blood again. He knew that his internal organs were severely damaged and he could no longer fight!

Letting go of the knife in his hand, Hughes yelled at Chen Xin'an with a depressed look, "Can't you just change the place to hit? Why only hit this place!"

He tore open his clothes with difficulty and looked at his strong chest covered with chest hair.

It appears to be intact on the surface, but if you look closely, there is a dent as big as a fist in the middle! ” .??.

Chen Xin'an came over and squatted in front of him, ripped off his clothes, looked at the injury on his chest, and said with her tongue

"Although I didn't use all my strength, at least I had the inner strength!

It actually took six punches to break through your muscles and bones. Could it be that you really have copper skin and iron bones?

It doesn’t make sense!

What method did Red Eagle use, or did you take any medicine yourself?

How come it has such a strong defense?

However, it does not hinder the combat power, but can complement each other!

It has to be said that the title of the world's top individual soldier in actual combat is not a random one! "

He said it lightly, but only he knew about Hughes' current physical condition!

Even if a primary school student wants to fight Hughes now, this super soldier king still deserves a beating!

Chen Xin'an's heavy punches, although they hit the same place, were like a big hammer hitting the tempered glass with force.

On the surface, it still looks like a whole piece, but in fact, the whole piece is broken!

Blood was still pouring out of the corner of his mouth. When he heard Chen Xin'an's words, he couldn't help but cursed angrily, "You don't need to brag!

Not trying your best yet?

Do you think I'm a fool?

Do you really think that I, a person from Red Eagle, will be much weaker than you?

You have no idea how terrifying the people from the world's number one special forces team are!

You despicably asked me to fight you in close combat, forcing me not to use my gun, otherwise I could only kill you with one bullet!

In fact, even close combat is our Red Eagle's strength.

Even without any weapons, our skills in fighting with bare hands are the best in the world.

One, invincible!

I should box with you. The worst result would be to lose both sides.

But my recovery is faster than yours, so when you are injured, I can fight back and kill you!

In fact, you don’t have much strength left, as long as I persist..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an suddenly turned around and punched the thick tree behind him!

With a crisp sound, the big tree broke in half!

Hughes, who saw this scene with his own eyes, opened his eyes wide and looked at Chen Xin'an like he was looking at a devil!

Chen Xin'an said calmly, "If I didn't want to see clearly what you are capable of, I could kill you with just one punch!"

Just kidding, the power of the fourth level of internal energy can be regarded as a god-like existence, which is simply unimaginable for ordinary people.

Unless Hughes is a real man of steel, no matter how strong he is, he can't withstand Chen Xin'an's punch!

At this moment, Hughes's world view collapsed!

The strong physique and fighting skills that he was proud of were really like a kindergarten kid in front of Chen Xin'an, frail and vulnerable!

Chen Xin'an pressed her hand on Hughes's chest, regardless of the severe pain caused by it, and asked with a frown.

"Tell me, what method did you use to make your muscles and bones so strong?

Don't talk about exercise or anything like that.

No matter what method you use to exercise, you cannot metalize your muscles and bones!

It must have been drugs, or some experiments that violated human ethics! "

Foreign countries like to do these things. Some scientists don't do research well and specialize in doing things that are against human ethics.

Use ordinary people to do experiments and turn a good person into a machine or a beast!

Hughes looked at Chen Xin'an with a sad smile and spit out a mouthful of blood on his head.

Chen Xin'an easily avoided it and just looked at him coldly.

Hughes gasped and said to him, "I just won't tell you! Come on."

Go ahead, kill me! Want me to betray my country and organization? dream! "

Chen Xin'an said nothing, but took out a few steel needles from his body.

Hughes sneered coldly, looked at Chen Xin'an with disdain and said, "I advise you not to waste your efforts!

Every member of the Red Eagle Special Forces has undergone various capture trainings.

No one can pry open our mouths, including you! "

Chen Xin'an grinned and stabbed a steel needle directly into his armpits on both sides!

At this moment, Hughes, who had lost the ability to resist, seemed to have his whole body electrified, and suddenly straightened up and turned into an extra-large frozen fish!

Chen Xin'an did not hesitate, took out two more steel needles, and stabbed Xius on the top of his head.

At this moment, Hughes couldn't even make a sound, his eyes began to roll up, and his face showed an expression of extreme pain.

Chen Xin'an stood up and walked to the side, picked up the machete on the ground, cut off the shoelaces on Hughes' feet in two or two strokes, then kicked off his shoes and cut his socks.

Then two steel needles were inserted into the soles of Hughes's feet!

A bad smell came from Hughes, he was incontinent!

Three minutes later, Chen Xin'an heard Hughes gasping for air.

He smiled and said, "It's okay, it's a little faster than I thought! I thought it would take you five minutes to adapt.

This is six injections, and there are seven injections, but I cannot give two injections at the same time. This is equivalent to cheating for you and reduces a lot of pain.

Feel the needles one by one, you can't hold on any longer...

Forget it, you don't need to show anything if you can't hold on any longer, because you can't speak any more!"

Chen Xinan took the steel needle and tore off Xius's clothes, and immediately covered his nose and took two steps back, cursing at him, "Fuck! Are you too disgusting?"

Xius looked at Chen Xinan weakly and said, "Kill me, please..."

He no longer had the strength to speak.

Chen Xinan shook his head and said, "I have long wanted to find someone like you, so that I can realize my dream of completing all thirteen soul-soothing needles.

The limit of an average person is about six needles, and I have used all of them on myself, but because I have internal strength, it does not represent the situation of ordinary people after using them.

You have received professional training, your willpower is much stronger than that of ordinary people, and you don't have internal strength, so you are the best candidate! "

Xius' tears were about to flow.

He did receive professional training, but that was for dealing with human means!

Is Chen Xin'an a human?


He is a complete devil!

How can a human fight against a devil?

He can't stand it anymore!

"I say!" Seeing that Chen Xin'an was really going to stick another needle in him, the already collapsed Xius gathered up his strength and shouted to Chen Xin'an.

He was not afraid of death, but even an iron man could not stand this kind of inhuman torture!

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, even a little regretful.

After thinking about it, he finally pulled out the steel needles.

But only four were pulled out, and the two on the top were still intact.

Chen Xin'an looked at Xius and said, "Leave the other two! This kind of pain can still save your life.

With your injuries, if I take out all the needles, you won't live for more than five minutes!"

Xius wished he could pull out the needles himself right now.

Chen Xin'an saw what he was thinking, sneered and said, "You can try! I promise that even if you die, I can still bring you back to life!

Then I will let you experience the pain and die in extreme agony!"

Xius shuddered involuntarily, looking at Chen Xinan with eyes full of despair and fear.

He was not surprised at all that his brother died in this man's hands.

If there was a regret medicine in the world, he would definitely take a whole bottle, and then run as far as he could, and never see this devil again in his life!

Chen Xinan fiddled with the steel needle and said expressionlessly, "Answer my question, my patience has never been very good!"

Xius took a breath, endured the pain, looked at Chen Xinan and asked, "Chen Xinan, do you know about gold essence?"

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