Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2996 You all go to hell

It seemed that no one expected that a person suddenly appeared above their heads, startling everyone below!

But when he saw that person's appearance clearly, Quan Dootai was so excited that he almost laughed out loud!

There is no need to search at all. As long as you see this person, the police's visit tonight will not be in vain!

Because he is a wanted criminal in the country!

He pointed his hand upward, squinted his eyes and said to Yan Guangzhe, "No wonder you have been obstructing the police from handling the case. It turns out you are hiding a fugitive!"

You'd better go to the police station and explain this matter clearly, otherwise I don't need to say more about the consequences, right? "

Yan Guangzhe broke into cold sweat. Looking at the man who was roaring crazily on the eaves of the third floor, he said in panic

"The president just asked us to come here to study the scriptures on the jade tablet. He didn't even say that there was someone living on the third floor! He didn't even know that that person was a fugitive!

How is this going? All this is the president’s fault and has nothing to do with me or the Buddhist Association! "

Quan Dootai snorted and said, "You can explain these words after you enter the police station!

Renyong, take your team up to arrest people!

Everyone else, block all exits! "

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison and acted quickly.

But Miya Musashi, who was standing on the eaves, didn't even look at the people below. He looked around and shouted loudly.

"Chen Xin'an, come out! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to cut you into pieces!"

There was no response from anyone around.

Chen Xin'an hid in the dark and did not show up at all.

Now that the police are helping him handle it, he is not in a hurry to do it himself.

Suddenly there was a burst of exclamations from the third floor, as if something particularly terrifying had happened.

Quan Doutai's expression changed and he shouted to everyone, "Everyone, go upstairs!"

The police did not dare to neglect, they all rushed into the white building and rushed up the stairs.

Yan Guangzhe subconsciously wanted to turn around and run away. A fugitive appeared in the place where he was studying scriptures. He couldn't afford to take the blame.

But he is not stupid, he knows that he can run away but the monk cannot run away from the temple.

run now

Sorry, things are even more unclear!

What happened up there to make these police officers make such noises?

Could it be that the president had secretly returned and wanted to protect the fugitive, so he fought with the police?

We cannot allow things like this to happen. The president cannot make the same mistake again and again!

Yan Guangzhe was worried and said to the monks beside him, "Follow me and go up together! You must stop the president!"

A group of monks followed the police upstairs.

When we reached the third floor, everyone was stunned by what they saw!

Even the monk who opened the door at Haiyan Temple had an expression of disbelief.

He had never entered the White Building before, let alone thought that there was such a place in the temple!

What caught everyone's eyes was an open secret room with several cribs inside, some of which were already empty.

But the hoses connected to each bed are shocking enough to see.

What's more, there are blood bags containing blood. Even if you don't understand the practical use of these things, you know that they are definitely not a good thing!

Next to it were some empty blood bags connected to rubber tubes and a small amount of blood remaining.

This is like an underground blood collection station!

Thinking of the many cases of missing young people and babies before, as well as the arrest of monk Mingliang, everyone knows what this place is used for!

The former Holy Master, now a fugitive, turned out to be an out-and-out vampire!

Everyone looked at the man on the eaves outside the window and felt shuddering!

Only Quan Doutai’s heart was filled with excitement!

An old friend is an old friend. Sure enough, he didn't lie to him. This time was really an opportunity to make a great contribution!

If you catch the guy on the eaves, you can be promoted without any controversy!

"Catch that bastard!" Quan Dootai pointed at the man on the eaves outside the window and ordered the police!

Renyong has been waiting for this opportunity!

He saw this scene as soon as he came up, and the whole group was shocked.

Now that everyone is here, the good opportunity to make a contribution cannot be taken advantage of by others. As a charge team, we must be one step ahead of everyone!

"Hands up!" Renyong led the whole group over the window and ran to the eaves outside.

But Miyamusashi didn't seem to see them. He just stood on the raised eaves and shouted at the night sky!

A policeman walked over cautiously, stood behind Miya Musashi, held handcuffs and shouted at him, "Don't move! Put your hands up and follow me back..."

As soon as his hand touched Miya Musashi's shoulder, the man who was still shouting crazily suddenly turned around and grabbed his neck!

At this time, Miya Musashi's hair was disheveled, his eyes were scarlet, and his whole person was in a very wrong state, like a madman who had lost his mind.

In fact, Miya Musashi has indeed entered a state of madness now!

The sequelae of the blood transfusion forced him to use meditation to suppress it.

In addition, everything that happened tonight made him even more excited. When he just came back, he even vomited a mouthful of blood.

Therefore, this time of meditation made it more difficult for him to enter concentration than before.

It took a lot of energy to calm down.

But just because of a bullet that missed his face, all his efforts were in vain!

All kinds of negative emotions accompanied by physical irritability, emotional loss and other sequelae after exchange transfusion are like a bursting flood. After the bullets fly and are frightened, they completely collapse and cannot be suppressed at all!

At this moment, Miya Musashi's heart was filled with annoyance and hatred after the failure, and he just wanted to kill the culprit who caused him to be like this.

Chen Xin'an is the only enemy in his eyes. Even if others stand in front of him, he will ignore them, even annoying flies.

If he gets annoyed, he'll slap him to death!

Before the policeman could react, his throat was crushed by Miya Musashi with a click, and then he was thrown off the white building!

The companions behind were all frightened. They yelled, took out their pistols, and started shooting at Miyamusashi!

"Go to hell! You all go to hell!" The furious Miya Musashi was like a leopard, dodging on the eaves, avoiding bullets, and pounced on the policemen!

In just the blink of an eye, five police officers screamed one after another, blood splattered all over their bodies, and they fell from the eaves!

Everyone inside was dumbfounded. This guy is simply a monster. He can actually dodge bullets!

Quan Dootai, who had already rushed to the window, his pupils shrank instantly, and his eyes suddenly turned dark!

Miya Musashi had already rushed in front of him, ready to reach out and grab his neck!

But at this moment, Quan Doutai seemed to hear the cry of someone above his head.

Miya Musashi in front of him suddenly seemed to have been kicked by someone, his body fell forward and hit the window.

When he suddenly turned around, Quan Doutai saw a dagger stuck in Gong Musashi's left shoulder!

Someone shouted from overhead, "Miya Musashi, I'm here, come on!"

There are actually no floors above the third floor, but there is something similar to the spire of a dome.

Chen Xin'an was sitting on it, looking down at Gong Musashi coldly!

"I'm going to kill you!" Seeing Chen Xin'an, Gong Musashi roared, stared at him with blood-red eyes, and jumped over!

Chen Xin'an suddenly fell backwards, as if he couldn't sit still in panic and accidentally fell.

However, he just turned over in the air and stood firmly on the eaves below. Then he jumped again, turned sideways in the air, and when he saw his person again, he had already landed on the ground!

At the same time, Gong Musashi also jumped down from above, and rushed towards Chen Xin'an less than two meters behind Chen Xin'an!

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