Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2998 This is the retribution God gives you


A large piece of Miya Musashi's clothes was pulled up, and with the sound of tearing, a black shadow suddenly rushed out, and a cold light flashed!

The clothes that were suddenly pulled up blocked Miya Musashi's sight, and he didn't realize it until the cold light came closer!

The sharp tip of the knife instantly pierced Miya Musashi's chest. He wanted to retreat but Chen Xin'an grabbed his clothes, restricting his retreat.

But even so, the old man's reaction ability is amazing.

Less than three centimeters before the tip of the knife penetrated his body, he suddenly slid sideways, and then kicked the black figure!

A bloody groove was cut on Miya Musashi's chest, but Li Qi, who had sneak attacked him, was kicked three meters away. He got up with force and spat out a mouthful of blood with a loud sound!

At the same time, Chen Xin'an tore off half of Miya Musashi's clothes, swept his legs high, and kicked Miya Musashi in the head!

Miya Musashi was still retreating, with his arms raised in front of him, blocking Chen Xin'an's leg.

The moment he turned around, he slashed a bamboo with another sweeping palm.

The thick-wristed bamboo hit Chen Xin'an, blocking his next attack.

Miya Musashi also took the opportunity to stand firm and looked coldly at the two enemies in front of him.

"Ah Qi?" Chen Xin'an turned to look at Li Qi aside.

Li Qi, who wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, came over and supported him.

He glanced at the knife stuck in Chen Xin'an's leg, his face was gloomy, he shook his head and said, "Boss, I'm fine!"

Gong Musashi walked over calmly, looked at Chen Xin'an and Li Qi, then looked into the distance, where the gunshot was just now, and said coldly

"It turns out there is help again!

It's a pity that it's useless. No matter how many of you there are, you will all die if you meet me!

Chen Xin'an, to be honest, it is not easy for you to have such attainments in kung fu at such a young age.

Moreover, I have a flexible mind and good methods, which also made me love talents.

I'll give you a chance to live!

If you can find your way back from your lost ways, turn from darkness to light, worship me as your teacher, and stay with me as a filial piety for three years, I will let you live.

That young man, your treatment

The same is true. I guarantee that within three years, you will have wealth that you will never earn in your lifetime! "

This is not entirely a lie, after all, Miya Musashi's current situation has reached a low point, almost to the point where no one can use him.

The eight disciples who were personally trained were either dead or injured, and several of them were in prison, all of which were unable to serve him.

Even the major chaebols are now trying to distance themselves from him so as not to be implicated and become the target of Hongshitai's remediation.

Now Miya Musashi cannot be said to have become a loner in Dongchao. After all, he still has some die-hard loyalties.

But they are all a group of small fish and shrimps, and there are almost no ones who can really help.

Therefore, if Chen Xin'an can be recruited, it will be much easier to use than the apprentices he taught.

After all, it was Chen Xin'an who made him what he is now.

This man's strength cannot be underestimated. If you are willing to work for him, you can get back what you have thrown away very soon!

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi looked at each other, sneered at the same time, and laughed.

"You want to be my master, are you worthy?

Do you want me to practice evil martial arts with you?

Only an old beast like you can do such a cruel and unconscionable thing!

Killing you is my ultimate goal, Miya Musashi, you are finished! "

"Hahaha!" Gong Musashi laughed, looked at Chen Xin'an with contempt and asked, "Kill me? Do you think you have the strength? You are no match for me!"

While speaking, Gong Musashi suddenly rushed towards Chen Xin'an and hit Chen Xin'an on the head with a punch!

Chen Xin'an pushed Li Qi away and blocked the punch with both hands.

But Miya Musashi suddenly turned around and whipped his legs. His target was Li Qi!

After several confrontations, he already knew that there was someone hiding beside Chen Xin'an.


He is like Chen Xin'an's shadow, he always likes to hide in the dark, his shooting skills are very accurate, and importantly, he can always find the enemy's weakest point and take action at the most appropriate time!

If you want to deal with Chen Xin'an, you must first get rid of this shadow.

But Miya Musashi didn't expect that there would be more than one shadow of Chen Xin'an!

Then deal with them one by one. It's just killing more people. To him, it's nothing!

But at this moment, a powerful feeling of powerlessness swept through his body instantly. Miya Musashi's expression changed, his body staggered, and then he turned around and ran away!

You must not make too many mistakes in front of an opponent like Chen Xin'an, otherwise your life will be in danger!

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi looked at each other and smiled at the same time.

It seems that this old guy has another health problem!

This is retribution from God!

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi pounced on Gong Musashi at the same time.

The three of them quickly rushed out of the bamboo forest and ran towards the road.

Even though Miya Musashi is already suffering from the side effects of blood transfusion, he can escape faster than a rabbit!

Although the increased dose of blood transfusion in the past few days has caused the death of several babies, the effect is really good.

The side effects are indeed larger and more obvious, and the attacks are more frequent, but they are no longer the same level as before where they are completely weak and unable to do anything whenever they attack.

Sometimes you can still persevere. As long as you can find a place to adjust your breath for a while, your body can recover.

But in this situation, Chen Xin'an would not give him a chance to adjust his interest rate!

So he could only run to get rid of Chen Xin'an's entanglement.

On the road in the early morning, a man with a torn shirt was running along the road like crazy.

Behind him, the two men were catching up, and the distance between them was getting closer and closer.

But at this moment, the man in front suddenly rushed onto the road, and a container truck came quickly and passed him quickly!

But at the moment when the two met, Miya Musashi had already reached out and grabbed the door handle of the rear compartment of the car, and his body was directly lifted up!

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi could only look at the car and sigh.

Two legs can never keep up with four wheels.

Even though Chen Xin'an's teleportation speed is extremely amazing, it can only last for a few seconds.

Racing on the highway with a car that reaches a speed of more than 60 kilometers per hour is pure brain-draining!

"Didi!" The car horn sounded from behind, and the two turned around. Han Yunmei patted the car door and shouted, "Master, boss, get in the car quickly!"

This girl even called Chen Xin'an the same name as Li Qi.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi didn't care about such trivial matters and immediately opened the door and got in the car.

Han Yunmei stepped on the accelerator, and the car roared and rushed towards the container truck in front.

Unexpectedly, this car was going to Zeshen Port.

The three of them chased the car until they reached the port, and then the car stopped.

Seeing Gong Musashi jump out of the car, Chen Xin'an immediately opened the door and jumped out.

Li Qi also said to Han Yunmei, "Yunmei, follow us with a gun.

But be sure not to follow too close to avoid being seen by Miya Musashi.

After seeing us, look for a suitable sniping point.

Remember, whenever you feel the opportunity is right, take the shot!

That shot just now was great!

You are the most talented sniper I have ever seen, so trust your feelings and don't hesitate.

Even if you miss, we won't blame you! "

"I understand, Master!" Han Yunmei nodded vigorously.

Li Qi turned around and left, chasing Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an's right leg was injured. When he was in the car, he had already pulled out the dagger, treated it to stop the bleeding, and injected a few needles to suppress the injury.

But no pain relief treatment was done, because Chen Xin'an now needs this feeling of pain to stimulate his body!

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