Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3005 No surgery should be taken lightly

Everyone turned their heads to look at Chen Xin'an, and the cameras were all pointed at him.

Dr. Zheng snorted coldly and said dissatisfiedly, "Try it? How do you try it? Is this something that can be tried?"

These are six lives. If something happens, will you be responsible? "

"Otherwise?" Chen Xin'an glanced at him and said lightly, "Just let these children suffer here? .??.

Do you know what the consequences will be if the blood in the blood sac is not released for too long and deteriorates?

You are a doctor, of course you know!

These children will eventually suffer from various diseases, even sepsis, due to the dirty blood, and they will still die!

Is it possible that you still need to find someone to change their blood?

Without Kung Fu's body protection like Miya Musashi's, their blood is incompatible, and both the blood transmitter and these children will die! "

Dr. Zheng said with a straight face, "Of course I know these results! But I can't take risks just because of this! If you act recklessly now, it is equivalent to murder! This is no different from the final result!"

"Who said I was messing around?" Chen Xin'an glanced at him and said coldly, "I have a way to save these children, I just can't tell you!"

The secretary yelled from the side, "Why can't I tell others? I just don't dare to say it!"

Even Dr. Zheng can't do anything, what can you do?

Are your medical skills better than Dr. Zheng's?

What a joke!

If you want to mess around, it's best to make it clear in advance.

Now that Dr. Zheng has given up, everything that happens next has nothing to do with Dr. Zheng!

Mr. Police, I advise you to drive them away!

Otherwise they would really kill these babies!

With so many reporters watching, if serious consequences occur, how will you explain to those parents?

How to explain to the Dongchao people! "

Quan Doutai's expression changed, and he wanted to give orders to the police, but he remembered that his old friend was still standing next to him, so he quickly turned his head and said, "Old Bu, look at this..."

Bu Xianting also hesitated.

After all, the impact of this incident is too great, and he can't afford to suffer an accident!

He raised his head and asked Chen Xin'an, "Mr. Chen, are you sure?"

"No!" Chen Xin'an shook his head and replied simply.

Everyone's eyes widened.

The secretary even sneered and said, "Look, isn't this just nonsense!

Such people dare to do things that even the chief physician of Hongshitai dare not do. Who gave you the courage? "

Bu Xianting took a deep breath and said to Chen Xin'an, "Mr. Chen, if this is the case, then let's forget it! We will ask the leaders for instructions and invite world-renowned medical experts to come..."

Chen Xin'an looked at him and said, "The anesthetic should be about to expire!"

"Ah?" Everyone was stunned for a moment, and Bu Xianting asked strangely, "What kind of anesthetic?"

Chen Xin'an pointed to the infusion set on the crib and said, "In order to keep these babies quiet, these nutritional solutions are filled with anesthetics.

Miya Musashi can ignore the consequences, but can you do the same? "

Everyone was stunned and looked solemn.

These nutritional solutions are what babies use to replace milk powder and maintain their lives.

Anesthetic is added to prevent the baby from crying.

But this thing is harmful to the baby's body and brain.

Miya Musashi could ignore such harm, but no one can do that now.

So sooner or later the anesthetic will wear off, and the babies will cry and lie dishonestly.

They can dance and turn over.

However, once the device on the body falls off, it will cause very serious consequences!

No one wants to see this happen!

Therefore, the blood transfusion devices must be removed from the children before the anesthesia wears off.

But now Zheng

The doctor has made it clear that he cannot remove this device at all!

When faced with a dilemma, should we really believe these two Chinese people?

The secretary said unconvinced, "But they are not even sure, how can they succeed?"

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly and said, "As a qualified doctor, you cannot perform any operation with complete certainty.

Even the simplest minor surgery has certain risks.

Therefore, doctors must be prepared for the worst and try their best to deal with every condition.

Those who claim to be able to cure diseases easily and say that they have no confidence if they are not sure are just pretending and do not mean that their medical skills are really advanced. "

What he said made not only the secretary, but also Dr. Zheng himself blush and feel embarrassed.

Damn it, just show me your ID card!

Dr. Zheng snorted and said to Chen Xin'an, "Just talking is useless! Let me see the superb methods of inheriting ancient Chinese medical skills!"

Let me take a look at this device. How do you dismantle it? "

Chen Xin'an ignored him, turned to look at Li Qi and asked, "Aqi, what did you see?"

Li Qi frowned and said, "The designer should have worn green clothing and be a demolition soldier!

This method is a bit similar to a continuous thunder attack.

The line layout is exactly the same!

I have to say, that guy was very creative and actually used this technique in the blood transfusion device.

It may seem whimsical, but it’s actually very ingenious, can save a lot of trouble, and is safe and efficient! "

Chen Xin'an nodded, feeling slightly relieved.

Since Li Qi can see it, it means that he understands the installation principle of the device, and it will be easy to handle.

He asked Li Qi, "What tools are needed?"

Li Tou said, "Remember it!"

Chen Xin'an turned around and said to Bu Xianting, "Secretary Bu, help me prepare some tools and take a pen to write it down!"

Bu Xianting

Don't dare to neglect, take out the banknotes immediately.

"Scissors, razor blades, 20 meters of telephone cord, two AA batteries, electronic clock..."

After Li Qi finished speaking, Chen Xin'an repeated everything to Bu Xianting. Looking at the strange things on the paper, Bu Xianting asked with a puzzled look, "Are these... used to dismantle the device?"

Doctor Zheng snorted coldly and said, "What the hell are these!

Are these two Chinese people coming here to buy goods?

After all, Chinese people come to Dongchao to buy strange things. They all think that Dongchao’s products are cheap and of good quality!

You two just took this opportunity to purchase goods for yourself, right?

Anyway, it can be reimbursed by the official, and this advantage will not be used in vain! "

Although the occasion was inappropriate, some reporters snickered and looked at Chen Xin'an and Li Qi with contempt.

Chen Xin'an ignored them and just said to Bu Xianting, "Hurry up and get ready. It will be ready within ten minutes!"

There is no choice but to obey their arrangements now. After all, this matter cannot be delayed.

Fortunately, these things are not rare. They are all easily seen. Soon the people below prepared the things and sent them up.

After taking the bag, Li Qi put all the things he used into the tray, and then poured alcohol to disinfect them.

"Boss, I need your help to calm the children and prevent them from having too intense mood swings.

And the device has blood pressure monitoring, I want them all to stay in this state! "

Anesthetics are definitely no longer available. If you want to maintain the current state, you can only use acupuncture.

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Leave these matters to me, and you can concentrate on dismantling the linkage device!

Don't worry, as long as I'm here, there will be no serious consequences! "

This is the best shot in the arm for Li Qi.

With Chen Xin'an's words, Li Qi had no worries at all and could give it a go!

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