Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3018 They don’t want us to stay in the mountains either


It was getting dark, and a group of people hurriedly walked out of the mountains and crowded into the canteen.

Seeing that Chen Xin'an and the others not only came down the mountain, but also brought the four people who had been arrested before going up the mountain, the sloppy uncle's eyes almost popped out!

Chen Xin'an didn't say anything nonsense, slapped two Eagle Flag hundred dollar bills on the counter, and said to him:

"Boss, add eggs to the hot water instant noodles and cook them in a pot. There is no limit. Is that okay?"

Only then did the sloppy uncle react. He picked up the banknotes, flicked them, and said with a smile, "No problem, I'll give you another pack of ham sausages. Don't worry, they're all fresh!"

While the boss was cooking noodles, Fang Chenggang winked at Yan Chunhua, who nodded and walked over with a smile.

"Boss, let me help you. With such a large amount, it's too slow for you to do it alone."

After she left, Fang Chenggang stood in front of Chen Xin'an and said with a wry smile:

"Mr. Chen, I'm causing you trouble! If you hadn't come here, we might have ended up here this time!"

Cai New Year and Zhao Hongyi also came over and bowed to Chen Xin'an and the other three together with Fang Chenggang.

Chen Xin'an supported Fang Chenggang and said, "What you said is exaggerated! Regardless of our identities, as long as we are friends, I will not see anything happen to you!"

Zhao Hongyi scratched his head and said: "But the other party is the Dongchao National Security Department. Mr. Chen went against them for us and gave up all the things he did in Dongchao before..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an waved his hand and said with a smile: "How come you and Cha Minji are on the same page?

Why do I care about those things!

If I can rescue you, I won't hesitate to go against the entire Dongchao official! "

When others say this, it is a big lie.

But who Chen Xin'an is and what he has done, they all know very well!

So since he said this, he must dare to do it!

This is what moved these hard-blooded men the most.

We are just compatriots, so we can say that we have no friendship, but someone is willing to compete with a country and risk their lives for you. Isn’t this touching?

Fang Chenggang also knew Chen Xin'an's temperament, so he didn't say much thanks and turned to Han Yunmei and said:

"I also want to thank Miss Han for that phone call.

Although I don’t know who I called, it really worked and gave us such an opportunity. "

Han Yunmei was stunned for a moment and said strangely: "Call? I haven't made a call!

Master has told me that my mobile phone cannot be turned on during the mission. How can I make a phone call! "

"Didn't you call me?" Fang Chenggang asked in surprise: "Who could it be? Mr. Chen and Mr. Li didn't have a chance to call at that time!

Without that phone number, those people might have fought us to the death at the scene! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, looked at Fang Chenggang and asked, "Is it possible that when they recognized Aqi and I, they had already called us?"

Fang Chenggang asked with his eyes widened: "You mean, the director of the car made the call on his own initiative?

But why would he let us go?

Even the leader would not allow such a thing to happen, right? "

Chen Xin'an shrugged his shoulders. Even he couldn't understand this matter.

Fang Chenggang was right. If the boss knew about this matter, he would probably order severe punishment for them. He would never let them go just for the sake of a foreigner.

But in the end, Cha Minji still made a concession, which Chen Xin'an couldn't understand.

Since you can't guess it, just let it be.

One night may seem like a long time, but as long as you deal with it properly, escaping shouldn't be difficult.

After all, Chen Xin'an has been in more harsh environments than this one and escaped them safely.

Cai New Year said to Chen Xin'an with a strange look:

"Mr. Chen, since we have secured such an opportunity, why don't we go out as soon as possible and get rid of them, instead of wasting time here?"

Fang Chenggang and Zhao Hongyi also nodded together.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi looked at each other and smiled.

Li Qi explained to everyone: "Currently, for us, the mountains are safer than the city!"

Fang Chenggang and his two companions looked at each other in confusion, not understanding the meaning of Li Qi's words.

Chen Xin'an raised her arms, pointed around, and lowered her voice and said, "Don't you feel that they want us to leave this place as soon as possible?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment and thought about it seriously, this is really the case.

When he came out of that house, except for the symbolic pursuit by someone at the gate, he was frightened back by Han Yunmei's false shot.

Along the way, no one encountered any obstacles again.

Do you really think this is because the other party keeps their promise and is generous enough to let people leave?

If you think this way, you are really treating others as fools and becoming a fool yourself!

Everyone is an agent, and completing the tasks assigned by the organization is the top priority.

Any other promises or credits are insignificant in the face of national justice.

They had only one purpose in not blocking them, that is, they didn't want everyone to stay on the mountain.

That means there is something more important than Mo Guangshen on this mountain!

After figuring this out, Fang Chenggang and the other three's eyes lit up.

If these things could be found, wouldn't it be...

Before the three of them could think clearly, Chen Xin'an already patted Fang Chenggang on the shoulder, shook his head and said:

"Your mission has been accomplished!

Mo Guangshen is dead, and you are injured. Now you have to go down the mountain to escape.

If you keep the green mountains, you will not be afraid of running out of firewood.

Adding unnecessary details and making things complicated are not what you should do now. "

Li Qi also nodded and said: "If there is a secret, the other party will protect it at all costs.

Once we touch it, we will be hit by a more serious counterattack.

In our current situation, it is best not to take the initiative to provoke it. "

Fang Chenggang glanced at his two colleagues and nodded.

This matter can be reported to the superiors as the next task. Now it is better to go down the mountain and save your life!

Chen Xinan looked at Fang Chenggang with a worried look and asked: "After this incident, you are all exposed!

Even if you escape tonight, staying in Dongchao will be dangerous in the future.

Why don't you return to the country with us?"

Fang Chenggang sighed and said: "Maybe a new group of people will come, but everything will be arranged by the above.

I will contact the above as soon as possible, but to be honest, even if the people are replaced, I will apply to stay here.

After all, I have lived here for so many years, and I am used to everything. "

"Brother Gang, don't you want to go back to China?" Cai Xinnian looked at Fang Chenggang with a strange look on his face.

Zhao Hongyi beside him pulled his arm and shook his head gently.

Chen Xinan knew that the reason why Fang Chenggang was reluctant to leave here must be because of Jin Suyan.

Now that he was still uncertain about life and death, he couldn't say much.

He glanced, frowned, and said to Li Qi: "Ah Qi, go to our car!"

"Understood!" Li Qi nodded and turned to walk out.

Zhao Hongyi stood up and said: "I'll go with you!"

Li Qi pointed to the wound on his arm and asked him: "No problem?"

Zhao Hongyi sneered and said: "It's nothing! Don't worry, Mr. Li, I am an overseas Hongquan disciple, and this injury is common and will not affect me."

Fang Chenggang also said to Chen Xinan and Li Qi: "Hongyi is the best fighter among us, and his strength is even higher than Chunhua. He can help. "

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