Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3037 It’s you who should admit defeat

Thousands of secret agents occupied the entire backstreet of the National Bank.

Even if Chen Xin'an didn't say anything and Ah Shi and Shi Chang didn't recruit, the underground pipeline would be discovered sooner or later.

Because they are agents of the Blue Cube, this kind of work is a professional counterpart for them.

Che Zhengxian looked at Chen Xin'an, who was still treating Ah Shi's wounds calmly, and became angry and shouted, "Chen Xin'an, you still don't admit defeat?!" .??.

All the Blue Cube agents also shouted "Admit defeat! Admit defeat! Admit defeat!"

Hundreds of people shouted at the same time, and the momentum was indeed huge. The timid ones would be so frightened that they would not even dare to breathe.

Chen Xin'an was indifferent, and used a silver needle to stop Ah Shi's bleeding, then stood up and said to Cha Zhengxian, "Admit defeat? Why should I admit defeat? I didn't lose, it was you who lost!"

Che Zhengxian was stunned for a moment, then sneered with a sarcastic expression, "Chen Xin'an, it's already this time, and you're still stubborn?

Do you still want to escape?

I advise you not to waste your efforts, you have already taken advantage of your wings and cannot escape! "

Chen Xin'an pouted and said, "Who said I was going to run away?"

Park Dachang cursed impatiently, "Since you don't want to run away and you don't want to admit defeat, what do you want to do?

Do you still want to fight with so many of us?

Chen Xin'an, don't seek death!

Do you really think that we, the Blue Cube people, dare not touch you? "

Chen Xin'an looked at Park Dachang as if he were a fool and said, "If you don't use your eyes, just donate them to those in need, okay?"

Don't any of them look up at the sky?

It's daybreak now!

What is our agreement?

Who loses now? "

There was silence.

Only then did everyone realize that it was really dawn!

When I discovered Chen Xinan just now, I would have just arrested him.

Because the sun hadn't come out yet at that time.

But he talked a lot of nonsense after being seduced by him, and it took a long time, and now it's daybreak!

Che Zhengxian's face was extremely ugly, and he snorted coldly and said, "As long as the boss

Without an order, this operation will not end!

We are the people of Blue Rubik's Cube, we only follow orders and don't look at the sky!

Come on, cuff him!

Divide into three teams and search the surrounding area for me to find the others!

Anyone who disobeys will be shot immediately! "

Several agents rushed towards Chen Xin'an, knowing that he was domineering in kung fu. The people next to him cooperated fully, raised their guns, and pointed them at Chen Xin'an's head.

As long as he dares to resist, these people will really shoot!

However, Chen Xin'an had no intention of resisting at all. He just looked at the people rushing towards him with contemptuous eyes and said with a cold sneer.

"It turns out that the people in the Blue Cube are just a bunch of scoundrels who don't keep their word and refuse to admit defeat!

I'm warning you, you can arrest me, but be polite to my friends.

Otherwise, I will settle the score with whoever did it! "

"Shut up!" Da Wu pulled Chen Xin'an's arm and tried to hide it behind his back, shouting angrily

"You have become our prisoner, just be honest!

Once you enter the Blue Rubik's Cube, I'll make you look good!

No matter what kind of bullshit expert you are..."

The glare he received from Chen Xin'an just now frightened him so much that he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Now that he has finally recovered, he is getting a little angry.

He felt that it was Chen Xin'an who had embarrassed him in front of his colleagues, so he wanted to earn back some face. He became resentful of Chen Xin'an and became rough in his actions.

It's a pity that he messed with the wrong person!

Chen Xin'an has been holding back and not taking action against him, because in such an occasion, it is easy to implicate A Shi and Shi Chang.

But he had already seen what this guy did when he beat A Shi just now, and he also remembered this person.

If he finds the right opportunity, he will definitely say this for Ashi!

I didn't expect him to

Without taking action, this guy came over to provoke him!

How could Chen Xin'an tolerate him? Just when he pinned his wrist hard, he turned around suddenly and punched Dawu on the cheek!

Even without the use of internal energy, this punch made Dashi stagger and almost fall to the ground!

The agents next to him turned on their pistol safety and shouted warnings to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an ignored it, pointed at the stunned Dawu and said, "Just remember this account for me, and I will settle it with you!"

If you don’t treat my little brother as a human being, then you are also a beast in my eyes!

Warning you not to provoke me again, because I will really kill you! "

"Chen Xin'an, you are too arrogant!" Park Dachang was furious, took out his gun and wanted to hit him hard.

But at this moment, Cha Zhengxian shouted angrily, "Shut up!"

He held his cell phone and played a voiceover.

Cha Min-ki's voice came from the mobile phone, "The operation is over, everyone returns to the team! Let them go!"

Che Zhengxian's face was full of unwillingness, but he still said helplessly, "I know, boss!"

After hanging up the phone, Cha Zhengxian said to everyone with a gloomy face, "Close the team!"

Park Dachang glanced at Chen Xin'an blankly, and shouted angrily to Cha Zhengxian

"Boss, you've spent so much effort and worked all night, so let's just forget about it?"

Cha Zhengxian, who was also angry, scolded him, "What, you want to disobey?"

Park Dachang's neck shrank, and he wouldn't dare to do that even if he had ten nerves.

So even if you are unwilling, even if you are reluctant, you can only lower your head now, swallow your anger, and leave here in despair!

In less than ten minutes, the agents of the Blue Cube had all retreated.

From the beginning to the end, Chen Xin'an didn't look at them again. She just squatted between A Shi and Shi Chang, put their arms around his neck, and then pulled them to stand up together.

"Let's go back!" Chen Xin'an said to the two of them

Smiling slightly, he helped them move forward together.

Neither Ashi nor Shichang spoke, neither of them had recovered from the shock in their hearts.

I never imagined that those people would leave just like that!

Having received the news, Li Qi and others also came out of the underground pipes. Even Chen Xin'an did not expect that there were so many people living in this underground pipe!

Including the people who go out to pick up garbage early in the morning to find odd jobs, there are nearly a thousand people living in this slum area.

Seeing that Ah Shi and Shi Chang were injured, Zhiying quickly brought some medical supplies.

The conditions here are limited, and everyone has no money to see a doctor if they are sick or injured, so Zhiying always keeps some medicines and gives a simple bandage to anyone who is injured.

If it is a serious illness or injury, you can only endure the pain.

Some people who are weak and have poor endurance will not be able to survive and will die here.

At that time, the welfare agency will send people to collect the body, burn it and bury it casually, and forget it. No relatives or friends will come to claim it or express condolences.

Ah Shi comforted Zhiying, who was bandaging him and still crying, "Sister, stop crying, it's really okay."

Those people are gone, I just suffered a little physical pain, it’s nothing! "

Zhiying said with some worry, "You were injured this time, and you might even lose your life next time!

Say whatever those people ask, as long as you don't tell them the truth, don't go against them!

They are from Blue Rubik's Cube. What ability do you have to fight against them?

They won’t let us go in the future, I think we have to find a new place now..."

Chen Xin'an shook her head and said to her, "Zhiying, don't worry, no one will dare to settle accounts with you in the future, and no one will come to trouble you again!

You are our friends, and I, Chen Xin'an, will not let you be bullied! "

Zhiying smiled slightly, looked at him and said, "Mr. Chen, I know you are a capable person.

But you can't help us forever. "

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