Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3042 Rich people have no conscience

There were many people surrounding Yun Nishang's door.

The family members of the deceased, wearing sackcloth and mourning, knelt on the street and cried loudly.

There were many tourists around and the whole road seemed a bit crowded.

The police have arrived and are maintaining order and persuading family members.

But it was of no use. The family members were crying and shouting, "Kill to pay for life!"

This is not the most troublesome thing.

What is even more troublesome is that many tourists, who initially watched the excitement, turned to support the family of the deceased, denounced Yun Nishang, and even began to resist the police.

Yun Nishang's shop has been closed, and the boss went to the police station to cooperate with the investigation. Several shop assistants hid inside in fear, not daring to show their faces.

Standing next to Luo Xiaoman were Xiao Zhang and Guan Gu, as well as more than 20 company security guards, all sitting in the milk tea shop next to them.

Guangu said to Luo Xiaoman, "Brother Man, something is wrong!

I see something is going to happen today. Do you want to mobilize manpower to the headquarters to come over and provide support? "

Luo Xiaoman nodded and said, "Ask Guan Hui to gather two hundred people for me. If there is an emergency, they will rush over as quickly as possible to support..."

"Don't do these useless things!" Xiao Zhang frowned and scolded, "At this point, it will take almost two hours at the fastest to get here from the headquarters!

The daylilies were cold by the time they arrived!

Besides, the police are here, let’s not be too pushy, just ask the police to come forward if anything happens.

Our only mission is to protect Xi Ruo.

She's coming! "

The scene on the commercial street was a bit chaotic, with cries, curses, and cheers resounding throughout.

Four or five police officers were maintaining order, but in front of nearly a thousand tourists, it was very difficult for them to cope.

A policeman walked up to the woman sitting on the ground with her head tied in white cloth and whispered a few words to her.

The woman's face was gloomy, she looked very angry, and she kept shaking her head.

The policeman stretched out his hand to help her up, but the woman threw his hand away and shouted loudly

"Hitting someone! Why did you drive me away?

My man was killed by the owner of this store, and he still hasn’t said anything yet.


You people don't help, you only help relatives, and you bully us Hong Kong people because you are local. Is there any justice? "

The people around him were also very angry and yelled!

“If you kill someone, then you’re just a turtle, right?

It's been so long, let alone compensation, and no one has even come out to apologize! "

"The person who bullied you is from out of town, right? Your film and television city is just for local people to play? Then let's go and you will lose money!"

"Don't believe what these official people say, they are all in the same group as these bandits who open shops!"

Someone suddenly shouted, "The murderers are hiding inside and won't come out. Let's rush in and find them out!"

The encouraged tourists began to rush towards the Yun Nishang store in a crowd. The police tried to stop them, but they were pushed aside unceremoniously!

"Everyone, calm down!" At this moment, Ning Xiruo had already rushed over, stopped in front of Yun Nishang's store, and shouted to everyone

"Everyone, listen to me! Don't be impulsive. Let's sit down and talk about anything we have to say!"

Everyone was so angry that they could not listen to what a woman said.

A bald man came over and pushed Ning Xiruo's chest, shouting, "Go away! Otherwise, I'll smash you too!"

This guy's tone is very strong, but his eyes are very lewd, and his actions are also very obscene!

But before he touched Ning Xiruo's clothes, a hand suddenly stretched out from beside him, grabbed his wrist, and twisted it out!

"Ouch!" The bald man screamed, half squatting on the ground.

Just when she was about to yell at the woman in front of her, Guan Qing shouted, "This is Mr. Ning, the big boss of the film and television city, and she is pregnant!"

Upon hearing that he was the big boss of this place and that he was a pregnant woman, everyone around him stopped. Although they were still a little excited, they did not rush forward.

Ning Xiruo took the gift from Xiaojiu

A loudspeaker, put it to your mouth and say to everyone

“We have called the police on this matter and are investigating.

I can understand the mood of the family of the deceased and everyone else.

I also guarantee here that I will give everyone a satisfactory explanation on this matter.

Now I also want to know the wishes of the family. .??.

Things have happened and we cannot change the outcome, but we can negotiate the best compensation plan.

So I would like to ask the family members to come to the office to discuss the follow-up compensation issues.

Let's calm down, sit down, and discuss it calmly.

I wonder what the family members think? "

The woman raised her head and looked at Ning Xiruo, seeming a little confused.

She turned her head and looked at the crowd.

The two seven or eight-year-old children beside her, who were wearing sackcloth and mourning, started to cry. They turned to her and shouted, "Mom, I'm afraid!"

Someone in the crowd shouted, “Don’t believe her nonsense!

They are all in the same group, they just want to trick their families into coming, and then threaten them and control them!

These rich people are so heartless that they would bully these orphans and widowed mothers! "

"Yes! This is their plan to delay the attack. Don't be fooled! Once you get to the office, everything will be decided by them!"

"If the murderer dares not show up, then his store will be destroyed! Whoever dares to stop him will be beaten with her! Anyway, these bastards are all working together!"

The woman stood up, took her two children with her, and suddenly rushed towards Ning Xiruo!

They took the lead, and the group of tourists around them all became excited and rushed towards Yun Nishang together!

Ning Xiruo and everyone around her changed their expressions!

She wanted to leave now, but it was too late!

Guan Qing and Xiaojiu rushed over at the same time and hugged Ning Xiruo.

Mengbowa, Chen Rong, Zhou Zhi, and Lin Keer all rushed to the front and formed a human wall with their bodies.

But these few people can't stop the surging crowd!

The girls were all pushed against the wall next to them and squeezed together!

These are star-level beauties like Lin Keer, being squeezed by a group of men. It is impossible to say that these people have no bad intentions!


With a crashing sound, Lin Keer's clothes were torn!

She screamed and covered her body with her hands.

And then, Chen Rong also let out a horrified cry.

At this moment, Mombova shouted angrily, "Get out of here!"

She opened her arms and covered a man's face!

The man screamed, covered his eyes with his hands, and stepped back hard!

Mompowa didn't care about anything, just scratching and wiping with her hands.

There was something on her hands, it was greasy, but if it was applied to her eyes, it would sting and make her unable to open her eyes.

"These girls are doing something dirty! Strip them naked!" Someone in the crowd shouted, and everyone rushed over.

Several policemen rushed over and shouted, "Don't mess around! You are breaking the law!"

But before they even got close, they were already swamped by tourists, and they were packed into nowhere!

The girls protected Ning Xiruo and tried to escape, but there was no way out!

Ning Xiruo pointed forward with a horrified expression and shouted, "Child!"

In the crowd, the woman's two children were separated from their mother, and were staggered by the crowd.

This is very dangerous!

In such a crowd, the consequence of falling to the ground is to be trampled by nearly a thousand people!

But before Ning Xiruo could rush over and grab one of the children, the woman suddenly rushed over and pushed Ning Xiruo on the shoulder!

Ning Xiruo screamed and fell backwards!

Guan Qing had quick hands and eyes and hugged her!

But the woman kicked Ning Xiruo in the stomach again!

Xiao Jiu stepped forward and kicked Xiao Jiu in the stomach!

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