Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3044: That guy wasn’t mad to death

Regardless of whether Ning Xiruo agreed or not, the girls sent her to the hospital, and the meeting with Jiamu Film executives was also cancelled.

After some inspection, Ning Xiruo was pushed out, and all the girls gathered around her.

"Doctor Qu, how is my sister-in-law doing now?" Xiaojiu asked, holding the arm of the female doctor in white coat.

This Dr. Qu Guangmeng is a top expert on women and children in Kyoto, and is at the top level in the obstetrics and gynecology field nationwide. .??.

And she is also an old acquaintance with everyone, because she was the one who delivered Luo Qianxue when she gave birth.

Qu Guangmeng shook his head and said to everyone, "Don't worry, I'm just a little emotional, my body is fine!

As long as Xiao Meng is with Mr. Ning, nothing big will happen.

But you must also be careful not to let her take risks again!

You all know her physique, it is very special.

And this time I am pregnant with twins, so I need to be more careful before I do that!

Once danger occurs, not only the children will be unable to survive, but the lives of adults will also be in danger! "

Everyone nodded desperately.

Thinking of the scene just now, everyone was so scared that they broke into a cold sweat!

Even if everything was fine, everyone still forced Ning Xiruo to stay in the hospital for one night, and then allowed her to go home after observing that everything was fine.

Returning to Four Seasons Flower City, lying on the bed at home, Zhou Zhi said to Ning Xiruo, "I will go to the meeting with Jiamu's senior management on your behalf. It's just a signing anyway.

If you really can't hold a video conference, there won't be anything wrong. "

Chen Rong nodded and said, "Yes, from now on, sister-in-law, put aside everything and concentrate on raising the baby.

If you don't agree, I'll call my brother now! "

Ning Xiruo scratched her nose and said helplessly, "Is your brother nicer to you or your sister-in-law?"

"I don't care!" Chen Rong wrinkled her nose and said, "I'll report you if you don't obey me!"

Ning Xiruo had no choice but to surrender.

In fact, she is more nervous than anyone else and more scared than anyone else.

No one knew how long she had been waiting for the child in her belly.

When I found out I was pregnant, I also

No one could understand how happy she was!

If possible, she would really like to lie at home and do nothing but watch her belly get bigger day by day.

She could just lie there with her unborn child, enjoying the process of life gestating in her body.

The feeling of flesh and blood between mother and child is much more interesting than anything else!

But she can't just lie down like this, because she is the newly appointed secretary-general of gbsa!

Even if she couldn't bear to take the position of secretary-general seriously, she couldn't let go of the company's affairs!

She can let go of the Liangmao Group as she pleases, but she doesn't feel bad if the property is given to others.

But she didn't dare to completely let go of the Anhao Group's affairs, because it was Chen Xin'an's hard work!

No one knows better than her how ambitious her man is.

He kept saying that he just wanted to be a door-to-door son-in-law who lived and died.

But deep down in his heart, he wants to be a towering tree that can protect his lover, brothers and friends from wind and rain!

Therefore, she does not allow any mistakes to be made in the country that her husband has built with her own hands. She can only do many things by herself.

But now, she really didn't dare to move.

Today's experience left her with lingering fears. If Mombova hadn't been by her side, she would have really felt that she was in danger this time.

She would rather have something happen to herself than the child in her belly to be harmed!

Therefore, it is better to stay at home and leave the work matters to the sisters!

Unexpectedly, Zhou Zhi came back in the afternoon and said to Ning Xiruo angrily

"The senior management of Jiamu left, saying that we were not sincere, and the leasing plan of the film and television city was also suspended!

Originally, there were several projects that were going to be filmed in the film and television city next year.

But now I hear what they want, they want to go

Lingnan. "

Ning Xiruo sat by the bed, frowned and asked, "Why is this happening? It must be because I didn't treat you well.

When did the person leave? "

Zhou Zhi shrugged and said, "It's near noon. Mr. Ning, I should have booked the flight yesterday. No matter what the outcome is, I have to leave today."

Ning Xiruo thought for a while and said to Zhou Zhi, "Xiao Zhou, help me book a ticket to the outer port tomorrow. I want to go to Jiamu Company in person."

"No!" Zhou Zhi shook his head and said, "You are not physically able to fly now!"

Ning Xiruo shook her head and said, "It's okay. You can fly this month. Don't think I don't understand!"

Seeing what Zhou Zhi was going to say, Ning Xiruo waved her hand and said, "Xiao Zhou, you don't know how important this matter is!

Xin An has always been thinking about the film and television city project.

This will also be a treasure trove for Anhao Group in the future.

If the first big order is let go like this, the loss to our group will be immeasurable.

The cooperation with Jiamu Film is not only a rental contract, but also an opportunity for our Dream Media to go global.

It is also an opportunity to make high-quality connections, which we cannot let go.

Another point is that the gbsa office location will expire next year, and I must consider the issue of relocating the headquarters.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Anhao Group will fully integrate with international standards, and its impact on the entire group will be earth-shaking. "

"In that case, I will go in your place!" Zhou Zhi looked at Ning Xiruo and said, "If they look down on me, then I will let them take back their prejudices!

I am your assistant, and you know my abilities.

A small Jiamu Film is not worthy of you making this trip in person.

It's just right for me to go!

As for the GBSA matter, you can wait for Mr. Chen to come back and I will accompany you.

It doesn't matter if you wait for a few days. Didn't he say that he would return in a few days? "

Seeing Ning Xiruo still hesitating, Zhou Zhi said, "Anyway, you want to go to Waigang, unless the child is born.

Now no one will let you go.

Believe it or not, I will buy a ticket for you now. Except for this door, Sister Qing and Ye Zhen will peel off my skin?"

Ning Xiruo was silent.

After a while, she seemed to have made up her mind, and said to Zhou Zhi with guilt, "Then trouble you to make a trip for me!

Originally wanted Brother Duan to send you, but..."

"That's even more inconvenient, and it still needs approval!" Zhou Zhi waved his hand and said, "Didn't we agree to let Brother Duan and others arrange the time to leave for Dongchao the day after tomorrow?

Don't change the plan anymore. I will prepare today and book a ticket for tomorrow! "

Ning Xiruo nodded.

Someone knocked on the door, Zhou Zhi walked over and opened the bedroom door, Guan Qing and Mu Yezhen walked in angrily with Yi Lian'er.

"What's wrong?" Ning Xiruo smiled and looked at the three of them.

Guan Qing and Mu Yezhen glanced at Yi Lian'er and motioned her to speak.

Yi Lian'er nodded and said to Ning Xiruo, "Sister-in-law, I went to the hospital with Brother He today.

I couldn't help and was bored, so I wandered around downstairs. I saw some people who were very sneaky, so I followed them.

Those people were sanitation workers, but someone gave them money to deal with the hospital's garbage.

They picked out the garbage from a bag, put it in a special box, and then threw it to the garbage dump to burn and bury it, but I snatched it back.

I have let Brother He and the people in the hospital see it. It was the things left by the person who was angry to death.

Brother He said that the remaining medicines in the bottle contained things that were not in the hospital prescription.

These medicines have been tampered with! "

Ning Xiruo was stunned. After a while, she looked at everyone and said, "What this means is that the man was not angry to death, but was... murdered?"

The women nodded in unison.

This matter is not that simple!

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