Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3049 I just can’t stand you

This was the first time for everyone to see such an alternative way of drinking. For a moment, everyone looked at Lou Zaiyuan.

In fact, handstand is not difficult for Lou Zaiyuan.

He is not only a bartender, but also the bodyguard of the boss. He also has a special identity, the Dongchao Super Taekwondo Master!

In the entire Dongchao, he is the only one who can surpass the black belt and reach the special level!

He had already started practicing this technique when he first learned Taekwondo, so he wouldn't feel tired even if he stood on his head for a day!

Following Chen Xin'an's example, he also stood on his hands, then supported the ground with only one hand, and picked up the bottle with the other hand.

As if he felt it was inconvenient to hold the bottle with his left hand, he suddenly raised his right hand and stood upside down in the air.

At the same time, he handed the wine bottle in his left hand to his right hand and made a switch, but his body was hanging steadily in the air!

"Okay!" Everyone around them applauded excitedly!

Someone next to him smiled and said, "Just with this skill, you are much better than that Chinese!"

Still want to use such crooked tricks to embarrass our Bacchus?

He found the wrong person! "

Everyone laughed.

Chen Xin'an took the wine bottle and gestured to Lou Zaiyuan. The two touched the bottle and then started drinking from the mouth of the bottle.

As soon as Lou Zaiyuan came up, he took several gulps and drank almost half a bottle of wine!

For him, he would not get drunk even if he drank three bottles of this 56-degree liquor.

When practicing kung fu, because I was afraid of pain and hardship, I often secretly drank some wine to numb myself.

Unexpectedly, over time, he developed a good tolerance for drinking, and his kung fu skills also increased.

But today there is something evil!

After just a few sips of wine, Lou Zaiyuan felt dizzy and his body was a little out of control. He shook a few times and almost fell down!

Fortunately, he reacted in time, put the wine bottle in his hand on the ground, put his hands on the ground, and stabilized his body!

The onlookers around were also shocked!

It's only been less than ten seconds, but Lord Dionysus can't hold it anymore?

Seeing that his body shook twice and finally stabilized, everyone relaxed.

One breath.

Chen Xin'an on the side was steadily supporting his body with one hand and drinking wine leisurely.

But there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

These idiots!

I really don’t treat Lao Jing Pao as high-alcohol wine!

This wine is so strong in the front and so strong in the back that most people can lie down on the spot after blowing a bottle and sleep for two or three days. They might even have to go to the hospital for gastric lavage.

This is not a wine that can be drunk in a hurry. You must drink it slowly to taste the aroma of the wine.

Lou Zaiyuan's method of drinking cold boiled water made him unable to drink it after gulping down one bottle.

Even if he drinks well and can stay awake, he can't stay dizzy.

What's more, now I'm drinking while standing upside down!

When a person is in an inverted state, the blood in the whole body flows backwards to the head. Ordinary people can't stand it for a long time and will become dizzy, let alone drinking while standing upside down!

Not to mention he is the god of wine, even a big wine vat will still make him dizzy!

Sure enough, Lou Zaiyuan took another sip as if he didn't believe in evil, but the result was that his head was like a blender, turning everything into chaos!

Not to mention trying to hold it up with one hand, even if I threw the bottle and tried to hold it up with both hands, I couldn't steady my body, and it hit the ground with a plop!

Everyone was in an uproar!

Look at Chen Xin'an again, with one hand on the ground, still drinking steadily, without any sign of dizziness!

Seeing Lou Zaiyuan fall, Chen Xin'an smiled calmly and said, "It's okay, you can have someone help you and keep drinking!"

Bacchus, you can’t drink so badly. Mr. Lou can definitely still drink, so he’s not a loser! "

The onlookers around were all blushing.

This grandson's mouth is so bad. Talking like this is like slapping everyone present in the face!

How much you boasted to Lou Zaiyuan just now, how embarrassing it is now!

Several people came forward and tried to help Lou Zaiyuan up.

Lou Zaiyuan, whose face turned red at this moment, pushed everyone away.

As soon as you hold up your hands, you have to stand on your head.

It would be extremely embarrassing if he was helped by others to stand on his head!

It's a pity that my will is strong but my body is weak. The handstand that usually takes no effort at all has become extremely difficult now.

As soon as his hands touched the ground, his body turned over and hit the ground hard again!

The results are already evident.

Chen Xin'an stood up, stood in front of Lou Zaiyuan, shook the bottle in his hand and said

"I haven't finished my drink, so even if it's a tie, neither of us wins, and neither of us loses!"

But such a concession, in Lou Zaiyuan's view, is a huge insult!

Because he felt that this was Chen Xin'an trying to save face for him, it was the winner's pity for the loser!

He is the god of wine! He is a national wine substitute! He's the boss's bodyguard! He is also a super master of Taekwondo!

How could such a person accept mercy from others!

What's more, this guy is the one he originally planned to humiliate!

That's right, he went to drink with Chen Xin'an because he was deliberately looking for trouble and wanted Chen Xin'an to make a fool of himself in public!

Unexpectedly, before the other party could make a fool of himself, he himself would be embarrassed!

He pushed away the people around him, pointed at Chen Xin'an and said, "Chen Xin'an, who is the tie with you?

We must fight to win or lose!

I lose if I drink, so let’s have a fight now!

Let's see whose punches and kicks are the most powerful! "

"Mr. Lou, are you drunk?" The people next to him were startled and hurried over to persuade him.

What is the occasion?

The leader is still chatting with the guests over there, but you are here having a private fight with someone's great hero?

No matter you win or lose, you will bring shame on the entire Dongchao!

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, looked at Lou Zaiyuan and said, "There's no need, Mr. Lou! I don't want to compete with you at all, so it doesn't matter who is better.

If you want to drink, I'll drink with you, and forget about the rest! "

"No! You..." Lou Zai

Yuan was still a little reluctant, but someone next to him yelled, "Lou Zaiyuan, that's enough! Mr. Fu Lou, go down and take a rest, he drank too much!"

The people present were all official bosses, and anyone who stood up was a powerful person.

Although Lou Zaiyuan is the chief's bodyguard, he is far inferior to these people in terms of status.

To help you enjoy the wine, you can let him play with it.

But once the line is crossed, you can't coddle him anymore.

Lou Zaiyuan was also awakened by the loud shout, and his head calmed down a bit. He waved his hand to the waiter who came next to him, indicating that he did not need to help him, and turned to everyone.

"I'm sorry, I lost my temper!"

He apologized to everyone, but did not apologize to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an didn't care, nodded politely to everyone, and walked to the bathroom.

I drank a lot this night, and my stomach was full of water.

After coming out of the bathroom, Lou Zaiyuan stood next to the sink, washing his hands and looking at him in the mirror.

Chen Xin'an walked to the faucet beside him, washed her hands and asked, "Mr. Lou, are you okay?"

Lou Zaiyuan said calmly, "Something's wrong! I still want to discuss with you!"

Taking out a tissue to wipe her hands, Chen Xin'an turned to look at Lou Zaiyuan and asked, "Okay, can you make an appointment to find a place?"

Lou Zaiyuan nodded and said, "It's now, right here!

Don't worry, I have closed the door and no one will disturb me in a short time!

Let's solve it quickly and it won't affect others.

If I hit you too hard and hurt you, I will explain to others that you drank too much and I have sent you back to the hotel! "

Chen Xin'an frowned, looked at Lou Zaiyuan and asked, "Mr. Lou, do I have any grudge against you?"

"No!" Lou Zaiyuan shook his head and said to him, "I just can't stand you!

Why does she ignore me even though I have been chasing her for so many years?

But she took the initiative to chase you, but you abandoned her like a dick!

Why are you? "

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