Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3054 He and I are not from the same world

Cold light flashes!

Chen Xin'an, who was sitting on the curb, suddenly threw out his hands, and two cold lights flew towards Miya Musashi!

Because it was backlit, the environment was limited, and Chen Xin'an's movements were too sudden, so Miya Musashi was a beat slow.

When he was about to dodge, the cold light had already arrived!

Without enough time to dodge, Miya Musashi raised his hands upwards, pulled out the long knife from the roof of the car, and blocked it in front of him!

With two ding sounds, two crossbow arrows hit the blade, causing a cloud of sparks to fly!

Miya Musashi cursed angrily, "Despicable..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xin'an jumped up and fired with both hands!

Miya Musashi couldn't see clearly what weapon the other party used, but the danger he expected was already approaching.

He waved the long knife in his hand, and with a clanging sound, steel needles were swept away one by one!

But there were still a few fish that slipped through the net and stabbed him in the face!

Gong Musashi screamed in pain. Seeing Chen Xin'an raise his right hand again, as if holding something, he screamed strangely, jumped high from the roof of the car, brandished his long knife, and slashed Chen Xin'an's head!

Chen Xin'an didn't have time to throw out the steel needle, and kept moving back with her feet.

Maybe because I drank too much, I was still a little dizzy, unsteady on my feet, and staggering when I walked. I almost fell down several times and was hit by a long knife!

Gong Musashi chased after him, and his long knife flashed a silver light under the street lamp, like a knife net, covering Chen Xin'an.

Watching the two people walking away, Quan Suying quickly got into the car, put the gear in gear, released the handbrake, and started off. Leiyu's car roared and left quickly with a cloud of black smoke!

"Miss, how are you?" Quan Suying asked nervously, looking at Qiu Yizhen who was shivering and bleeding from her shoulder.

Qiu Yizhen shook her head.

Although the knife hurt her just now, only a small part of the knife tip penetrated her body. Although she bled, the injury was not serious.

She turned around, looked at the road behind her, and said, "Sister Ying, Chen Xin'an, he..."

"Why are you still thinking about him!" Quan Suying cursed angrily, "That bastard is simply not a human being!

Miss, you are passionately devoted to him, but he is unkind and unkind to you!

He even just treats you as a plaything!

Miss, what is your identity?

Such a bastard deserves to be hacked to death by that lunatic!

Don't worry about this kind of person anymore, because he is not worth it! "

Qiu Yizhen turned her upper body to the back, looked out the back window with her eyes, and said faintly, "Sister Ying, if he didn't say this, do you think that madman would let us leave alive?"

Quan Suying was stunned and speechless for a long time.

After a while, she snorted and said, "I don't think that bastard meant to lie to that madman, I'm afraid that's what he thought.

But even if it's not, we can't go back, it's too dangerous!

Miss, you need to know that he is facing the former Holy Master!

You have seen the Holy Master take action with your own eyes. Although it is just a performance, it can also represent his strength!

Not to mention the two of us, even if Brother Zaiyuan and the security team came, we would be helpless in front of this person.

If we go back, we will die! "

Qiu Yizhen nodded and turned around with a sad expression, not knowing what she was thinking.

After a while, she suddenly sat up straight and said in realization, "No wonder he didn't let me send him off from the beginning!

It turns out...he had expected all of this!

It seems that he still cares about me!

Sister Ying, are you right? "

Quan Suying wiped her face with one hand.

What kind of poison did the young lady have? Why are you so obsessed with that Chinese boy?

What is so good about it that can make such a beautiful girl of heaven be fascinated by it?

Seemingly understanding Quan Suying's thoughts, Qiu Yizhen smiled self-deprecatingly and said to her

"Sister Ying, don't worry, I won't do anything stupid.

Because I discovered something, I

He and he are from two different worlds!

Ever since I was a child, I have never been as scared or helpless as I was just now.

It was also the first time in my life that I felt the horror of death!

I kept thinking at that time, if I died, would my parents be sad?

Will those who usually coax me and compliment me feel sad? "

"I'm sorry, miss, I wasn't able to save you just now..." Quan Suying said with a guilty look on her face.

Qiu Yizhen shook her head and sighed, "That's the Holy Master! How can you protect me in front of him?"

If he wants to kill me, even if my father sends a team to protect me, he will definitely die, right?

But it's ridiculous. People like me have no right to let people like him kill me!

But he came to assassinate Chen Xinan at all costs!

Even when facing the Holy Master, Chen Xin'an will not be as fearful and flinching as we are.

Can you imagine what kind of life he lived?

I can understand why he loves his wife so much!

Because that woman can live such a life of fear.

I can't do this!

I had no worries about food and clothing since I was a child, and my life was comfortable and peaceful. My heart longed for appropriate stimulation, but I was unwilling to face death.

I like Chen Xin'an, but I don't want to live this unpredictable life with him.

This is the gap between him and me. After all, we are people from two worlds. No matter how we forcefully match them, we can't merge together! "

Quan Suying looked at the tearful Qiu Yezhen in the rearview mirror and sighed, but she was also a little thankful.

Regardless, the lady looked away.

Chen Xin'an is a capable man, but he is not a man who can be trusted for life.

At least that's the case for young ladies.

So if the young lady can come out on her own, that would be the best thing.

This is the best. When the provincial lady received the news of Chen Xin'an's death,

, I will be so sad that I can’t help myself.

After all, that guy offended the Holy Master!

No matter whether he was prepared in advance or not, being chased by the Holy Master would be the same as offending a god. The result would be death, right?

The long knife passed by, and Chen Xin'an rolled forward awkwardly, barely able to avoid the blow.

There was heat flowing down the back of his back. Chen Xin'an touched it with his backhand, and there was blood between his fingers!

Miya Musashi shook one hand, and the long knife made a buzzing sound. The blood beads on the tip of the knife were scattered and disappeared without a trace.

Looking at Chen Xin'an, who was grinning in pain, Gong Musashi sneered and said, "How are you? Have you sobered up?"

Chen Xinan stretched his arms back, took a breath of cold air, and cursed at Gong Musashi

"Wake up, uncle! Even if I'm drunk, I can kill you, an old Yinbi!"

After scolding him, he turned around and ran away!

Miya Musashi snorted with a straight face, raised his knife and chased after him!

He has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time!

His body was getting worse day by day, and he had no idea when he would no longer be able to lift the knife, let alone maintain such fighting power!

Because he didn't get a chance for blood transfusion, he could even feel that his body was aging visibly!

If he took off his mask now, he even doubted that no one would recognize him even if he walked on the street as long as he didn't open his mouth!

No one would believe that this old man with a wrinkled face and hair that had turned completely gray in a few days was the former Saint Master of Dongchao!

He could continue to live a carefree life like this, and he might die of old age in a year or two.

He is also confident that no one will be able to identify him within the next two years.

But he is not willing to give in!

He could have lived longer, lived more comfortably and luxuriously.

It was Chen Xin'an who caused everything that happened to him now!

If you don't kill this bastard, there's no point in letting him live any longer!

He wanted to kill this enemy, even if he died tomorrow, it would be worth it!

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