Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3062 If you feel unsure, just admit defeat.

Under the stands of the training ground, Lei Ming walked around a large building in front of him and walked out in less than ten minutes.

This building has five floors and is like an unfinished building. It is mainly used by the Hongshitai Guards to train floor guards and offensive and defensive tactics.

Lou Zaiyuan stood at the entrance of the first floor with more than 20 team members, looked at Lei Ming with a half-smile and said

"What's wrong? You came down so quickly. Are you planning to give up?

Or you think this competition is too harsh, you can choose one that you are better at and we will play with you.

It doesn't matter, you are a guest, we can accommodate you! "

"Hahaha!" A group of guards all laughed, looking at Lei Ming with eyes full of teasing and ridicule.

"Captain, you think too highly of this Chinese boy! You actually sent three elites from our escort team to deal with him! I can deal with him by myself!"

"I originally wanted to have a toy delivered to my door so that we could have some fun and play with him! I didn't expect that he would be such a bad guy and give up before he even started!"

"His master will practice with us, and he will probably be able to cheer us up to deal with it.

But he is just an apprentice, and he is so young, how good can he be?

How much can he learn from his master? "

Lou Zaiyuan smiled and waved to his team members, looked at Lei Ming and said, "Mr. General and your master are sitting up there.

All you need to do is give a half-kneeling salute to our escort in front of them.

Or you can lift this thing up and shake it! "

He turned around and someone handed him a small white flag.

Everyone looked at Lei Ming with a smile, waiting for him to take it.

Lei Ming just glanced at Lou Zaiyuan, without looking at the small white flag, and said lightly

"No need, you can start!"

Lou Zaiyuan was stunned for a moment, looked at Lei Ming in disbelief and asked, "You just walked around here and didn't stop at every place. Can you start now?"

Lei Ming gestured in the direction of the stands and said, "If you are not ready, continue.

If you're still not sure, go ahead together.

It doesn't matter, I don't count you as violating the rules! "

"What are you talking about!" A group of guardsmen were all angry!

"Three of us have already defeated you, and you still want us to come together? Are you looking for death?"

"Boy, if you want to be arrogant in front of people like us, you have to be strong! If you are just talking, you will suffer a lot later!"

“I think this kid is playing retreat in order to advance.

We have already lost anyway, so the three of us are no different from all of us.

And once he loses, he can be said to be fighting alone with our team, and it is understandable that he loses..."

Lei Ming picked his ears impatiently and said to Lou Zaiyuan, "Are you still going to play? If you feel unsure, just admit defeat. Anyway, I have all the white chess pieces!"

Lou Zaiyuan threw the white chess piece in his hand to the brother next to him, and cursed at Lei Ming with a livid face.

"Okay, since you are anxious and want to embarrass yourself, I will help you!

Let me reiterate the items of the competition.

There are cars in the parking lot under the stands, and the keys are on top.

Choose your own vehicle and navigate through the obstacle course to reach the building.

Use the fastest speed to deal with the gangsters, rush to the top floor, and rescue the hostages. The competition is over.

However, there are only three guns in the whole building. You need to find the guns as soon as possible before you can deal with the hostages!

The so-called no rules means that you can create obstacles between each other. No matter what method you use, the first one to rush to the rooftop and rescue the hostages is the winner! "

He turned around, looked at Lei Ming and the three team members next to him and asked, "Do you understand? Do you have any questions?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Lou Zaiyuan glanced at Lei Ming, turned his head and said to the three people next to him.

"Chengjun, Shengji, Jiongzhong, don't take it lightly.

enemy. Don't disgrace our escort team! "

"Yes!" The three of them answered at attention. They raised their heads and looked into Lou Zaiyuan's eyes. They all gave him a knowing look, with an imperceptible smile on their lips.

In the stands, the leader seemed very interested and said to Chen Xin'an, "Don't worry, young people are very competitive when they play games. Winning or losing is not important, so don't be nervous!"

Qiu Yizhen glanced at Chen Xin'an and said worriedly, "Brother Xin'an, how about I ask them to cancel the competition?"

This comparison is simply not fair!

After all, this is an event that the guards train on daily, and they are all very familiar with the rules.

The environment here is so good that I can almost swim around with my eyes closed!

Your apprentice came out less than ten minutes after he arrived. If the competition continues like this, he will definitely lose!

If you really want to compete, you should re-select the project and location, otherwise..."

Before she finished speaking, Chen Xin'an raised his arm, shook it at her, frowned and said

“I’m not worried about the competition.

I'm thinking about what you told me before!

You said that both Blue Cube and Saimdang want to take over the National Fund? "

Qiu Yizhen's eyes widened, she looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief and said, "Brother Xin'an, why are you thinking about things that are not related to the competition at this time?

Don't you worry about your apprentice at all?

Or do you think it was a losing outcome, and you were just giving everyone an explanation, so you weren’t in a hurry to cancel it, or just didn’t care about it?

But once you lose, Lou Zaiyuan will not make you look good, he will try his best to embarrass you! "

If nothing else, the leader's daughter does have a good heart. She really thinks about Chen Xin'an.

Therefore, her admiration for Chen Xin'an also comes from the heart. It is not simply a matter of worshiping a hero and looking for excitement.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, looked at the people walking towards the training ground, and said firmly

"Since I promised Lei Ming

Compete for me and have confidence in him.

So I won't worry about the content or results of this competition.

I have single-handedly promoted the foundation's projects, and now that something goes wrong, that's what I'm most worried about! "

The boss turned his head, looked at Chen Xin'an and asked, "Mr. Chen, I think you are a little too worried.

In fact, both Blue Cube and Renshitang are the official organizations of Dongchao.

They are also supervised by Hongshitai and can be trusted.

Although the National Fund was founded by Mr. Chen, it is only natural for the government to take over its management.

Of course, this is not the result I want.

What I want to see most is that Mr. Chen takes the lead.

And I can give enough support, whether it is the assistant team or the official status, to meet Mr. Chen's expectations. "

Chen Xin'an smiled and said nothing.

This college student really had his eyes on him. He seized every opportunity and tried every means to keep him in Dongchao.

The boss smiled and said, "Actually, Mr. Chen and Blue Cube are not outsiders.

Cha Minji has asked me for permission more than once, wanting to drag you into the Blue Rubik's Cube.

He even made a promise that as long as you can enter the Blue Rubik's Cube, he, the director, can leave all his problems to you!

But I can't make decisions for Mr. Chen at will, so I can only ask for him.

And in my mind, Mr. Chen’s identity is not just the person in charge of the Blue Cube.

I am willing to take over the security of the entire Hongshi Terrace, and even the security of the entire Dongchao.

Leave it to Mr. Chen!

With Mr. Chen’s strength and his status, he is completely capable! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head, smiled and said to the boss, "I am not the type to do big things!

I can only live up to the great love of the freshman. I still want to go home and live an ordinary life with my wife and children on the hot bed! "

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