Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3064 There are not only three opponents

Not to mention people like Lei Ming who are not familiar with the environment, not even the veteran members of the Hongshitai Guards dare to drive fast on this road!

No matter how many wheels it has, the speed must be controlled below 60 kilometers per hour.

Because the terrain of this road is complex and full of potholes, too much speed can easily cause the vehicle to lose control.

The scariest thing is the traps on the roadside, which are full of dangers.

It's either an iron tree covered with thorns or a strange rock with protruding spikes. If you accidentally hit it, it won't be a big deal if the car is hit and scrapped. If the person is killed, he will end up with a broken body!

Therefore, this winding dirt road, which is at most three meters wide, is called the "Ghost Gate Road" by the guards. During normal training, I drive with caution and caution.

But now, this Chinese man who has only walked through the terrain once is riding a mountain bike, leaping over an off-road vehicle at a speed of nearly 100 kilometers per hour, and rushing towards the fifth floor!

That guy wasn't competing at all, he was risking his life!

As long as he is not careful, his car will be destroyed and people will be killed!

But that guy didn't seem to care about life and death at all. He left everyone with the roar of the motorcycle's gas pedal, and the figure rising into the sky from time to time in the dust and smoke, and drove away!

"Be careful!" Chengjun, who was sitting in the passenger seat of the off-road vehicle, shouted to Seunggi who was driving.

As the car body shook violently, the front of the car could barely avoid the big rock in front, and the left half of the wheel was tilted!

Fortunately, Shengji's driving skills were quite good. After some maneuvers, the car was righted over, but the motorcycle that flew past could not even be seen now!

Cheng Jun cursed angrily, "Be careful! Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and chase!"

Jiongzhong sat in the back with his mouth wide open, muttering, "That guy must be dying!"

After seeing this scene, everyone in the stands was shocked and speechless!

The couple held telescopes and could not bear to take their eyes off them for a long time.

Even the little guy Qiu Shixi showed a rare expression of excitement and shock. He no longer looked like an emotionless doll who was at the mercy of others.

r\u003eQiu Yizhen grabbed Chen Xin'an's arm and said in a trembling voice, "Brother Xin'an, why is your apprentice so crazy!

We can't let him fight like this, he will die!

I'm going to tell dad now to cancel this competition! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, shook her head and said, "Miss Qiu, don't worry, Lei Ming will be fine!"

"How could you do this!" Qiu Yizhen was angry and looked at Chen Xin'an and said

"He is your apprentice!

Do you know how hard these people of the Red Rock Terrace Guard usually train?

Do you know how difficult and dangerous their project is?

Is it worth it to let your apprentice take risks just to take a gamble?

Even if your apprentice makes a small mistake, he will pay a heavy price!

Aren't you worried or scared at all? "

Chen Xin'an smiled and shook her head, comforting her and saying, "I told her, don't worry, he will be fine, I believe him..."

"You don't believe it, but you are irresponsible!" Qiu Yizhen angrily scolded Chen Xin'an

“The person down there is not you, so you’re not worried or scared, right?

Anyway, he is your apprentice, and you are not the only apprentice anyway. Even if something happens, you will only lose some money, and we, Red Stone Platform, will still pay for it, right?

But have you ever thought that just because of your anger, just because your apprentice wanted to vent his anger on you, he risked his life and might even lose his life because of it!

But what I got in exchange was your indifferent attitude!

Chen Xin'an, I didn't realize before that you are such a cruel person! "

Chen Xin'an's face turned red with anger, his chest rose and fell rapidly, and his face was full of disappointment and anger. Qiu Yizhen, who was staring at him closely, suddenly laughed.

Qiu Yizhen was even more angry and scolded Chen Xin'an, "Can you still laugh at this time? Do you really not care about your apprentice at all?"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "I care but don't worry. I know he won't let me down.

But Miss Qiu, I suddenly realized that you are quite cute like this! "

Qiu Yizhen's face seemed to be covered with a layer of red paint, so red that it almost bled.

She looked at Chen Xin'an with some shyness and annoyance and cursed, "At this time, you are still talking such nonsense!

You are really... pissing me off!

I'm not in the mood to talk nonsense to you right now. I'm going to ask dad to stop this competition! "

Chen Xin'an held her shoulders, shook her head and said, "Calm down and continue reading!"

It'll be fine. Even if you don't have confidence in my apprentice, you should have confidence in my vision! "

Qiu Yizhen couldn't stand up and could only look at Chen Xin'an angrily.

But she also wondered why Chen Xin'an had such confidence. Did he really think that his apprentice could still win the competition under such circumstances?

Another leap nearly three meters high!

Lei Ming grabbed the handlebars with both hands, used his body to control the direction of the car, and landed steadily.

Lei Ming, who had already seen the five-story building, was not even wearing a helmet. His face was calm, but there was a hint of disdain at the corner of his mouth.

Bullshit, the road to hell is closed!

Have you ever walked through the real road to hell?

Have you seen the Montenegrin tiger’s celestial path?

I cross the sky in 9 seconds in 10 seconds. I am the fastest Montenegrin Tiger now.

It was only four seconds slower than Master’s record of 6.88 seconds!

Isn't it just a play when dealing with little Kalami like you?


With a harsh sudden brake, the rear wheel of the motorcycle drew a semicircle on the ground, raising a large amount of gravel, and stopped in front of the building.

at the same time,

Lei Ming had already gotten out of the car and rushed into the building.

Lou Zaiyuan, who was standing on the top of the building, witnessed the whole process, and his face was livid at this moment.

Looking at the off-road vehicle still twenty meters away, he cursed "Trash!"

Lowering his head, Lou Zaiyuan said in a deep voice into the headset, "Turn off the lights! Don't let him get the gun!"

The equipment was in the fire box on the wall, that's what I was told before the competition.

The floor terrain is complex. Although fire boxes are available on each floor, they are located in different locations and are not easy to find.

And Lei Ming didn't believe that the guards wouldn't do anything about it.

Although he had gotten rid of the three people competing, Lei Ming also knew very well that those three were not the only opponents he had to face.

Everyone left in this building is his opponent!

Even if you don't dare to deal with him directly on the surface, you will still stumble him secretly!

The roar of cars has been heard outside, and the three opponents who were left behind have now arrived!

There were only a few lights on in the whole building, and the light was very weak.

Only escorts who are particularly familiar with the terrain can find the target with this kind of light.

A novice like Lei Ming, who has only been through it once, may not even be able to find the road and hit a wall at every turn, let alone find a gun!

In the darkness, Lei Ming relied on the impressions in his memory to find the fire box on the first floor.

But when he opened it, he found it was empty!

The gun is missing!

Someone must have deliberately tampered with it and taken away the gun inside!

Lei Ming ignored his anger and immediately turned around and rushed to the second floor!

But when passing by a door, a figure suddenly rushed out from inside and pulled the trigger at Lei Ming!

At the critical moment, Lei Ming lowered his body, raised his right hand, and rolled forward one after another to avoid the opponent's bullets.

With a popping sound, the bullet hit the opposite wall, splashing two large groups of red flowers!

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