Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3071 This is a place that can protect them from wind and rain

As the boss's daughter, Qiu Yizhen felt as if she had entered another world tonight!

Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that so many people were still living in the sewers of the city.

Seeing the disheveled and disheveled men and women in front of her, breathing in the pungent odor mixed with animal carcasses and industrial wastewater, Qiu Yizhen felt like she was about to faint!

Fortunately, Chen Xin'an injected an injection between her eyebrows, which made her less sensitive to the smell, and the feeling of being on the verge of collapse was alleviated a lot.

But the nose can no longer smell, but the eyes can see.

Those men and women whose hair was in clumps and had not washed their hair for several years or even more than ten years had maggots visible to the naked eye crawling on their bodies.

He randomly picked up some floating garbage bags from the sewage, fiddled with the garbage inside, grabbed some invisible objects, stuffed them into his mouth, and started chewing them!

"Ugh!" Qiu Yizhen covered her mouth with her right hand, her face became extremely ugly!

Chen Xin'an turned her head and said to her with a half-smile, "If Miss Qiu feels uncomfortable, just go up first!"

I'll ask Shichang to take you back to the car. Can you go back first? "

Qiu Yizhen waved her hands, suppressing the nausea in her heart, and wiped her mouth with a tissue. She didn't dare to take a deep breath, but said with a slight complaint.

“I just think these people are so unhygienic!

They have to dig through the garbage that others throw away and pick up the things inside to eat!

Those are the leftovers that people eat and throw away!

Also, why do these people live in this smelly and dirty sewer?

There are plenty of places outside, why not live there?

Haven't you already donated a lot of money?

Why not build a few houses for them to live in?

Even if the conditions are poor, as long as the house is better than this place!

Have they saved all the money they received?

Buying some fast food is much better than picking up garbage to eat, right?

Aren’t you afraid of getting upset after eating these things?

Aren't you sick? "


People looked at her like she was a fool.

Feeling the strange looks around her, Qiu Yizhen snorted and said, "What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"

Chen Xin'an shrugged and asked Qiu Yizhen, "Ms. Qiu means that they are not willing to live in a clean place and eat clean food?"

"Isn't it?" Qiu Yizhen was not afraid of causing public anger, and pointed angrily at Shichang and the people around him.

"Look at these people, how are they different from ordinary people?

In addition to the old, weak, sick and disabled, there are actually many people who are young and strong.

They walk out from here, find a job casually like normal people, and support themselves easily with their own abilities!

But what about them?

At such a young age, I am willing to be a vagabond, to live in this dirty sewer, and to eat the garbage that has been abandoned by others!

So these people deserve to live like this!

It is simply a waste of finances for the government to spend money to feed these people who are not enterprising..."

"Miss Qiu!" Chen Xin'an interrupted her, which really aroused public anger. The crowd here attacked her. Who knows what will happen!

Chen Xin'an walked to Shichang, pressed his shoulder and said, "His name is Shichang, I have forgotten his last name.

Nineteen years old this year! "

Qiu Yizhen rolled her eyes at him and said, "Why are you telling me all this? I don't want to know him!"

Chen Xin'an said calmly, "I want to tell you that he is only nineteen years old, and Miss Biqiu is two or three years younger, right?

But he suffers from congenital heart disease, which he has had since birth.

He was abandoned not long after he was born.

His survival to this day is all due to the care of his grandma.

But three years ago, his grandma also passed away. Thanks to meeting Zhiying and Ashi, he can continue to live.

Even he himself doesn’t know how many years he can live, even if I

, and there is nothing we can do about his illness! "

"Ah!..." Qiu Yizhen looked at Shichang in disbelief, her face full of shock.

Chen Xin'an continued, "Huado, a patient with congenital AIDS, is inherited from the mother during fetal period.

Let alone work, if he comes into contact with normal people, he will be treated as a monster and driven away. .??.

Only here, no one would dislike him.

And... forget it, I won't explain them one by one.

I can only say that the youth and strength in Miss Qiu's eyes are actually just superficial words.

Everyone here has some kind of disease, some are even terminal.

Not everyone is as lucky as Zhiying and has the chance to be cured.

Some people you saw today may have already..." next time you come here.

Chen Xin'an took a deep breath and looked at the stunned Miss Qiu who was blushing and said

"Ms. Qiu has lived a high-class and carefree life since she was a child.

They don’t know the suffering of the people at all, and they don’t understand the suffering in the world.

You think this place is filthy and stinky.

Even if you sleep on the street above, it will be cleaner than here.

Have you ever thought about where they would go if it was windy and rainy?

Although this place is dirty and smelly, it can protect them from wind and rain! "

"But..." Qiu Yizhen wanted to defend, but when she opened her mouth, she didn't know what to say.

Chen Xin'an continued, "Miss Qiu will feel disgusted when she sees them picking up garbage and eating it, but if they don't eat this, what will they use to fill their stomachs?

How big is the unemployment rate in Dongchao? I think Ms. Qiu has more say than me, right?

It is difficult for even normal people to find a job. Which company will give these people suffering from various serious diseases the opportunity to make money?

Even if they are doing business, they have no capital!

If they can't make money, what will they do to fill their stomachs?

What will you eat if you don’t pick up trash? "

Qiu Yizhen looked pale, looked at Chen Xin'an and asked timidly, "But with that

Isn't this much donation enough for them to improve their food and housing? "

"Not enough!" Chen Xin'an shook his head, looked at Qiu Yizhen and said, "Do you know how many homeless people like them there are in Chaojing?

What about the entire Dongchao?

Not to mention 10 billion yuan, even if it is 100 billion, how many days of food and clothing can be provided by these people?

What happens after all the money is gone?

Who will take care of them? "

Qiu Yizhen was speechless!

Chen Xin'an squinted her eyes and said, "What's more, how many of those donations can actually be sent to them?

Not to mention directly distributing money, even if it is used on them, how much is it? "

Qiu Yizhen's face became solemn, she turned to look at Chen Xin'an and said, "Chen Xin'an, what do you mean by this?

Do you suspect that the people who manage the fund will line their own pockets and embezzle the money?

Let me tell you, we Dongchao officials will never..."

At this point, Qiu Yizhen suddenly couldn't speak anymore.

The virtues of Dongchao officials are well-known far and near.

If everyone is honest, how come they are inextricably linked to the major chaebols?

Qiu Yizhen looked stern, blushing and said to Chen Xin'an, "Anyway, I believe they won't take action on this money.

This is a national fund, directly supervised by the boss. They dare to take advantage of this money at their own risk! "

Chen Xin'an smiled with disdain on his face.

Are you too naive?

Do you really think that those Dongchao officials, once they became officials, turned to vegetarianism as soon as the Holy Master fell?

Someone ran over and whispered something to Shichang.

Shichang's expression changed, and Chen Xin'an asked, "What's wrong with Ah Shi?"

He didn't hear it clearly just now, he just heard A Shi's name.

Shichang said to him, "Ashi was called to the car by some people in suits.

Because it took too long, Sister Zhiying was worried and passed by.

But up to now, the two of them haven't gotten off the car yet! "

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