Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3079 Mr. Li’s changes

From the moment they reached the thirty-sixth floor, Han Yunmei and Zhiying never closed their mouths.

There are many rich people in Dongchao, and they have seen many mansions, but most of them are far away from others and are heavily guarded.

It was really the first time for them to see such a luxurious and down-to-earth mansion full of fireworks and human touch!

A beautiful girl with blue eyes and a delicate face like an elf in a fairy tale came over and said to them with a smile.

"How about it, isn't it beautiful here? I had the same expression as you when I came here for the first time!

Take your time and watch later. I'll take you to the room.

By the way, my name is Yi Lianer, from Daying, and I am a mixed-race person of Ying and France!

First of all, let me make it clear that as long as you don’t compete with me for pigeons, we will be good sisters from now on! "

Stealing pigeons?

Han Yunmei and Zhiying looked at each other, unable to understand what Elaine said.

Du Yunyan came over with two pairs of new slippers and said to Yi Lian'er with a straight face, "Okay, I'll catch you threatening your new friends!

I'm going to file a complaint with Brother He later and see how he deals with you! "

Yi Lian'er immediately hugged Du Yunyan, kissed her face without any explanation, and said into her ear

"If you dare to complain, I will tell Mr. Xia what happened that day when you and Sister Ye Zhen were in the room..."

Du Yunyan's face turned red for a moment, and he covered Yi Lian'er's mouth with his hand, and explained with embarrassment and annoyance.

“I told you it was a misunderstanding!

Everything is a coincidence. Sister Ye Zhen and I are really not what you think!

Besides, what does Xia Hongfeng have to do with me?

I'm so annoyed with him..."

Seeing the two beauties having fun in front of them, Han Yunmei and Zhiying had expressions of envy on their faces.

When will I be able to have such a good relationship with these lovely girls?

As soon as she returned to the room, Ning Xiruo opened the wardrobe and said to Chen Xin'an

"Husband, go take a shower first and change your clothes!

Aunt Fang is accurate

Prepare mugwort, you can use it to smoke your body later to remove bad luck! "

Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "This time I came back from Dongchao, there is no bad luck, it's all good luck!"

Ning Xiruo said helplessly, "But there is one over there in Da Ying! I don't believe this either, but Aunt Fang has worked hard to prepare, so we can't let everyone's work go in vain!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Okay, I'll be there in a minute. Take a call first!"

I turned on the phone after returning upstairs and replaced it with the domestic card I used before. The good guy saved nearly a hundred missed calls, all from relatives and friends.

Some of them can be called later, but for people with the status of Mr. Li and Second Grandpa, he doesn't dare to delay!

I called Mr. Li back first and didn't say much. I just asked him to take time to go to the Grand Palace tomorrow.

When we made an appointment at a place like that, it was obvious that there was something important. Chen Xin'an didn't dare to mess around and agreed quickly.

I made another call to my second grandma. As soon as the call was connected, Mrs. Chi’s voice came through.

"Little bastard, do you remember your grandma?

After being gone for more than half a year, I thought you had forgotten your second grandma! "

Listening to the old lady's angry and resentful tone, Chen Xin'an also knew that she had gone too far.

After being away for such a long time, I didn't even make a phone call, so I quickly apologized with a smile on my face.

Chi Rui snorted and scolded him, "Stop talking that nonsense!

Your second grandfather has something to ask you. He knows that you have a lot of social activities just after you come back, so he will come over when you are free.

Second Grandma is so old, she might not be able to get up any time soon. I want to see that you don’t have much chance..."

"Second Grandma, please don't say that!" Chen Xin'an quickly interrupted her and said with a smile.

"I'll take some time to go there tomorrow! I've brought back a few boxes of ginseng for you from Dongchao. I'll take them to you!"

"I bet you have some intentions!" Chi Rui cursed a few times with a smile and hung up the phone.

Chen Xin'an picked a few more numbers and dialed back. By the time they finished chatting, almost two hours had passed.

Looking at Ning Xiruo, who was lying on the bed and looking at him helplessly, Chen Xin'an then remembered that she needed to take a shower, and hurriedly walked to the bathroom with her smiling face.

However, he was interrupted by a knock on the door. Aunt Fang walked in with a lit mugwort and walked around Chen Xin'an's body before letting him go.

When he walked into the bathroom, he found that hot water had been prepared in the bathtub, with mugwort leaves and roses floating on it.

After adding hot water again, Chen Xin'an got into the bathtub, lay in it and took a comfortable bath, almost falling asleep.

After changing into the clothes prepared by his wife, Chen Xin'an came to the bedroom. Ning Xiruo was answering the phone by the window. She didn't know who called her, and her face didn't look good.

Seeing Chen Xin'an coming out, Ning Xiruo hung up the phone in a hurry, without giving him a chance to ask, and rushed to say, "Mr. Li is outside, let's go out and meet him!"

Mr. Li is here?

Since resigning as chairman of Junhao Group, Li Zezheng has lived a retired life, and even went to Chenjiacun to stay with his grandparents and master.

Unexpectedly, he was back in Kyoto now. Chen Xin'an did not dare to neglect and hurried to the living room with his wife.

When she saw Li Zecheng, Chen Xin'an could hardly believe her eyes!

Is the rickety old man with white hair and black spots on his face in front of him really the president of the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce?

In just half a year, Mr. Li looks 20 years older!

Seeing Chen Xin'an, Li Zecheng stood up and wanted to come over and shake hands with Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an immediately walked over a few steps ahead, held his arm and said, "Why is Mr. Li here?

I heard Xiruo say, didn't you go to Chenjiacun?

Did something happen over there?

My grandparents and master..."

r\u003eLi Zecheng waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, brothers and sisters are all fine!

Their daily life is very regular. They go to and from get out of class every day, raise chickens and grow vegetables, and their life is very nourishing.

They also asked me to tell you, don’t worry about them, they are living a peaceful and happy life now, so don’t disturb them if they have nothing to do! "

Ning Xiruo covered her mouth and laughed. Chen Xinan shook his head helplessly and said to Li Zecheng

"Then Mr. Li just came back? I think you're a little bit in a bad mood. Are you in any trouble?"

Li Zecheng shook his head and said, "Actually, it has been two months since I left Chenjiacun. I just came back yesterday from a trip abroad.

I knew you were going home today, so I came over to see you! "

Chen Xin'an glanced at Ning Xiruo, and both of them were a little confused.

Ning Xiruo said carefully, "Mr. Li, are you not getting along well with your grandparents and master..."

Li Zecheng waved his hand and smiled and said, "We have been old friends for decades, how can it be possible that we can't get along with each other?

It's just that that kind of life is suitable for them, but I haven't been able to adapt to it.

I forced myself to stay for several months, but it still didn't work. I got seriously ill, and the medical fairy cured me and drove me back!

I wanted to go abroad to visit the gravesites of my wife and son, but I didn’t expect that they were blocked.

Not being able to relax made me even more depressed. I was too lazy to run and simply returned to Kyoto.

I don’t know what I should do or where I should go every day, so I just want to let nature take its course. This is what life is like anyway, and I don’t care anymore at this age.

Whenever I kick my legs and close my eyes, I will be free! "

Neither Chen Xin'an nor Ning Xiruo expected that Li Zecheng's mentality would change so much in less than a year after quitting his job!

Looking at Li Zecheng's decadent look, Ning Xiruo said to him, "Mr. Li, I have a request for you to consider, okay?

Anyway, you are retired now. I want to hire you as a corporate consultant for Anhao Group. What do you think? "

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