Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3084 Your face is my face

Everything that money can buy is not expensive, and the debt of gratitude is heavy!

No matter how careless Luo Xiaoman is, he will never fail to see through this.

Luo Lie and Luo Zhen also nodded.

Chen Xin'an shook her head helplessly and said, "It's not that serious! To be honest, someone else compensated me for this factory, and I didn't spend any money when I got it.

I did invest some money after taking over, but it was negligible.

If you really want to compensate me, then compensate me personally! "

Luo Xiaoman turned his head, glanced at Chen Xin'an, bit his lower lip, stretched out his hand with anger and resentment, and twisted Chen Xin'an's arm.


I know you have ulterior motives towards others!

It's not enough to follow you all day long, but you also want someone to sell themselves to you, right?

Hate! Just know how to bully others! "


Luo Zhen vomited directly.

Luo Lie gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, making loud noises.

He was hesitating whether to kill the rebellious son directly, and just treat it as a mistake and reorganize it!

Chen Xin'an had goosebumps all over her body. She pushed Luo Xiaoman away, rubbed her arms and cursed, "You are so perverted! Get away!"

Turning around, Chen Xin'an looked at Luo Zhen with a half-smile and said, "I want to ask the old man for someone, it's Luo Zhen!"



Luo Zhen and Luo Lie were both stunned.

Chen Xin'an smiled and nodded.

Luo Xiaoman was unhappy, stood in front of Luo Zhen, and shouted to Chen Xin'an, "Old Chen, I didn't expect that you are a person who likes the new and hates the old!

Tell me, how am I inferior to him? "

Chen Xin'an took a deep breath, ignored him, and turned to look at Luo Lie and Luo Zhen.

Luo Zhen said to Chen Xin'an with a grimace, "Boss, to be honest, I have hemorrhoids..."

Luo Lie, like Chen Xin'an, took a deep breath and said, "Xin'an, can you tell me what he can do for you?"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "Luo Zhen is highly educated and proficient in foreign languages, especially Eagle Flag Language.

Moreover, he has a strong business acumen, but neither in Anhao nor in Luoning, there is no suitable place for him to put it to use. "


"A close friend!" Luo Zhen came over, hugged Chen Xin'an, wiped the corners of his eyes and said, "The one who knows me is the boss!

Everyone in my family said that I was a waste, that I could never achieve anything high or low, and that my good career was ruined by me.

In fact, how do they know my strength!

I am so unlucky that I actually met you...

What, boss, that’s not what I meant!

I just feel that the stage here is too small and there is no room for me to display my talents! "

Luo Lie looked at Chen Xin'an curiously and asked, "What can he do for you?"

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, looked at Luo Zhen and said, "I jointly bought a building in Eagle Flag Country, Nada Building.

Only my security team and a few friends were watching over there.

Never one of his own.

There are a lot of things that need to be consulted with my wife via video call every day, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive!

I want to take Luo Zhen out of the film and television media sector and be responsible for this area in the past! "

Luo Lie looked at Luo Zhen and asked Chen Xin'an with some suspicion, "I've heard of the Nada Building. Just placing an advertisement on it will cost you per second!"

Luo Zhen... could he bear it in the past? "

Although Luo Zhen next to him didn't speak, his eyes were shining.

Good guy, I’m going to work in the most prosperous place in the world!

That’s not the most expensive building in the world, but it can also be considered the most famous, right?

Will I be responsible from now on?

There are tall ones, short ones, fat ones and thin ones in China. My girlfriends are not even one thousand, but they are eight hundred!

But I have never managed a pure Ocean horse before!

This is a good opportunity to get what you want!

Luo Lie laughed and said to Chen Xin'an, "Since you think he has this destiny, let him listen to your arrangements!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and nodded and said, "Thank you, old man!"

Luo Zhen, I’ll give you three days


"No, it won't take so long, I can tell you now, I'll go!" Luo Zhen said to him quickly as if he was afraid that Chen Xin'an would regret it.

It's no wonder that he's impatient. His current job at home is a complete mess for him, as if he can't see the future at all.

Being able to go out now can not only alleviate this embarrassing situation, but also allow him to show his talents. Of course, he can't ask for it.

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Since you are willing to go, make preparations in the past few days. I will help you buy a ticket at the end of the month and send you to the Eagle Flag Country.

Agree in advance that the situation there is complicated and you have the final say on how to coordinate and handle the relationship.

Your bottom line is not to let Anhao suffer, and not to let Anhao suffer.

You are solely responsible for work matters. If you have any trouble, Zuo Meng will help you!

Your face is my, Chen Xin'an's, face. Even if you are abroad, you don't need to talk down to anyone! "

Luo Zhen nodded quickly and said, "Okay! I understand!"

At this moment, someone outside said loudly, "Chen Xin'an is here, right? Damn, this guy is busier than the boss. It's really not easy to see him!"

When she heard the voice, Chen Xin'an was suddenly stunned. Although she felt very familiar, she couldn't remember who it was after thinking for a long time.

Luo Lie stood up and said with a dark face, "Why is the second child here?"

While he was talking, a man walked in from outside, stepped through the door of the living room, and shouted to Chen Xin'an, "Boss Chen, do you know how many times I have looked for you? You haven't seen anyone every day!"

When someone walked in, Chen Xin'an saw his appearance clearly, and a smile appeared on his face. He looked at the visitor and said with a smile, "Master Luo, long time no see!"

Master Luo snorted and said, "It's rare that you still remember me. I thought you had forgotten me!"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and asked with a smile, "Aren't you living happily in Shen Qiao Hutong? Why are you here?"

Luo Lie said angrily, "I shouldn't have given him that house in the first place!

It's a mess now, but it's better for him to stay in Luofu Villa and rarely go back to live there! "

Master Luo tilted his head and cursed, "Are you embarrassed to talk about me? What did you say before? Both of us go to live there. At home,

Just leave it to Yanni!

But within a few days of staying here, you ran away, leaving me alone.

Everywhere is empty, lonely inside and outside, what am I doing here?

Might as well rent it to those who shoot videos to make it look a bit popular!

Go away, I didn't come here to find you! "

He ignored Luo Lie and turned to Chen Xin'an and said, "Mr. Chen, Brother An, Uncle Chen!

I’m almost going crazy in Kyoto!

You can't just throw me away when you're done using it!

You can't go anywhere without taking me with you!

Can you find something for me to do? "

Chen Xin'an said dumbfounded, "What does Master Luo want to do? It's up to you to choose Anhao Group!"

Aren't you a lifelong instructor with good security? "

Master Luo waved his hand and said, "It's boring to do that all day long! Besides, you've transferred all the elites in my team, leaving a bunch of idiots behind. It's no fun for me to teach them!"

Chen Xin'an looked at Luo Zhen next to him, grinned and said, "Master Luo, I really have something to ask you.

Luo Zhen will go to Eagle Flag Country in a few days. If you feel bored, go with him?

It doesn’t take long, maybe just a month or two.

When Luo Zhen stands firm over there, you can come back, okay? "

Master Luo grinned, nodded vigorously and said, "That's great!

Let’s talk first, this is considered a business trip, right?

Are all expenses reimbursable?

I don’t have any money, I can’t even buy a plane ticket! "

Chen Xin'an laughed, nodded and said, "Master Luo doesn't have to worry about the cost!"

Luo Lie scolded with a dark face, "Don't be embarrassed here! A house with hundreds of millions of people living in it is here crying about poverty. I will embarrass you!"

Just when Master Luo was about to defend himself, Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "One code is the same. This is the company's business."

The phone rang, and Chen Xin'an took out her cell phone. It was Mo Ling who called.

As soon as she answered the call, Mo Ling said anxiously, "Master, someone is coming to the house to cause trouble!"

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