Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3087 We are actually helping you

The police car stopped at the entrance of Four Seasons Flower City. Two police officers escorted a man wrapped in a bath towel out of the car and took the elevator to the thirty-sixth floor.

"Sister Qing, Brother Hui!" Seeing these two people, Chen Xin'an smiled and said hello.

Qiao Yanhui smiled at Chen Xin'an and said, "When I received the invitation, I thought I wouldn't be able to see you until after get off work, but I didn't expect it to be earlier!"

Xu Qing pushed the wet man in front of him and scolded, "Explain things clearly yourself!

Wang Dongjian, I warn you, it will be in your best interest to be honest. If you continue to lie, your life will be lost! ” .??.

The pale Wang Dongjian glanced at Chen Xin'an tremblingly, and quickly looked away again in fear.

The woman stopped in front of the man and said to Xu Qing and Qiao Yanhui, "My man has always been timid, don't scare him!

Now he survived the disaster, but Chen Xin'an attempted murder. This is a fact!

You police officers should enforce the law impartially and not help the rich bully us poor people! "

The old man snorted beside him and said to the woman, "Guilan, these policemen are the lackeys of rich people!

Didn't you see it? They already knew each other and were all in the same group!

We can't get justice today, it doesn't matter, this is Kyoto, we can just file a complaint later!

I don’t believe there is no room for reasoning under the Emperor’s feet! "

Xu Qing frowned, looked at the old man and said, "Why are you talking?

How come we are the lackeys of the rich?

You can sue if you want, but what are you suing?

This matter has nothing to do with others at all. There are videos and witnesses, so you still have to blame others, right? "

The old woman waved her hands and shouted, "Whatever you say is what you say. Anyway, you are colluding with each other and it is not reasonable at all!"

If we don’t tell you, there must be something reasonable, so let’s go! "

The family lowered their heads and wanted to leave. Chen Xin'an snorted coldly, looked at them and said

“What kind of place do you think this is, where you can come when you want, make trouble when you want, and leave when you want?

No one can leave until this matter is investigated clearly! "

Xu Qing wanted to stop the family, but Qiao Yanhui next to her took her arm and shook her head gently.

At this time, it was difficult for them to stand up and stop them due to their status.

Luo Xiaoman waved, and a group of property management people came over and blocked the family's way.

"What do you want to do!" The woman panicked and shouted with a lighter, "Don't force me! In the worst case, everyone will die together!"

Seeing her holding a lighter and trying to light it up, the property manager was also startled and subconsciously took two steps back.

However, Chen Xin'an strode over and picked up a bottle filled with gasoline from the ground.

The woman looked at Chen Xin'an warily, held up the lighter and shouted, "Don't mess around, I really know how to light a fire!"

As if Chen Xin'an didn't hear it, he walked up to her, took the little boy in her hand, and poured the remaining oil in the bottle onto the little boy's head!

"You beast!" The old man was anxious and wanted to rush over and snatch the little boy away, but Chen Xin'an didn't hide at all. Instead, he pushed the little boy into his arms!

In this way, the gasoline on the old man's body was also stained on the little boy's clothes.

When Chen Xin'an first saw this family, he noticed that they were all wet, except for the little boy who was dry.

It was probably because he was afraid that if he accidentally set it on fire, the child would not be harmed.

If Chen Xin'an does this, the little boy will not be spared.

As long as there is a trace of fire, this family will become pyromaniacs without exception!

The woman was dumbfounded now, and she didn't have the courage to press the lighter even though she was holding it!

The old woman repeated her old trick and sat down on the ground, slapping her thighs and crying.

"What a bunch of beasts!

Even a four-year-old child

Don’t let it go!

For God's sake, why don't you open your eyes?

Are we poor people being bullied for nothing? Is there any justice? "

Xu Qing snorted coldly and said to her, "You went to other people's homes for no reason, threatened and extorted them with death.

Even though she knew there was a pregnant woman, she was still so frantic and pestered her unreasonably.

Is this called being bullied?

If God opens his eyes, the first person he will chop is you!

If there is true justice, there will be no room for you treacherous people who pretend to be pitiful people! "

The old woman snorted, without looking at Xu Qing, and cried, "Anyway, you are all working for the rich, and you will not uphold justice for us at all. You will get retribution!"

After saying this, she recalled the horrific scene where Chen Xin'an strangled her neck just now. She subconsciously glanced at Chen Xin'an and shrank her neck with guilt.

Qiao Yanhui said coldly, "We are just upholding justice! Whoever makes trouble is not justified!"

The police handle cases based on evidence!

Now all the evidence shows that it has nothing to do with them. Do we want to help you make nonsense and wrongly accuse good people? "

Xu Qing also looked at the family with a sarcastic face and said, "Do you really think we are helping them?

What a bunch of fools!

We are here to help you!

If the police don't intervene, do you know what will happen to you?

You guys really underestimate the name Chen Xin'an!

Wang Dongjian! "

Xu Qing turned his head, looked at the pale and trembling bald man and said

"You are suspected of online gambling and have already come under the radar of the Kyoto Internet Supervision Department!

I also borrowed almost 8 million yuan in online loans. Is what happened today related to this? "

The woman's face turned gray. She looked at Wang Dongjian in disbelief and asked, "Why is it more than eight million? Isn't it five million? Wang, did you borrow money to gamble again in the past two days? You lost again in gambling." ?”


"You traitor! You bastard!" The old man's chest heaved with anger, and he pointed at Wang Dongjian and was speechless.

The old woman slapped her thighs and cried, "You've done evil! Are you going to let me live? I can't even pay back five million, and I can't even pay back eight million even if I peel off my old lady's skin!"

The little boy hugged the woman's thigh and cried, watching this scene innocently.

Wang Dongjian shook his head vigorously and cried, "I didn't gamble anymore! I just borrowed three million, and now the compound interest has become eight million!"

They forced me to pay back the money, but there was nothing I could do!

I originally wanted to sell out the store, but I couldn't find anyone to take over it for a while.

They were getting closer and closer, and they said they were going to the school to catch Yingying!

I knelt down and begged them, and they said that if I did a favor, they could offset the debt. "

Qiao Yanhui looked down at him and asked, "What are you doing?"

Wang Dongjian raised his head, looked at him, and then at Chen Xin'an. He shrank his neck and said nothing.

Just as Chen Xin'an was about to speak, Ning Xiruo said loudly, "Honey, there is news about Yun Yan!"

"Huh?" Chen Xin'an turned his head strangely.

Ning Xiruo walked over under the protection of Konoye Zhen and Xiaojiu, holding her mobile phone and saying to Chen Xin'an

"The column run by Sister Yi once commissioned Yun Yan to investigate behind the scenes.

During this period, Yunyan pretended to be a gambler and had been investigating the matter online.

Now she finally invaded the backstage and learned the true identity of these people.

It is Changdong International Cultural Group registered in Tailan!

There are two subsidiaries below: Changle Entertainment Platform and Donglai Investment Company.

The president’s name is Ruan Dongchang, from Tailan! "

"Chang Le, Dong Lai!" Unexpectedly, Wang Dongjian became excited after hearing these two names, his body trembled, and he cried out.

"The place where we are playing cards is Changle Entertainment Platform, and the one who lent me the loan is Donglai Investment Company. It turns out they are all in the same group!"

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