Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3128 I know you are different from before

After returning from Zhongyi Assets, Chen Xin'an drove the car, but her brows still didn't relax.

The phone rang, and Chen Xin'an turned on Bluetooth and connected the car audio.

Ning Xiruo called from the hospital and asked him, "Husband, there is a banquet at the Chamber of Commerce in the evening for a foreign business delegation. Do you want to go there?"

Chen Xin'an said without thinking, "I won't go!"

Ning Xiruo hummed and said, "Then I'll let Ke'er and Gongsun Feiyang go."

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an nodded. After all, apart from Anhao Group, Junhao is the largest shareholder in Maoping New District.

He asked Ning Xiruo, "Daughter-in-law, has Lei Ming called?"

That drunken night, Lei Ming set off for the outer harbor.

He should have settled down in the Outer Harbor by now, but there has been no call, and the phone has been turned off when calling him.

Ning Xiruo said, "No, it's always turned off! But you don't have to worry, he is no longer the Lei Ming he used to be and can take care of himself."

And since he has a special status, he is likely to contact the garrison as soon as he gets there..."

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "Daughter-in-law, you don't understand. It is precisely because of his status that he will not contact the garrison!"

When he arrived at the Outer Harbor, he could only rely on himself, and no one could help him! "

I don’t want my daughter-in-law to experience this kind of worry too much, because it’s just in vain.

Chen Xin'an quickly said to Ning Xiruo, "But my wife is right, this kid Lei Ming is no longer what he used to be!

He can handle anything, don't worry.

Mr. Luo will also help you with matters related to the Chamber of Commerce!

You can take care of your baby with peace of mind! "

In the new chamber of commerce election, Ning Xiruo is the president of the National Chamber of Commerce, and Mr. Luo Lie is elected as the vice president.

Letting Ning Xiruo become the president of the Chamber of Commerce was originally the first step to win the secretary-general of gbsa.

With the strong recommendation of Longdun, Junhao, and Anhao from the three major forces, this president is like picking something out of a bag for Ning Xiruo.

Just compared to gbs

Secretary a, Ning Xiruo’s time spent at the General Chamber of Commerce is obviously not enough.

And she has always wanted to step down from this position and hand it over to Mr. Luo.

Now is a transitional period, because the president’s rotation cycle is three years.

Ning Xiruo still has at least a year and a half to sit in the position of president.

However, compared to international affairs, this kind of domestic business is very familiar to Ning Xiruo.

Therefore, she is not indifferent to the Chamber of Commerce. She has never declined when matters large and small need her to fulfill her purpose.

When he hung up the phone, there was a burst of complaints from the back seat, "Why didn't you see such a good opportunity? Isn't that bastard Liu Jinlong one of theirs?"

Chen Xin'an glanced at the knife in the rearview mirror and said nothing.

Xiao Daozi said to Chen Xin'an with a straight face and an impatient look, "Why on earth did you ask me to go back with you?"

Let me tell you first, I am very busy every day now. Don’t think that I am doing nothing like before! "

"You were never idle before!" Chen Xin'an said calmly, "Ever since you finished working at the orphanage, I know you are different from before!"

Xiao Daozi was stunned for a moment and glanced at Chen Xin'an with an awkward expression.

This guy rarely praises others, but now I feel a little uncomfortable being praised by him.

He lowered his head and muttered, "Then why do you want me to follow you? It's not like you don't know that the company cannot do without people now..."

Chen Xin'an didn't say much, she just said lightly, "I'll take you for a walk first. You may not go home during this period.

I have already asked Mr. Dao and your father that you should follow me this month. "

Xiaodaozi asked with some boredom, "What on earth are you going to do? Why should I follow you? Will it take another month?"

What should I tell my girlfriend?

Boss Chen

, Boss Chen, please spare me!

No matter what you do, I'm not interested, I just want to go home now! "

Chen Xin'an pouted and said, "It's not up to you to agree or object to this! Let's go, I'll take you to Maoping New District first!"

In the past few days since I came back, I really haven’t made time to visit Maoping New District.

I drove here today and Chen Xin'an was really afraid that I would get lost without a navigation system!

There are construction sites everywhere, and the prototype of a new commercial and cultural center has begun to emerge.

Now this area is like a huge cake, and everyone wants to come and take a bite.

When we took the photos of Maoping New District, those who laughed at Chen Xin'an now want to kill him head-on, and their intestines are turning green with regret!

You must know that Chen Xin'an not only took the land, but also firmly controlled the development rights and investment rights.

He is the king of Maoping New District.

Even if it is an official move in, his nod of approval is required.

Just one investment right is enough for him to make back his capital.

Not to mention the subsequent extended income and later renewals, which are enough for Chen Xin'an to make a lot of money, and he can own a big golden mountain without doing anything!

The two projects of Puji Gold Mine and Maoping New District alone can make Chen Xin'an the richest man in China.

Of course Chen Xin'an doesn't value these things, and even deliberately hides his clumsiness, not wanting to reveal it!

According to the plan, at least five skyscrapers will be built in Maoping New District, one of which is the tallest in China!

At that time, it will also become a key investment project. Many of the foreign business inspection groups came here for these five skyscrapers.

From a distance, I saw a convoy of nearly twenty vehicles, marching struttingly on the road. The car in front of them was playing an alarm, causing passing vehicles to avoid it.

Seeing the motorcade approaching, Chen Xin'an followed the car next to him and pulled over and waited aside.

He was driving Long Ye, which didn't look good to begin with, and no one noticed it when he was mixed in with the cars.

This is a good car.

What's more, I would never have thought that the person in the car was actually the big boss of the entire Maoping New District!

Xiaodaozi's eyes widened, he looked at the motorcade passing by and said, "This is the foreign business inspection group? Isn't Mr. Luo sitting in the car in front?"

Good guy, the cars of the General Chamber of Commerce are only meant to open roads, these foreigners are really awesome!

Brother An, why don’t you get out of the car and talk to them?

You are the real boss here, why don't you go down and kill these foreigners for their majesty? "

Chen Xin'an didn't even pay attention to him, and just watched the motorcade passing by with an indifferent expression.

After walking around the construction site, Chen Xin'an never communicated with anyone. She walked around, took a look, and chatted with Zhang Wanwan and his gang for more than an hour before getting into the car with a knife.

Back home, those who work and go to school have all returned.

Chen Xin'an called Wu Yan, "Sister-in-law, are Grasshopper and Chengcheng back?"

"I'm doing my homework in the room! Let them come up when we have dinner!"

"Let them come up now, directly to House D!"

Chen Xin'an put down the phone and said to Xiao Daozi, "Let's go, I'll take you somewhere.

Lingling, please help me call everyone to sit in Room 1 of House D.

Also, prepare something for me! "

He gave Mo Ling a few instructions, and Mo Ling nodded, turned around and walked out.

Xiaodaozi looked at Chen Xin'an with a puzzled expression and asked, "Boss Chen, what on earth are you doing!"

This guy's name for Chen Xin'an will change from time to time.

But Chen Xin'an didn't care about this, waved to him and said, "Let's go, you'll know when you get there!"

House D was originally the residence of Erpolezi and his family, but now that Erpolezi and his family have gone to Daxiling, this place is empty.

Chen Xin'an wants to clear out everything and redecorate it.

In addition to leaving two guest rooms, the rest will be used as a fitness room.

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