Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3143 You don’t deserve to drink at the same table with me

It's a pity that Peng Yutang's body is too weak now.

He was beaten badly just now, and he couldn't use his hands and feet, so he could only hit him with his head.

So there was no way to cause substantial harm to Ruan Wentai, and he just let him fall on the sofa.

Peng Yutang couldn't help Lin Keer up, so he could only stand in front of her and block her with his body.

He tried his best to open his eyes, which barely showed a slit, and shouted to Ruan Wentai, "Come on! Even if I die, I can't let you blaspheme Miss Lin!"

Lin Keer gently pushed Peng Yutang's leg with her hand and said feebly, "Hurry up!"

The other party was outnumbered and ruthless. She had become a lamb that fell into the tiger's mouth and could no longer hurt innocent people.

It's a pity that although the phone call was made, there was no time to talk to the boss.

Otherwise, no matter how crazy these people are, the boss will rescue her.

But she doesn’t want her boss to become enemies with Ruan Wentai because of her, because this man is a lunatic and he doesn’t recognize his relatives!

With this kind of character and bloody methods, Nguyen Van Thai had already been nicknamed King Tailan as early as ten years ago.

Even if Lin Ke'er wanted to hold a concert in Tailan, it was not enough to obtain official permission. He also had to get this person's consent. Those Tailan secret forces did not dare to go to the concert to cause trouble.

Of course, the remuneration given is quite large. Nearly 50% of the profits from the concert will go into Ruan Wentai's pocket.

If it weren't for Kemi's obstruction, even Lin Ke'er's innocence would have been involved.

He was able to return to China safely thanks to Komi's mediation with his brother.

In fact, if Kemi wasn't so crazy, Lin Ke'er would still be very grateful to him.

However, Tailan and his party also made Lin Keer see the true darkness of this society.

Ruan Wentai's cruelty caused her to have nightmares for a long time, which was even greater than the fear that Kemi caused to her.

And she never expected that Ruan Wentai would take the business to China, and even regard the boss as an enemy!

She couldn't figure out why Ruan Wentai would do this, but if possible, she would remind her boss not to provoke this person!

"You bunch of trash!" Ruan Wentai shouted angrily at the younger brothers with a gloomy face.

The faces of a group of young men turned pale. If they failed to protect their boss, it would be fatal.

Although the boss is usually very generous to everyone, if he doesn't do his job well, the boss will punish him and he will never show mercy.

A few years ago, eight personal bodyguards were selected from the outer port. Three of them failed in their work, so they were secretly dealt with by the boss and thrown directly into the artificial lake!

Fortunately, that kid didn't hurt the boss, otherwise everyone in his group would have counted today as the last night in their lives!

A group of boys rushed up and tried to pull Peng Yutang away.

Unexpectedly, this guy also tried his best to push away the younger brothers, so he hugged the heavy coffee table!

His feet felt like they had roots on the ground. No matter how hard several people dragged him, he refused to move an inch!

The last boy became anxious, took out the dagger from his body, and stabbed Peng Yutang's arm hard!

He wants to destroy Peng Yutang's arms and see how he can still hold the coffee table!

But at this moment, the boy holding the knife screamed and the knife flew out!

The companion next to him screamed, and the knife stabbed him in the face!

Fortunately, the stab was not deep, and the cheekbone was in the way, leaving only a bloody hole, and the knife fell to the ground!

The injured boy kicked his companion who was holding the knife and yelled, "Why the hell are you stabbing me!"

The younger brother who was holding the knife looked aggrieved and raised his weak right arm with his left hand.

On his right wrist, there was a bright steel needle stuck!

At the top of the stairs, two people strode

Climbing the stairs, behind them, several security guards were slumped on the steps, holding their stomachs as if they were vomiting.

On the first floor, there was still singing and dancing, and the noise was loud. Those young people who were swinging wildly like demons didn't even notice what was going on on the second floor.

In such a scene, even if someone holds a gun and pulls the trigger repeatedly, the young people will not have any reaction.

They were all immersed in this drunken carnival.

"Chen Xin'an?" Looking at the person rushing up, Ruan Wentai narrowed his eyes and showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Several boys came over with cold faces and shouted to Chen Xin'an and Li Qi, "Who are you! The second floor has been taken down, you leave immediately!"

The younger brother, who had a steel needle stuck in his hand, stared and cursed angrily, "Did you give me the needle? What the hell..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Qi rushed up, put one hand around the kid's neck, and grabbed his arm with the other, and gave him a hug!


The guy's body made a big circle in the air, and then hit the ground hard!

"Asshole..." The guy raised his head and was about to stand up. Li Qi cut the main artery in his neck with his palm. The guy's eyes rolled up and he fainted!

The faces of the remaining people changed, and they all stood beside Ruan Wentai with wary expressions.

Chen Xin'an ignored these people, just walked to Lin Ke'er, helped her up, looked into her eyes, frowned and said, "Drugated? Ke'er, hold on, I'll help you wake up."

Chen Xin'an took out the silver needle as if no one was watching, and began to inject the needle on Lin Ke'er's head.

Ruan Wentai looked at Chen Xin'an with squinted eyes and sneered, "Mr. Chen Xin'an!

I never expected that the first time we met would be in a place like this!

In fact, I formally invited Mr. Chen, but Mr. Chen was very busy and never gave me a chance to meet!

But now that I'm here

, Mr. Chen might as well sit down first and let’s have a drink!

Miss Lin is fine, she will wake up after two hours of sleep, don't worry! "

Chen Xin'an did not stop injecting the needle, and did not even look at Ruan Wentai, but said coldly

"A beast who is so bad as to use drugs to deal with girls, does he deserve to sit on the same sofa with me and drink?"

"What did you say!" A younger brother pointed at Chen Xin'an and cursed, "How dare you be rude to our boss, what the hell are you..."

Li Qi rushed over and kicked the kid in the stomach!

The guy didn't care about teaching Chen Xin'an a lesson. He turned around and raised his arms, trying to knock Li Qi down.

At the same time, the companion who had been stabbed in the face gritted his teeth and rushed towards Li Qi!

The remaining two people were still standing around Ruan Wentai.

Li Qi didn't pull his legs back, as if he couldn't prevent the opponent's move, and he firmly grabbed his legs and wrists.

But in the next second, he used his strength to stand up and gave a flying kick, which happened to hit the chest of the unlucky guy who had been stabbed in the face!

The guy was kicked backwards, his body rolled involuntarily on the coffee table, and with a bang, he knelt on the ground!

"Ouch!" He screamed, glared at Li Qi and cursed, "I'll kill you!"

He picked up the knife from the ground and rushed towards Li Qi again!

After Li Qi kicked him over, he swept his legs again!

Seeing that he had unintentionally become the enemy's accomplice, the guy holding his ankle immediately released his hand, struck Li Qi with an elbow, and hit him hard!

At this moment, Li Qi's sweeping leg had also come over. There was a muffled sound, and the two people's legs and elbows met. Li Qi took a step back, and the younger brother stood still.

It seemed like Li Qi was at a disadvantage this round, but he just flicked his ankle twice and was fine.

The boy opposite had his right arm hanging down, his palms trembling slightly. He could no longer lift his arm!

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