Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3147 I will make you regret your whole life

Everyone became quiet again, and indeed many people agreed with these words.

No matter how famous Chen Xin'an is, this behavior of beating a woman is really demeaning!

Lin Ke'er had already walked in front of Wang Xuefei, knelt down and stretched out her hand.

Everyone thought that she was a woman who loved women and wanted to help her up, but they didn't expect that there was a crisp sound and a heavy slap fell on Wang Xuefei's face!

Lin Keer gritted her silver teeth, glared at Wang Xuefei and cursed, "Wang Xuefei, your brother borrowed loans from these people at usurious rates and got into a crooked mind.

I was willing to be used by these people and set my sights on Mr. Chen's company, helping them do bad things and trying to take away Mr. Chen's company!

In order to please them, you asked me out, drugged the wine and tried to kill me!

What grudge do I have against you? Why do you do this to me?

If Mr. Chen hadn't arrived in time, I really don't know...

You woman with a heart as poisonous as a scorpion! "

It turns out that this woman is also an accomplice!

In order to please these foreigners, they even went so far as to poison their wine and betray their compatriots!

China has always had zero tolerance for traitors.

So the onlookers who had sympathized with the woman just now turned their guns and yelled at Wang Xuefei who was curled up on the ground.

"The police are coming!" someone shouted, and everyone turned around.

A middle-aged man in a neat suit led several police officers over.

Peng Yutang and Zhang Wensong rushed to greet him, shouting "Boss!"

The middle-aged man nodded, glanced at the scene, and his eyes fell on Chen Xin'an.

An older policeman walked up to Chen Xin'an and Li Qi and said, "Were you fighting just now?

Come with me to the police station! "

Chen Xin'an said calmly, "Send the person to the hospital for examination first, and I will go to the police station with you!"

A young man wearing a police uniform came over and shouted to Chen Xin'an, "Now you know you are scared? Why didn't you remind yourself when you did it just now?"

Look at you

They beat people like this!

Everyone, please be honest, this matter is not a big deal! "

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and said, "I'm talking about sending my friend to the hospital for examination!

Not these rubbish! "

"Why are you talking!" The police officer was furious. He didn't expect this man to be so arrogant in front of him. He took out the handcuffs and wanted to come over and put them on Chen Xin'an.

Li Qi said coldly from the side, "You'd better think about whether it's appropriate to handcuff us!"

The young police officer sneered coldly and said, "Who do you think you are? Are you still suitable..."

Before he could finish speaking, Lin Keer, who was standing aside, said, "This is Mr. Chen Xin'an, the president of Anhao Group. Do you really want to put handcuffs on him?"

"Chen Xin'an..." The police officer shivered and retracted the handcuffed hand. He swallowed and turned to look at the policeman beside him.

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said to him, "I, Chen Xin'an, am not an outlaw.

Since I beat someone, I should go back to the police station with you to assist in the investigation.

But please, please wait a moment while I say a few words to this boss! "

The older policeman waved his hand and said to his companion behind him, "Call an ambulance and take the injured to the hospital first.

Find an insider to record a statement and investigate the scene.

If others are fine, don't hang around here. They still have business to do. "

Several police officers and co-police officers breathed a sigh of relief and turned to do their work.

The man in the suit said to Chen Xin'an with a smile, "I'm sorry, Mr. Chen. I had no choice but to call the police."

Chen Xin'an ignored this, just looked at him and asked, "Are you a friend of this foreign businessman?"

The man in the suit suppressed his smile, coughed lightly, nodded and said, "I, Wu Jinrong, are from Tailan. I have known Ruan Wentai since childhood. According to Chinese people, they grew up together."

Chen Xin'an said lightly, "

Okay, within three days, I will acquire your ddk store, and you can use the money to open a store elsewhere.

This is the most civilized approach I can give you.

If you feel inappropriate or uncooperative, within two days I will make your ddk completely unpopular.

If you don't get a penny, get out of Kyoto!

Now you can choose your own plan! "

There was silence.

Wu Jinrong looked at Chen Xin'an, with a wry smile on his lips, and sighed and said, "Okay, I'll transfer ddk and leave Kyoto!"

I invested almost 8 million in this DDK, so Mr. Chen will give me 5 million! "

This time it was Chen Xin'an's turn to be stunned.

He didn't expect this guy to be so straightforward and even take the initiative to engage in loss-making business.

Looking at the location, size, decoration, facilities, etc. of this store, the cost of 8 million is only a lot more.

So he asked Chen Xin'an to give him five million, which was really a loss.

Chen Xin'an frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

Wu Jinrong did not answer, but just said to the assistant beside him, "Arrange a car and help send people to the hospital first!"

"Yes!" the assistant responded and turned around to prepare.

After a while, the car was arranged. The assistant originally wanted to carry Ruan Wentai and others into the car first, but Wu Jinrong stopped him and signaled to take Peng Yutang to the hospital first.

Chen Xin'an said to Lin Ke'er, "Ke'er, you should also go over and check it out. I will bear all the expenses!"

"No need!" Wu Jinrong waved his hand and said to Chen Xin'an, "After all, it happened in my place. There is absolutely no reason for Mr. Chen to spend any money!"

He took out a card and handed it to the assistant, giving him a few words of advice.

The assistant nodded and had people help Peng Yutang and Lin Ke'er leave.

Soon Ruan Wentai and his gang were also picked up and sent to the hospital.

But when Ruan Wentai was put on a stretcher, this guy was still talking harshly.

"Chen Xin

An, I, Nguyen Van Thai, have recorded today’s revenge!

In the future, I want you to pay back double the amount!

Do you think that I, Ruan Van Tai, am a fool, without any means or preparations to deal with you?

Remember, I will make you regret messing with me!

Let you live in regret for the rest of your life! "

"Seeking death!" Li Qi looked cold and walked over.

Nguyen Van Thai smiled ferociously and said, "Come on, hit me! The police are here, they are watching you!"

Chen Xin'an grabbed Li Qi and curled her lips with disdain and said, "I'll be waiting for you!"

The older police officer came over and said to Wu Jinrong, "Mr. Wu, I have investigated the matter clearly. The damage will have to wait for the result..."

Wu Jinrong waved his hand and said, "Director Li, let's not talk about this, we can solve it privately.

Sorry to bother you, I will arrange some midnight snacks to be delivered to you later. Thank you for your hard work! "

"This is our responsibility, Mr. Wu doesn't need to be polite!" The police officer waved his hand, turned his head and glanced at Chen Xin'an.

"Okay, I'll go back to the police station with you now!" Chen Xin'an nodded and said.

Director Li waved his hand and said, "Forget it, Mr. Chen, let's not waste that time!"

I've already investigated the matter. Those guys deserve it!

In fact, I also understand that Mr. Chen has never been a person who likes to cause trouble.

Even if there is real trouble, my small Zhengyang Police Station cannot accommodate a great god like you!

You and Mr. Wu can discuss the rest of the matter yourself. We are going back! "

Chen Xin'an didn't show any pretense and nodded to him.

The assistant police officer followed Director Li, not even having the courage to look back, and walked away quickly, as if he was afraid that Chen Xin'an would settle a score with him.

Seeing that everything was arranged, Wu Jinrong asked Chen Xin'an, "Mr. Chen, let's go to the office to chat?"

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an nodded happily.

Now he is a little interested in this Tailan man.

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