Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3149 I want to make a deal with you

By now, Chen Xin'an finally understood why Ruan Wentai was targeting him!

In the final analysis, it is the dispute between Tailan's foreign surname and his native surname!

It seems that the current situation in Tailan cannot be said to be generally tense. A war may be on the verge of breaking out.

But war requires money to support it.

If the Ruan family wants to win this battle, they must show sufficient strength.

Therefore, it is natural for them to make money everywhere and come to China to do business.

But Chen Xin'an is still a little strange, that is why Ruan Wentai would target him, Chen Xin'an?

Normally there is no grievance between the two parties, so Ruan Wentai will naturally investigate Chen Xin'an and know that he is not someone to be trifled with.

But when he first arrived, he was aggressive and attacked him, a local snake. Did he really treat Chen Xin'an as a soft persimmon?

Li Qi sneered and said, "What a master! He wanted to make money but offended my boss. What did he think?"

Wu Jinrong shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly, "I don't know why he did this, and I once advised him that Mr. Chen is not someone to be trifled with!

But he didn't listen at all. He said something about being entrusted by others and being loyal to others. He also said that he was not someone to be trifled with and that he had plenty of ways to deal with Mr. Chen.

I guess it’s because Mr. Chen is so famous. Isn’t this a big tree that attracts people? "

Chen Xin'an grinned. This reason was obviously not the real answer.

But Wu Jinrong may not really know the real reason, and he wouldn't be able to tell anything if asked.

After taking a sip of water, Chen Xin'an put down the cup and said to Wu Jinrong, "Mr. Wu, I have a question I want to ask you.

Compared with you and Banghachai, who is stronger? "

Wu Jinrong said helplessly, "Of course it's Pang Hachai! His status in the Tailan oil industry cannot be compared to anyone else."

Chen Xin'an nodded, looked at him and smiled and said, "With Bang Hachai's strong financial resources and connections, he can't escape the fate of death and wealth.

Why did Mr. Wu bring so much money with him?

, who came to China to open a store?

I'm afraid, it's not just because he and Ruan Wentai grew up together, right?

Otherwise, even if your foreign surname is Luzhuang, you will be let go, but your local surname Luzhuang will not let you go abroad with a huge sum of money, right? "

Wu Jinrong's expression changed, and he looked at Chen Xin'an with some fear, as if he didn't dare to meet his eyes.

He also didn't expect that Chen Xin'an's thinking would be so quick and jumpy, and he would think of this problem so quickly, leaving him completely unprepared.

Li Qi squinted his eyes and said to him, "Mr. Wu, whatever happens tonight will be blamed on you no matter what.

My boss's style of doing things has always been like this. I won't offend others unless they offend me. If someone offends me, I'll eradicate them!

Kyoto City is the boss's territory, so we will not allow any potential threats to exist.

This is your chance, if you don't want to be our friend, then you are our enemy!

Kicking you out of Kyoto is just the kindest thing to do. If you really piss me off, it wouldn't be difficult for you to disappear in Kyoto!

Or, what do you think about letting you leave without a penny? "

Wu Jinrong's expression changed. He looked at Li Qi and then at Chen Xin'an. The corners of his eyes twitched. After hesitating for a long time, he finally sighed and said with a pleading look.

"Mr. Chen, I can tell you, but please keep it secret for me!

Because even Ruan Wentai doesn’t know about this! "

He even hid it from Fa Xiao. It seems that this matter is really a secret.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "Tell me first, at least I won't tell Ruan Wentai, because he and I don't want to deal with each other!"

Wu Jinrong took a deep breath and said softly, "When I was young, I relied on my little money to be romantically involved and incurred a lot of romantic debts.

However, due to health problems, not much was left.

There was only one exception, when he had a child with a woman.

For more than twenty years, I have not taken care of them.

It wasn't until the poor woman was sick and dying that I got the news to visit her and find out that she had such a son.

But he has grown up and has always known me. He is Nguyen Van Thai's uncle's adjutant!

His mother asked him to recognize me before she died.

Although my son is resentful towards me, he still has a close relationship with me and has always taken care of me.

This matter is also a secret between the two of us. We didn’t tell the Ruan family because we didn’t want to give them any clues.

I owe them both a lot, and now I want to make it up to my son.

While I can still run and move, I want to earn more money and leave it to my son!

Mr. Chen, I heard that you also have children. Can you understand my feelings? "

Chen Xin'an looked into Wu Jinrong's eyes without saying anything. After two minutes, he grinned.

"Mr. Wu, I think you don't want to make a fortune for your son, but you want to make a fortune to help your son successfully usurp the throne and capture Tailan, right?"

Wu Jinrong's face changed drastically, and he suddenly lost all his color. He looked at Chen Xin'an in horror and said

"Mr. Chen, don't talk nonsense, this is no joke, it will cost you your life!"

Li Qi chuckled, looked at Wu Jinrong and said, "Mr. Wu knows whether it's nonsense or not.

But even if it's nonsense, would you believe that Tailan green-suited boss named Ruan? "

Wu Jinrong suddenly stood up, clenched his fists and faced Chen Xin'an and Li Qi, looking like he was going to fight for his life.

But Chen Xin'an and Li Qi looked calm and indifferent, just looking at him with a half-smile.

Wu Jinrong seemed to know that his own strength was nothing compared to these two people. His lips trembled, he gently released his fist, and sat back on the sofa dejectedly.

He held his head in his hands, thought for a long time, and then said to Chen Xin'an with red eyes, "Mr. Chen, DDK is priced at three million! I know this amount of money is a drop in the bucket for you. If you transfer it to me now, I will leave Kyoto City tonight! I have only one request, keep this secret for me, okay?" Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "Mr. Wu, do you really think I care about your nightclub?" Wu Jinrong sighed and said, "I also know that Mr. Chen has a big family and a small nightclub is not in your eyes at all. But this is all I can take out!" Chen Xin'an looked at Wu Jinrong seriously and said, "Mr. Wu, how about I make a deal with you?" Wu Jinrong smiled bitterly and said, "Mr. Chen, what qualifications do I have to trade with you? I'd better leave Kyoto..." Looking at Chen Xin'an's cold eyes, Wu Jinrong shuddered and quickly said, "Mr. Chen, please speak!" Chen Xin'an pointed around and said, " You can continue to run this place, I won't buy it!

And I can arrange security for you to reduce some unnecessary troubles.

Don't worry, as long as you don't take the initiative to help them, I won't blame you for the matter between me and Ruan Wentai! "

Wu Jinrong asked tremblingly, "Mr. Chen, what do you need me to do?"

Chen Xin'an stretched out two fingers and said to him with a smile, "There are only two small requests.

When necessary, let your son help me protect Wachibang and Phuket Gold Mine!"

Wu Jinrong was stunned, looking at Chen Xin'an and asked, "Mr. Chen, do you suspect someone is going to attack Phuket Gold Mine?"

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly, and said with a gloomy face, "Since Ruan Wentai came to me directly, it is impossible that he didn't know that Phuket Gold Mine is my industry.

He will not let go of this big cake!

Your son doesn't have to disobey the Ruan family directly, just help me delay for a while!

I will handle the rest of the things myself!"

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