Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3161 I knew you were a real man

Chen Xin'an's current identity is almost the same as that of an ancient red-top businessman.

Officials will definitely keep an eye on everything he does.

It can also be said to be monitoring.

Chen Xin'an can understand this approach, and as long as privacy is not violated, he will not interfere.

Even a star cannot live in absolute privacy.

Under everyone's supervision, and even being watched by paparazzi all the time.

However, he had to find out who sent him to avoid accidental injury.

The matter had been clarified, and Chen Xin'an had no doubts and sent the old people away.

After coming back, Chen Xin'an sat on the bed and kissed the two children's faces.

Ning Xiruo stroked his hair and said, "Husband, I think you are still...ahem!"

Before she finished speaking, Ning Xiruo coughed and quickly covered her mouth.

Chen Xin'an sat next to her, held her head and said softly: "Lie down!"

Ning Xiruo lay down obediently, looking at her man with her big eyes open without blinking.

Chen Xin'an's eyes were full of care and love. He pressed Ning Xiruo's pulse with his left hand, took out a tissue with his right hand, gently wiped the cold sweat on Ning Xiruo's forehead, and said softly:

"Just tell me if it hurts, and don't hold it in! I'll give you an injection to relieve the pain!"

He had already noticed that Ning Xiruo was not feeling well and had been sweating coldly.

After all, I had just given birth to a baby and was still in the confinement period, so my body was always very weak.

Her body was already weak, and no amount of supplements could make up for it.

This incident happened again, which frightened her greatly, and the root of the disease must have fallen into her body.

Ning Xiruo smiled and shook her head and said, "The wound still hurts a little, but I can bear it.

Don't worry about me, I will tell you when you really can't stand it.

Husband, as for Mr. Lu, you should actually consider it..."

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said to her: "I have never been a kind person! Even if the child comes back safely, but this makes you worried and anxious, he deserves to die!"

Knowing her man's temper, Ning Xiruo stopped trying to persuade her.

Chen Xin'an leaned over and kissed her forehead, and said softly: "You have a good sleep. Don't worry about the child. I won't leave it in the greenhouse. Ye Zhen and the others will take care of it."

Chen Xin'an turned around and wanted to leave, but Ning Xiruo took his arm and said, "Honey, I'll stay in the hospital!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Okay, after you have had enough rest, let's go home!"

Ning Xiruo smiled slightly and closed her eyes.

Chen Xin'an walked out of the ward, let everyone waiting in the corridor go in, and told everyone to keep their voices down, Xi Ruo was already asleep.

"Pigeon, Boba!" Chen Xin'an and others

After entering the house, he called out his junior brothers and sisters.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Xin'an whispered to the two of them: "Xi Ruo's symptoms of palace cold have worsened now!

Help me prepare medicine, whether it is a prescription or a folk remedy, I have to try it.

But you can’t try it on Xiruo, you have to pay someone else to try it! "

Luo Qianhe and Mengpowa nodded.

This should be the sequelae caused by the anxiety and anxiety caused by Ning Xiruo, who was already weak, during the period when her child was lost.

The root cause of the disease will torture the patient for a lifetime, and may even directly affect the patient's life span!

Because of this incident, Chen Xin'an couldn't let Ruan Wentai go.

At Kyoto Beicheng Union Medical College Hospital, Nguyen Van Tai, whose right arm was broken, had just completed bone surgery.

But even if the wound heals, the hand will not be as flexible as before.

The livid Ruan Wentai looked at the men on the hospital bed who were wrapped like rice dumplings. None of them could stand up. He gritted his teeth and cursed: "Trash! They are all a bunch of trash!"

Wang Xuefei, whose head was swollen like a pig's head, stood aside holding his arm and cried:

"Mr. Ruan, we can't swallow this breath!

That Chen Xin'an is so lawless. You told him your identity, and he still beats you like this. He doesn't take you and your uncle seriously at all!

I think you should call your uncle now and ask him to send someone over to kill Chen Xin'an..."


Before she could finish speaking, Ruan Wentai gave her a big mouthful with his left hand!

"You idiot, shut up! If you talk nonsense again, I'll kill you right now!"

Unexpectedly, Wang Xuefei, who had always been obedient to him, stopped doing it now. She covered her face and cursed at him:

"Why did you hit me?

If you have the ability, go hit Chen Xin'an!

They beat me, and you beat me too. Do I deserve to be your doormat?

If you can, beat me to death!

Anyway, if I follow you, I will be criticized by others for being cowardly!

I thought you, King Tailan, were really powerful! "

Ruan Wentai's face was ashen, he grabbed her collar and pulled her over, gritted his teeth and cursed: "Do you want to die?"

Wang Xuefei looked at him with contempt and said, "Do you dare to kill me?

Do you think this is Tailan?

As long as you dare to touch me, I guarantee that you can't leave Huaxia! "

Being punished by Chen Xin'an was enough to make Ruan Wentai feel aggrieved.

He couldn't believe that he was being looked down upon by a woman who usually obeyed his orders.

Ruan Wentai's face was ferocious, he grabbed Wang Xuefei's neck, narrowed his eyes and cursed: "Do you think I really dare not

Kill you? "

Wang Xuefei's heart trembled.

This is not a very sympathetic person!

It is estimated that he has killed more people in Tailan than he can count.

But when she thought of the scene when that woman attacked her, the anger in Wang Xuefei's heart surged upwards!

She vowed to take revenge and sooner or later she would trample the former big star under her feet.

Of course, if you want to reach this point, you must first bring down Chen Xin'an.

And the man in front of him is the only one who can possibly do this.

Wang Xuefei was worried, looked at Ruan Wentai coldly and said: "As long as you are in China, you don't dare!

But what if you kill me?

If you can't deal with Chen Xin'an, then you can deal with me, a helpless woman, right?

If I die, will the humiliation you suffered from Chen Xin'an disappear?

Will not!

You were still humiliated by him!

As long as you are in China for one day, you will live in his shadow!

Only by killing him and taking away everything from him can you avenge your shame! "


Another big mouth slapped her hard on the face.

But after Ruan Wentai finished calling her, he took out his mobile phone and made a call with a gloomy face.

When the call was connected, Ruan Wentai said in Thailan: "Uncle, I was beaten in China!

The people we brought were beaten to the point of being hospitalized!

I said it, but that person just ignored me!

That old guy named Lu doesn’t care at all!

I'm in the hospital now, and his people didn't come over at all, and they ignored me!

Okay, I'll wait and bear with him for two or three days! "

After hanging up the phone, Ruan Wentai squinted his eyes and snorted coldly: "Endure? I don't have the patience to endure it!"

He dialed a phone number again and said in a deep voice: "Is the deal we made before still count?

Okay, I need you to take action now!

I'll arrange a place to stay, but you'd better send someone useful.

You said that Chen Xin'an is not an easy person to deal with, so those trash who are just here to join in the fun should not come!

Also, take the guy! You said you would prepare it for me! "

After receiving a positive reply from the other side, Ruan Wentai took a deep breath and said coldly:

"If I had someone in my hands, I would have killed Chen Xin'an long ago!

The consequences for anyone who dares to provoke me is death! "

Wang Xuefei shuddered, quickly walked to his side, leaned her whole body on his arm, and said in a tired voice:

"I knew you were the real man! Chen Xin'an is just a local snake, and there is no way he can defeat you, a dragon who has crossed the river!"

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