Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3177 He doesn't steal, he robs


It is difficult to identify this person based on the description alone.

It feels a bit unreal to see this person in person now.

Xu Qing frowned and said, "He was wearing a mask to hide his identity.

He saved me not because he was afraid that I would recognize him, but because he was afraid that the big boss or the people around him would recognize him.

Could he be someone very close to the big boss?"

Everyone nodded, it was very possible.

Chen Xinan said to Xu Qing, "Since he doesn't let you investigate this case, don't investigate it for now.

I already know that Tommy is problematic, I'll go meet this person!"

Xu Qing thought about it and nodded.

The meal was already served, Chen Xinan invited everyone to the table, and at this moment, the phone rang, Chen Xinan took it out and took a look, and quickly answered it.

After a while, he hung up the phone and said to everyone, "I'll go down, you don't have to wait for me."

Li Qi stood up, Chen Xinan shook his head and said, "No need to follow me, I'm at the entrance of the community."

"Okay!" Li Qi nodded and sat back down.

Chen Xinan took the elevator downstairs and trotted to the gate of the community.

There was a black car with double flashes on the roadside. Two people were standing next to it. When they saw Chen Xinan coming, one of them opened the back door.

Chen Xinan got into the car, and Li Ruoshan sat next to him.

"We are eating. How about going upstairs to eat together? I can just clean up a small room!" Chen Xinan said with a smile.

Li Ruoshan shook his head and said, "I'll treat you!"

He waved his hand, and the car started slowly.

The two people outside also got into a car that had just driven over and followed behind.

Chen Xinan leaned back in the chair and didn't ask where he was going.

Li Ruoshan said to him, "I'm busy today. I have several meetings. I was still busy when you called, so I didn't answer.

But I know what you want to ask me, so I'll just let you come out and tell you about this!"

Chen Xinan nodded.

The car drove for more than 20 minutes and turned into a community with green guards.

Chen Xinan knew that this was Dahongmen, and it was also the most strictly guarded small villa area.

The houses here were far apart, and each three-story small villa had a large yard.

And the owner of each villa was a big shot who could call the wind and rain in China.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Li actually invited him to his home!

The car stopped, and Chen Xinan did not wait for the guard to come and open the car door. He had his own hands and feet and did not need others to serve him.

Standing in the yard, Chen Xinan was very disappointed.

There were flowers and plants all over the yard, but there were not many that Chen Xinan could look at.

This was seriously inconsistent with Mr. Li's identity!

"Come in, what are you doing here?" Li Ruoshan said to Chen Xinan with a smile.

The guard next to him looked very experienced and said with a smile:

"Let Mr. Chen relax for a while!

Not everyone can enter this place.

Most people who come here are a little excited and need to calm down.

Chief, please go in first, I will accompany Mr. Chen!"

Chen Xin'an ignored the guard and turned to Li Ruoshan and asked: "Mr. Li, this shouldn't be right!

What are you raising here!

Isn't this too ordinary?

Green ivy, asparagus fern, spider plant, moon orange...

These are dozens of yuan a pot, what's the point of raising them?

It's not worth the effort!"

The guard stared at Chen Xin'an with wide eyes, as if he was looking at a monster.

It seems that this guy came to this place for the first time and his attention was on the flowers and plants in the yard?

Chen Xinan frowned and said, "Let's not talk about Mr. Lu Wenhu's greenhouse. Just talk about my second grandfather's No. 1 courtyard in Dongshan. It's better than your things, right?

Now my second grandfather also lives here, I guess the things he raises are more advanced than yours!"

"What are you talking about! The chief..." The guard was unhappy and wanted to talk to Chen Xinan, but Li Ruoshan scolded him with a stern face: "Xiao Zhao!"

He turned his head and laughed at Chen Xinan: "This thing is to relieve stress and relax, just like fishing, it's just a pastime.

I'm not doing it for money, why do I raise such treasures?

These species are easy to raise because they can be found everywhere, and I don't have to worry too much, it's good!"

Chen Xinan opened his mouth, speechless, just shook his head helplessly, very disappointed.

Guard Xiao Zhao looked at Li Ruoshan and said nothing more. He just said to Chen Xinan: "Mr. Chen, please!" Chen Xinan walked towards the door, but stopped suddenly after just two steps. He tilted his head and said: "That's not right!" He turned around, looked at the yard and said: "Old Master Lu said before that there were many treasures sent to you. Why didn't I see them? Also, the space here is not right. There are several places that are temporarily filled, right? Old Master Li, you are a bit unkind! Did you hide all the good things?" Li Ruoshan's face was a little unnatural, and he deliberately said to Chen Xinan with a stern face: "What nonsense are you talking about! What good things do I hide? Do I need to hide? Hurry up and go in, the food is ready, Xiaodong is still waiting for you!" The more he urged, the more suspicious Chen Xinan felt. This old guy, wouldn't he really play such a trick? Chen Xinan was a little angry! Am I so bad in character? Do you have to do this?

The guard looked at Chen Xin'an impatiently and said, "Be careful what you say to the chief!

Besides, you also know that those are treasures, how could they just be placed in the yard and moved into the small flower shop every night..."

"Xiao Zhao!" Li Ruoshan shouted sharply, startling the guard, and said with an aggrieved look:

"Chief, why are you worried about him?

Does he still dare to steal your treasure?

If he really was that kind of person, why would you invite him into your home for dinner? "

"You know nothing!" Li Ruoshan scolded with a dark face: "He doesn't steal, but he dares to rob openly!

What did I tell you?

Don't mention those things to him!

Xu Huaqiang and Lu Wenhu's treasures have all been plundered by this guy.

Do you want me to make the same mistakes again? "

The guard's eyes almost popped out of his head. He pointed at Chen Xin'an and said, "How dare he..."

Chen Xin'an looked embarrassed and said to Li Ruoshan: "Old Li, you are a bit insulting!

I, Chen Xin'an, am not a robber, how could you guard against me like this..."

Li Ruoshan said angrily: "Don't do this! If Xiaodong hadn't said that he had to explain this matter to you face to face, I wouldn't have let you in the house!

Lu Wenhu was so angry with you that he almost went to the ICU. Do you think I don't know about this?

Based on your relationship with Xiaobei, will it be difficult to enter this family in the future?

If the guarantee is not enough, the truck will drive into my yard one day and rob me just like Lu Wenhu!

Are you not a robber?

Don't insult the robber!

Robbers have a bottom line when it comes to doing things. You even let Lu Wenhu scrape away the grass. You are even more ruthless than a robber! "

"These are all rumors, you can't believe them easily, Mr. Li!" Chen Xin'an was so ashamed that she wanted to know who the bastard was who spread the rumors about him, so he had to skin him!

Isn’t this ruining my reputation?

Li Ruoshan was too lazy to bother with this guy on this kind of thing.

Too much talk leads to mistakes. After this boy found out the location of Xiaohuafang, Lu Wenhu’s fate was his future!

Li Ruoshan remembered what Lu Wenhu once said to him from the bottom of his heart:

"Never use humanity and bottom line to measure Chen Xin'an, because he has neither!

If you want him to come to your home, hide all the good things in advance!

Otherwise this bastard will try his best to turn yours into his!

Don't think that he will care about your identity.

Don’t think you don’t have to worry if you arrange guards!

For Chen Xin'an, these can all be in vain! "

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