Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3205 It’s not that you don’t dare, it’s that you don’t deserve it

How could a group of security guards listen to him? They took out their rubber sticks and rushed towards everyone!

The grandson of the richest man in Hong Kong was beaten on their territory. Who can shoulder this responsibility?

Now was a good opportunity to atone for their sins. Everyone was very brave and rushed forward, lashing out at the group of people regardless of gender.

"Don't hit my sister! Don't hit Yunmei!" Zhou Tong was anxious. No matter how many times he got hit, he ran towards the two girls as hard as he could.

The screams kept coming from his ears, making him even more anxious!

From childhood to adulthood, his sister was well cared for by him and his parents. She was never bullied or suffered any hardship.

He couldn't imagine whether his arrogant sister could withstand such a beating. He would rather all the blows fall on him alone!

If I had known this, I wouldn't have brought them here. .??.

If he had known that Andy would be so unkind, he would not have made such a promise. In the end, he would lose face and cause such a big disaster!

After being hit twice, his whole body twitched in pain, but he still gritted his teeth and rushed towards his sister and his beloved girl.

The more painful it felt, the less willing they were to see the two of them endure such pain.

But the strange thing is that after being slapped twice, he didn't get slapped again.

The people around him seemed to have turned around, and the screams became more intense, but no one was there to deal with him!

Zhou Tong stopped, let go of his arms that were protecting his head, and looked around carefully. He was dumbfounded.

There were many people lying on the ground, all of them security guards!

My sister and Yunmei were already protected by the two mainlanders, and everyone who approached them was knocked to the ground!

The opponents who fought against the two mainlanders fell to the ground before they could react. They all ended the fight with just one punch or a kick.

Zhou Tong's eyes widened and he stretched his neck to swallow as he watched Li Qi attack others.

It turns out that this love rival is so powerful, no wonder he doesn’t take Mr. Li seriously at all!

Just now I was provoking others without knowing whether to live or die. In fact, they were just

You need to move your fingers and you will be speechless!

The sense of superiority I had before standing in front of others was all gone now.

Only such a man can give Yunmei the greatest sense of security. Why should I compete with others?

Immediately, a scene that stunned him even more appeared.

A security guard sneaked up behind the two mainlanders and wanted to sneak attack the two girls!

Perhaps in his opinion, these two guys were too good at fighting and too difficult to deal with, but he did not dare to disobey Mr. Li's orders.

So he found another way and wanted to use two women to blackmail the two men, and they would be captured without any effort!

If this trick works, it will be a great achievement!

I just didn’t expect that these two women are not easy to mess with!

Just when he was about to choke Nannan, Yunmei next to him suddenly grabbed his wrist.

While pulling Zhou Nannan away, Han Yunmei pushed her knees hard between the man's legs!

With a miserable howl, the man bent down like a shrimp!

Han Yunmei was afraid of not being thorough, so she held his head down with one hand, clenched her fist with the other, aimed at his neck, and punched him hard!

The guy's screams stopped suddenly, and his body was like a wooden stake, lying straight on the ground, twitching non-stop.

Zhou Nannan, who was still frightened, also ran over and kicked him twice in the head. Now the guy didn't even twitch anymore and was motionless, as if he was dead.

At this time, Chen Xin'an and Li Qi had also solved all the security issues. They happened to see this scene. They grinned and extended their thumbs to the two girls at the same time.

Zhou Nannan ran over, grabbed Zhou Tong's arm nervously, and asked him, "Brother, are you okay?"

Before Zhou Tong could react, he looked at her blankly and shook his head.

With a relaxed expression, Chen Xin'an walked up to Li Zhuo, looked at him and asked, "Are there any more lackeys?"

? Call us together, we haven’t fought enough yet! "

Looking at the security guards on the ground, all crying and wailing, no one could stand up, Li Zhuo's face showed no fear, but a kind of morbid madness.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at the back of his bright red hand, put his palm to his mouth, stuck out his tongue and licked the blood stains on it, and then smiled with a scarlet mouth.

"What a bunch of rubbish!

Well, you guys are really good!

There are people like you in Outer Harbor, and I, Li Zhuo, don’t even know!

Judging from your accent, you are all from the mainland, right?

Sure enough, it was a dragon crossing the river!

Okay, I admit defeat this time, do you dare to sign up? "

Chen Xin'an said to him: "You just need to know that my surname is Chen!"

Li Zhuo snorted coldly, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Why, don't you dare to leave your name? Are you afraid that I will retaliate against you?"

Chen Xin'an curled her lips and said, "It's not that I don't dare, it's that it's not necessary because you're not worthy yet!

Your grandfather Li Daxiong is pretty much the same!

I live in Yihe Hotel 1208. If you want revenge, come to me anytime.

But if you dare to deal with the Zhou family, I will say just one word.

If the Zhou family loses a hair, I will take off your Li Zhuo's arm.

Did you hear that? "

"You have the guts!" Li Zhuo smiled and clapped his hands, giving Chen Xin'an a thumbs up and said:

"You are the first person with the surname Chen to say that I, Li Zhuo, am not worthy!

You are the first one who dares to threaten my Li family!

I remember you, we'll see.

You'd better not leave Outer Harbor, we'll meet soon! "

Chen Xin'an curled her lips and said with disdain: "It's best not to keep me waiting for too long. I'm very busy and pressed for time!"

Li Zhuohan gritted his teeth and glanced at Chen Xin'an and Li Qi, as if he had remembered their looks in his mind, nodded and turned around to leave.

Andier screamed: "Darling, take me with you!"

Now she is a little scared, these people are too wild

That's outrageous. If he even beats her up, her image will be completely ruined!

She never expected that Mr. Li, who had loved her so much and was so obedient, seemed to be a completely different person at this moment. He slapped her in the mouth with his backhand and cursed through gritted teeth:

"go away!

If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be so embarrassed!

I’ll settle the score with you later! "

Watching Li Zhuo start the car and drive away, Andier, who looked aggrieved, covered her face and was a little at a loss.

But when she saw the people next to her gloating at her, she exploded like a shrew!

"What are you looking at! You bastards are all finished!

If Mr. Li is angered, you mainlanders will stay here even with your lives!

You still dare to beat him and humiliate him?

Do you know how the Li family exists in Outer Harbor?

How powerful are they and how deep is their background?

You'd better prepare your funeral arrangements as soon as possible! "

At this moment, a female assistant ran over to her and said: "Ms. An, your phone number..."

Andy'er's face lit up with joy and she said to her, "Did Mr. Li call here? He must be apologizing to me!"

The female assistant shook her head and said, "It's not Mr. Li's..."

Andy'er's expression changed and she scolded her: "Are you blind? Can't you see what's going on now? How can I feel like answering the phone at this time! Hang up!"

The female assistant whispered: "It's Mr. Lu's call!"

Andier immediately took a deep breath and said to her: "Bring the phone over here!"

The female assistant quickly handed over the phone, and Andy'er took it with a smile on her face and said, "Mr. Lu, I'm Andy'er!

Yes, something is going on here, fans are causing trouble!

Mr. Li has left. I will call the police now and arrest these fans!

What? Apologize?

But I don’t think apologizing will work anymore, I...

Mr. Lu, what did you say? You want me to apologize to them? "

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