Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3221 I have never regarded you as a burden

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet, and everyone seemed to be frozen.

Han Yunmei still looked at Li Qi, but her eyes were full of tears.

She sniffed and said to Li Qi: "I know that I am not worthy of Master.

I'm dirty and stupid, and I'm not as cute and cute as Miss Lijuan.

But I will not destroy the relationship between Master and Miss Lijuan!

Even if you are together, I will be very happy! .??.

I just want to follow Master and do things with the boss every day. This makes me believe that I am a useful person.

But why do you always push me away and exclude me?

Have I always been a burden to you?

I know Zhou Tong is interested in me, but I have been avoiding him.

Why did Master have to forcibly tie me to him?

Even the boss, even the master, can't force me to do things I don't like emotionally, right? "

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi looked at each other, both feeling a little embarrassed.

Indeed, they have been arranging opportunities for Yunmei and Zhou Tong.

But in emotional matters, both parties must be willing.

Even biological parents should not force a match, let alone an outsider.

Li Qi blushed and said to Han Yunmei with some guilt: "I'm sorry Yunmei, it's true that I wanted to set you up on purpose.

I was too selfish, I only wanted to give you a good home, and I didn't really think about whether you like it or not.

But I have to make it clear that I definitely don’t treat you as a burden! "

Chen Xin'an, who was sitting in the passenger seat, raised his right hand and whispered: "I don't have a report either!"


Han Yunmei couldn't help laughing when she saw Chen Xin'an acting like a primary school student.

He immediately put on a straight face and complained dissatisfiedly to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, don't make me laugh at this time, I'm very angry!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said with a lingering fear: "I can see it!"

"Oh, I'm so angry!" Han Yunmei couldn't laugh or cry and stamped her foot.

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Li Qi opened the car door for her and said, "We'll talk about it later. Get in the car first. It's time for Miss Zhou to come back!"

Han Yunmei glared at him, and just as she was about to get in the car, Zhou Nannan walked over quickly, took her bag and said, "You can go, my brother has to wait for a while!"

Everyone got in the car, Li Qi looked at the car, Chen Xin'an sat in the passenger seat, Han Yunmei and Zhou Nannan sat in the back.

Uncharacteristically, Zhou Nannan, who used to talk a lot and was always in a very excited mood, now sat silently, making the atmosphere in the carriage a bit depressing.

Han Yunmei turned her head, looked at Zhou Nannan and asked, "Nannan, what's wrong with you?"

Zhou Nannan shook her head, her eyes that were originally looking out the window fell on her, her expression was very serious, and she asked:

"Yunmei, can I ask you a question? Do you like my brother?"

Han Yunmei pursed her lips and asked Zhou Nannan: "Nannan, did your brother ask you to ask?"

Zhou Nannan smiled, shook his head and said, "How dare he! I guess he actually knows the answer, but he just doesn't dare to face it!"

Han Yunmei held Zhou Nannan's hand and said guiltily: "Nannan, I'm sorry!"

Zhou Nannan sighed and said, "Why are you saying sorry? There is no right or wrong in emotional matters, whether you like it or not.

I just don't want to wake up that fool..."

Chen Xin'an suddenly turned his head, looked at Han Yunmei and asked, "Yunmei, do you hate Zhou Tong?"

"I'm not annoying!" Han Yunmei said without hesitation: "He is very well-educated and has a good personality.

Even if he is not Nan Nan's brother, Brother Tong is still someone who can be a friend! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Yunmei, I just said it casually, so don't take it seriously.

Could it be that you have a preconceived notion that this is a forced match of fate, so you have been rejecting it.

Can you let go of all your worries?

With all the mental baggage, can you date Zhou Tong with a normal heart? "

Han Yunmei thought for a while and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, let me try!"

Zhou Nannan's face lit up with joy, and she looked at Chen Xin'an with a kind of gratitude in her eyes.

Chen Xin'an did not dwell on this matter. Instead, she took out the bag in her pocket and asked Zhou Nannan:

"Ms. Zhou, can you do me a favor? Let's see where this bag belongs to?"

Zhou Nannan took the paper bag, looked at the logo on it, nodded and said: "This is Luoji pineapple bun!

I've eaten it too, it's delicious.

The main store is at No. 17, Tongwan, just one street away from the big restaurant! ” .??.

Chen Xin'an looked at the time and said to her: "It's still early for dinner. Let's go to Luo Ji?"

Zhou Nannan said with a smile: "Mr. Chen also wants to eat pineapple buns? Okay, let's buy some and eat them in a big restaurant!

In fact, Big Food House also makes pineapple buns, but the taste is far inferior to that of Lo Kee! "

Chen Xin'an smiled and nodded, handed the phone to Zhou Nannan, asked her to set the navigation, and asked with a smile:

"At the stadium before, Miss Zhou greeted the blond girl. Do you know her?"

While helping to set up the navigation, Zhou Nannan pouted and said, "Mr. Chen can't have ideas for Yue Yue, she has a boyfriend!"

Chen Xin'an said dumbfounded: "No, no, I'm just asking."

Han Yunmei turned to Zhou Nannan and asked, "Is he from our college? Why haven't I seen him before? Is he a senior or a junior?"

Zhou Nannan shook his head and said: "You don't know, he is my high school classmate!

She studied abroad in Farr for five years and came back last year.

This time I was asked to be a temporary translator, named Du Xinyue. "

Chen Xin'an asked: "So the people around her are all Farrs?"

"Yes!" Zhou Nannan nodded and said: "They are also a group of drunkards! Yueyue said in the group that those people almost every night

# Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

They all went to Tongwan to drink.

Moreover, the quality of the wine is so bad that people get into trouble when they are drunk.

The night before yesterday, they got into a fight with people from the association in Tongwan. If someone hadn't helped them, they would have been killed by the people from the association!

These people are really annoying. If they hadn't been given a lot of money, Yueyue would have quit working long ago! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and asked, "So, they all live near Copper Bay?"

Zhou Nannan shook his head and said: "I don't know about that! But there are a lot of foreigners in Tongwan, and there are many bars. My mother and my brother's shop is also in Tongwan.


There was a trace of blush and disdain on her face, as if she wanted to say something.

Han Yunmei glanced at Chen Xin'an, pinched Zhou Nannan's waist and cursed: "Why is this damn girl half-speaking? And what!"

Zhou Nannan snorted and said, "And this is called a man's paradise. Because the quality of the ladies here is the highest in the entire outer port!"

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something again, and quickly said to Han Yunmei: "But Yunmei, don't get me wrong, my brother never does this.

It's also true in his field. There's nothing you can do about it. If you don't do it, you won't be popular.

However, my brother and they are both bosses and employees, so there will never be any scandals.

If you don’t believe me, just ask around. My brother’s reputation in this area is very positive! "

Han Yunmei blushed and glared at her and said, "Doesn't he have anything to do with me?"

"I'm afraid you'll misunderstand!" Zhou Nannan put his arm around her shoulders and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Li, when we're full, we'll go to CAT! It's the store my mom and brother own!"

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an agreed directly without hesitation.

Zhou Nannan warned worriedly: "But please don't cause trouble.

There are a lot of people in the club here, it's a no-nonsense area, but everyone is eager to grab it.

So there are often fights, and there are often hundreds of people.

It’s scary! "

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