Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3229 Kindergarten Teacher

Tongwan International Bilingual Kindergarten in Outer Harbor.

Han Yunmei, wearing kindergarten teacher uniform, taught the children in front of her to dance in the yard.

She came here to work temporarily today. She thought it would be awkward, but she didn't expect that she really had the talent to be a kindergarten teacher.

After spending less than an hour with the little ones, she was completely familiar with her role and mixed with the children.

A former kindergarten teacher had a car accident while at work and was admitted to the hospital.

Zhou Tong's mother Cai Meilan was a good friend of the dean, so she introduced her son's friend Han Yunmei to take over the class for a few days.

Of course, all this was Chen Xin'an's plan.

Because Lu Chunmiao was in this kindergarten, her father Lu Hongwei would pick her up every afternoon.

It was Zhong Yiwen who kidnapped Chen Xin'an's daughter at the instigation of others.

From Ruan Wentai's confession, even the foreign investment inspection team was not the mastermind behind this matter.

The real masterminds were the Ho family and the Lu family in Outer Harbor, and the most important thing was that there was the Golden Glove!

And the He family and the Lu family should know the base of the Golden Glove in Outer Harbor.

Chen Xinan wanted to use Lv Chunmiao as a breakthrough point to see if he could get something out of Lv Hongwei's mouth.

It was almost time to go home from school, and many parents were waiting outside the fence, watching their children dancing inside through the railings.

There was also a young man wearing sunglasses in the crowd, and the bodyguards around him drove away the people next to him, leaving him in the best position.

But his eyes behind the sunglasses were not on those children, but on Han Yunmei who was dancing!

The youthful and lively body twisted wantonly with the music, as if full of fatal temptation, making the man's heart hot and unbearable!

It was strange that with his conditions, he could get any woman he wanted, even first-line stars.

But he had no interest in those women.

He liked women with inner charm.

That was the kind of woman who didn't look stunning, but whose every move revealed a strong seductive temperament for men.

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Zhong Yiwen was such a girl, and so was the woman in front of him.

It's just that Zhong Yiwen's utilitarianism is too strong, and her purpose is too obvious.

When she was with him, she was still holding him back at first, but later when the Lu family began to rise, she began to pursue him.

So after playing with him, Lu Hongwei dumped her.

But he didn't expect that the woman was so scheming that she got pregnant.

Originally, she wanted to use this opportunity to force him to marry her in a formal way, but fortunately, the old man was powerful and spent a sum of money to get rid of her.

He didn't say whether he would marry her or not, but just gave a vague promise. Let the woman leave her daughter and go back to the mainland.

Then some time ago, the old man told him that the woman in the Zhong family was dead.

If he dares to do this kind of thing again, which makes his family wipe his ass for him, then get out of the Lu family!

Lu Hongwei couldn't say how much he liked his daughter.

But the old man liked her, and in order to please him, Lu Hongwei had to be a good father, personally sending her to kindergarten every day and picking her up home.

In the Lu family, his two brothers and three cousins ​​all got married, and all of them had boys.

When the old man thought about the fight over the division of the family property in the future, he looked like he had a headache.

So he didn't like the woman from the Zhong family to be his daughter-in-law, but he loved this granddaughter very much.

Almost every request was granted!

Lu Hongwei was not stupid. He knew that his daughter was the key to how much family property he could get, so he naturally didn't dare to neglect her.

Picking up and dropping off his daughter every day became his most important thing.

But this new kindergarten teacher finally made Lu Hongwei understand that this was not a hard job.

If there was such a teacher dancing for him every day, he wouldn't feel bored no matter how many times a day he came!

Of course, if he could take her home, or go to a hotel, and dance for him alone, it would be even more perfect!

The school bell rang, Han Yunmei clapped her hands and asked the children to stand up, and then began to call the children out by name in the broadcast.

The bodyguard beside him said to Lu Hongwei: "Third Master, I'll go pick up the young lady..."

"No, I'll go by myself!" Lu Hongwei said quickly, and said to the two bodyguards who were a little surprised: "You go to the car and wait!"

After that, he walked straight to the gate without caring whether the bodyguards agreed or not.

Although the two bodyguards were a little surprised, they didn't say anything.

Lu Hongwei walked to the gate of the kindergarten and said to the kindergarten teacher who was standing at the gate to receive the children: "Pick up Lu Chunmiao, I'm her father!"

"Okay, Mr. Lu, please wait!" The kindergarten teacher who received the children had also seen Lu Hongwei and knew the relationship between him and Lu Chunmiao. .??.

It's just that Mr. Lu used to wait in the car, but today it's strange that he came to pick someone up in person!

The Lu family is now in its heyday in Outer Harbor. Not to mention these kindergarten teachers, even the dean will be partial to Lu Chunmiao.

And the kindergarten teachers all know that although Lu Chunmiao's father has a child, he is not married and is still a single nobleman!

Where did the child come from? No one cares.

It's not a big deal if a rich young man is having affairs outside.

If I really become the daughter-in-law of the Lu family, it doesn't matter if my husband is living a life of drunkenness and debauchery outside, as long as I can ensure that I have enough food and clothing, have money to spend and live a good life.

It's just that this Mr. Lu has a weird personality, and no young kindergarten teacher can catch his eye.

So although everyone has such thoughts, they can only sigh in despair because they have no chance.

Now they actually see Mr. Lu standing in front of them at a close distance, and they all think that the opportunity has come!

"Mr. Lu, please wait a moment, I will notify the baby to come out immediately!" The reception kindergarten teacher greeted Lu Hongwei with a sweet smile, then threw him

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a wink, and picked up the loudspeaker in her hand.

Hearing her name called out from the loudspeaker, Lu Chunmiao turned her head and saw her father at the gate. She shouted excitedly and ran over.

The little heart didn't know why her father was always indifferent to her, but she was still very happy to see her father take the initiative to pick her up.

Kele was so happy that she ran a few steps and crawled forward, fell to the ground, and burst into tears.

Now almost half of the kindergarten teachers ran over and wanted to help Lu Chunmiao up.

But the little girl continued to cry after being picked up, and she was out of breath, and no one could comfort her.

Lu Hongwei, whose face was getting gloomier, was a little impatient.

The reason he didn't like his daughter was that this girl was too crying. No one at home could comfort her except the old man, and she was so noisy!

But now she is here, who can comfort her?

You can't just listen to her howling all the way, right?

If he hasn't been coaxed at home, and the old man sees that his precious granddaughter has been wronged, won't he beat him with a belt?

"Make way, let me try!" Han Yunmei said to her colleagues with a smile.

All the colleagues had black faces and didn't make way for her at all.

Although it was the first day to replace her, Han Yunmei was not liked by her colleagues.

Tongwan International is not a place where others can enter if they want to. To be a kindergarten teacher in this kindergarten, you have to get a senior kindergarten teacher certificate.

And there is a job for everyone, and no one is redundant here.

What qualifications does this Dongchao woman who can't even speak the local dialect have to be parachuted here?

Even if she is a substitute, it is not okay!

Does she have a senior kindergarten teacher qualification certificate?

She is just a useless person who got in through the back door!

No one listened to her words and no one moved.

But Lu Hongwei said to everyone in a deep voice: "Get out of the way and let this teacher come over!"

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