Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3232 Don’t think of me the same way as they do

After entering the box, Lu Hongwei took off his coat and handed it to the bodyguard.

“Just serve some dishes and grab the two bottles of wine I put in there.

Tell them that no one can come in without permission! "

"Yes!" The bodyguard nodded, turned around and walked out.

Lu Hongwei smiled at Han Yunmei and said: "Miss Han, don't be rigid, relax!

Don't worry, there will only be two of us here later, no one else will come in! "

The food and wine were soon brought out and placed on the small table next to the sofa.

The waiter took red wine and poured it into glasses for the two of them.

Lu Hongwei clapped his hands and motioned for her to go out. He turned to Han Yunmei and smiled: "Let's eat here, we don't need to go to the dining table.

It's too formal over there, why not relax here, where you can sit and lie down whenever you want.

Miss Han, let me take off your coat for you.

Don't worry, no one will come in from now on.

Even if you don't wear any clothes here, no one can see you, only me! "

Han Yunmei said with some embarrassment: "Mr. Lu, what are you talking about?

How could I not wear clothes!

Otherwise, I'd better leave, I don't feel safe staying here! "

Just as she was about to stand up, Lu Hongwei stretched out his hand and pushed her back onto the sofa!

"Okay, stop pretending! I know you have been waiting for this opportunity. Now the opportunity is given to you. The rest depends on your performance!"

Han Yunmei was startled, looked at Lu Hongwei in a panic and asked: "What, what chance? Mr. Lu, I don't know what you are talking about!"

Lu Hongwei sneered coldly, looked at her with disdain and said, "Do you really think I don't know what you kindergarten teachers think?

You are all posing in front of me, don't you just want me to look at you more?

As long as I, Lu Hongwei, have a crush on you, even if it is just a moment of love, it will be a profit for you.

Because everyone knows that my Lu family is not stingy.

The tip I give you is more than you earn in a month.

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You are just like them, you are just looking for an opportunity to get close to me and deliberately pretending to be aloof!

Now that there is no one else, there is no need to pretend.

Give you a chance, try your best to please me and please me. If I am satisfied, I will never give you a bad tip! "

Han Yunmei's eyes seemed a little relaxed, but they became sharp the next second.

Her face turned red, as if she had been greatly humiliated. She stood up suddenly, picked up the glass of red wine on the table, and threw it at Lu Hongwei's face!

Red wine spilled all over Lu Hongwei's face, making him look a little embarrassed.

Han Yunmei scolded in a trembling voice: "Don't think that I am like others! I have never thought of getting close to you! If you are not Lu Chunmiao's parent, I never want to know you in this life!"

After saying that, she put down the cup and turned towards the door.

Lu Hongwei looked at her with a gloomy face, but did not get up to stop her.

Han Yunmei walked to the door and opened it, but two bodyguards like door gods stood outside, blocking her way.

"Get out of the way!" Han Yunmei shouted to the two bodyguards, but they were indifferent.

Han Yunmei turned her head, looked at Lu Hongwei and said, "Mr. Lu, are you going to forcibly detain me here?

Is there no law in your eyes? "

With a hint of sarcasm on his face, Lu Hongwei stood up and walked over. Suddenly he grabbed Han Yunmei's hair, ignored her screams, dragged her back and threw her on the sofa!

Lu Hongwei stretched out his hand, and a bodyguard came in, handed him a leather bag, and then walked out quickly.

The door to the room was closed again, and there was even the sound of being locked from the outside.

Han Yunmei looked at Lu Hongwei in horror, hugged her arms and said, "What do you want to do? If you force me like this, I will call the police."

! "

Lu Hongwei curled his lips and said: "Don't worry, I don't like forcing others, especially women!

The woman I want will automatically crawl into my bed, and so will you! "

"You're dreaming!" Han Yunmei was trembling with anger.

With a sneer on his lips, Lu Hongwei opened the wallet in his hand, took out a wad of money and threw it on Han Yunmei!

Han Yunmei didn't look at him and shouted to him: "What are you doing? Let me go, or I'll call the police right away!"

Lu Hongwei sneered and said: "Ten thousand is not enough, then 20,000! If 20,000 is not enough, then 40,000!"

Don't pretend to be a chaste and martyrdom woman, it's just that you are not satisfied with the price!

I want to see how much money I can spend to satisfy you and take off your clothes automatically in front of me! "

While he was talking, he took out bundles of banknotes from his wallet and threw them on Han Yunmei's body.

Until now, he doesn't like swiping credit cards.

No matter what I buy, I like to use cash.

So he always keeps a leather bag by his side, specially used to hold at least 200,000 in cash.

Because it’s so nice to throw a lot of money in front of someone and see the envy on their faces and those around them!

But now that hundreds of thousands of dollars have been spent, the woman on the sofa doesn't look tempted at all!

She seemed to be extremely insulted. She had already taken out her mobile phone and was calling the police!

Lu Hongwei was angry. He threw the entire bag and hit it on Han Yunmei. He snatched her cell phone and threw it to the ground!

"Bitch, you have a big appetite! Isn't a hundred thousand dollars enough?

Okay, there are half a million in this card!

Now take off your clothes and dance for me, and this five hundred thousand is yours! "


A heavy slap hit Lu Hongwei's face, and Han Yunmei cursed at him with an expression of shame and anger:

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

\u003e"Please stop humiliating me!

I said, don’t imagine me to be like those women you’ve seen!

I don't care about your money, even five hundred and five million is the same!

Don’t think that just because you have money, you can do whatever you want!

Let me go immediately. I will pretend that what happened today never happened.

Otherwise I will definitely call the police to arrest you! "

Lu Hongwei was stunned by this slap!

This woman's hand was really strong, and this slap made his head buzz.

But it did make him calm down, and the way he looked at Han Yunmei was a little different.

Instead of getting angry, he smiled.

He had seen so many women who were attracted to her and came to his door. This girl in front of him, whom money could not buy, made him very interested and had a strong desire to conquer her!

He didn't believe that with the Lu family's current wealth and fame, there were still girls who didn't take Lu Hongwei seriously.

But there is someone right in front of you!

Her appearance was not the most outstanding among the women he had come into contact with.

But the charm revealed in every gesture attracted him very much.

Even when he was angry now, her cute little appearance made it difficult for him to control himself. He wanted to hold her in his arms and love her!

Sensing that Lu Hongwei's breathing was getting heavier, Han Yunmei also felt the danger. She desperately shrank back on the sofa, looked at Lu Hongwei and said:

"What are you doing? Don't mess around, I'll call the police now..."

Before she finished speaking, Lu Hongwei pounced on her when she screamed, and roughly tore her clothes!

"If you don't want money, what do you want? Do you want a status? I can give it to you!

As long as you obey me, you will be the wife of the Lu family from now on!

You can have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life and live a life of excellence!

I will give you whatever you want. Are you satisfied? "

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