Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3235 If you help me kill someone, I will tell you

"Don't mess around!

Those things have nothing to do with me, they were not done by me!

This is my Lu family's place. If you alarm other people, don't even think about leaving here!

Chen Xin'an, if you have something to say, I can compensate you! "

When Chen Xin'an pulled out the steel needle from his neck, Lu Hongwei huddled in the corner of the sofa and said to Chen Xin'an in horror.

Han Yunmei, who had returned to normal, walked over and closed the door.

Fortunately, all the distinguished guests, staff and security at the club have been deployed today.

In addition, the box Lu Hongwei chose was relatively remote, and he didn't want others to disturb him, so that his prey would not be able to escape.

I just didn't expect that he would be trapped in a cocoon, and now he has to go in a long circle if he wants to run out!

Seeing Han Yunmei close the door, Lu Hongwei gave up even more.

"Chen Xin'an, I know why you came to me.

But Zhong Yiwen’s matter really has nothing to do with me. I didn’t ask her to do that! "

Lu Hongwei said helplessly: "I've heard of you, but I've never seen you. I have no grievances against you, so I can't afford to send someone all the way to deal with you!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "I know!"

"Huh?" This time, it was Lu Hongwei's turn to be stunned. He didn't expect Chen Xin'an to believe his words, and he was a little angry.

Since you know you have nothing to do with me, you still deliberately plan for this to happen. Is there anything wrong with you?

Seemingly reading his thoughts, Chen Xin'an sneered and said: "It has nothing to do with you, but it has something to do with your father Lu Bonian.

In fact, it was your father who instigated Zhong Yiwen to do this.

The advantage is that she can legitimately marry into the Lu family. "

Lu Hongwei said angrily: "Then you go find my father! He is not here today and will be back tomorrow. I don't know the situation at all, so it's unjust for you to trouble me!"

Chen Xin'an was speechless.

This son is truly a grandson!

When it comes to betraying my father, I really don’t even hesitate!

Taking a deep breath, Chen Xin'an said to him: "Of course I will settle the matter with your father."

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Yes, but I have something to do with you!

Mr. Lu, let’s be polite first and then fight.

I want to ask you a favor! "

Knowing that he had no way out, Lu Hongwei took the risk and was no longer afraid. He sat up from the sofa, picked up the unbroken wine bottle on the table, and poured himself a glass of red wine.

After taking a sip to calm down his shock, Lu Hongwei turned to Chen Xin'an and said:

"If you had said this earlier, why bother to do this?

Tell me, what do you want me to help you with?

Although my father wants to deal with you, he is him and I am me.

We have no grievances and may even be friends. "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, not caring about Lu Hongwei's current attitude, and took out something from his body, pulled out a white disk, took the thing in his hand, and pressed it on it.

An image appeared on the disk, and in Chen Xin'an's hand was a seal.

Seeing this image and the seal, Lu Hongwei coughed violently as if he had choked on his wine, and asked Chen Xin'an in horror: "Why do you have this?"

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, shook his head and said, "You don't need to know this. I want to find them, you just need to tell me where they are!"

Lu Hongwei's expression changed drastically, he shook his head vigorously and said, "How do I know! Who are they you are talking about? I don't understand what you are talking about!"

Chen Xin'an took Lu Hongwei's cup, placed it gently on the corner of the table, and then pressed it on the cup with his palm.

He smiled and said to Lu Hongwei: "Master Lu, I just made it very clear, we must be polite first and then fight.

I'm asking you politely now, if you don't cherish it, then I will try another method! "

While speaking, Chen Xinan pressed his palms down.

The wine glass underneath made a slight breaking sound, and then Chen Xin'an covered it on the table with her palm.

After Chen Xin'an finished speaking, he also took his hands away.

There was only a pile of powder left on the corner of the table, as if it had been crushed by a stamping machine!

There was no color on Lu Hongwei's face.

Even if he didn't know kung fu, he could still see the terrifying aspect of Chen Xin'an's move.

It's nothing to crush the cup, but the scary thing is that the palm of your hand will not be punctured by the glass!

What's even more terrifying is that one hand can actually crush glass ballast into powder!

Are his palms made of iron?

If this pressed on my head, wouldn't it just flatten it?

Chen Xin'an looked at Lu Hongwei coldly and said, "Mr. Lu, I'm not as stupid as you think.

Since I want to deal with you, how could I not investigate you?

I know that when a woman from the He family married your eldest brother, your father also deliberately trained your eldest brother to take over the Lu family's industry.

You have always been resentful, and the old fox in the He family actually values ​​you more!

So the connection with this group of people is actually you operating in the middle.

So you'd better tell Guaiguai to cooperate with me. It won't be good for anyone if we break up! "

Lu Hongwei looked at Chen Xin'an, the corners of his eyes twitching.

He smiled and said to Chen Xin'an: "Since you know so much, of course you also know my purpose.

So these people are my trump card.

Can I easily show you my cards?

Of course, you Chen Xin'an are powerful enough and have many means to force me.

I, Lu Hongwei, am not a hard-nosed person, but I will fight for the major events that affect my life's prosperity no matter what. "

Chen Xin'an thought for a while, looked at Lu Hongwei and said, "What if I said that I could help you take over the power of the Lu family?

Neither your father, nor your eldest brother, nor even the He family has the strength to make a comeback. Will you cooperate with me? "

Lu Hongwei smiled, looked at Chen Xin'an with a sarcastic face and said, "I won't worry about whether you, Chen Xin'an, have that strength.

Just tell me one thing, did you take me

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Want to be a fool?

What I want is a strong Lu family, not an empty shell!

The Lu family needs those people to provide funds to grow, but what's the use of just seizing power?

Is it possible that you, Chen Xin'an, would spend a lot of money to support the Lu family?

Is your wealth, Chen Xin'an, comparable to that of those people? "

Chen Xin'an was a little frustrated.

This kid is really not as stupid as he seems!

He was right, Chen Xin'an could help him deal with Lu Bonian and his eldest brother Lu Hongyi.

But it also directly cut off the connection between the Lu family and the Golden Gloves.

In this way, the Lu family will be brought back to its original shape without financial support.

Chen Xin'an has money, but will not invest in the Lu family.

What Lu Hongwei got in the end was indeed an empty shell.

Chen Xin'an nodded, stood up from the sofa, and said to Lu Hongwei: "In this case, I have no choice but to take action.

Sorry, I'm going to knock you out now and take you out of here! "

This was not a place for Lu Hongwei to be tortured. He couldn't use it at all. Any louder movements would cause trouble.

So Chen Xin'an wanted to find a place to attack Lu Hongwei.

Lu Hongwei was also panicked, and quickly said to Chen Xin'an: "Wait a minute! We can still discuss it, there is no need to fight!"

Chen Xin'an looked at Lu Hongwei with a half-smile and asked, "What else can Mr. Lu do?

I don't want to use force on Mr. Lu. After all, there really isn't much hatred between us. "

Lu Hongwei's face was gloomy, he turned his head and looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "You help me kill someone. If you succeed, I will tell you where those people are hiding in Outer Harbor.

I can even tell you their investment plans throughout China and the selected partners! "

Chen Xin'an looked at Lu Hongwei with a half-smile but said, "Is there anyone in Outer Harbor who you hate so much, Mr. Lu? Tell me and I will listen."

Lu Hongwei gritted his teeth and said word by word: "Li Zhuo!"

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