Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3245 If you need any help, just ask

A group of people were laughing. Although they were all trying to suppress their voices, their actions were somewhat unscrupulous.

The look they gave the mute was full of provocation, as if they were forcing him to take action.

Originally, the security task for these customers was theirs.

The boss was very generous. When they signed the contract, they really made their peers envious.

But this dead mute took a different approach and emerged out of nowhere.

He attacked the female translator and contacted these big bosses through her.

What's even more infuriating is that this guy is now highly valued by the big bosses. I'm afraid that he alone will make us all unemployed!

It's all because these two nights, our group of people failed to make up their minds and let this kid take advantage of the opportunity!

This group of dead foreigners would go to the major nightclubs in Tongwan every night.

The exhibition was open for five days. They visited all the famous nightclubs in the outer port, and finally liked to play in Tongwan.

The key is that these guys are not very good at drinking. They get into trouble after drinking a little bit of alcohol and fight with people almost every day.

In the past, these bodyguards relied on their popularity in the local area to settle a few disputes without much consequence.

But after the mute came, once the boss and the female translator were blocked by others, he would go up and fight without saying a word!

There was no chance for the bodyguards to mediate.

This was actually good for the temper of those bosses.

The bodyguards were too cautious and were afraid of offending the local community.

So they didn't do much, just tried to mediate.

The mute went against others without thinking, and he was not afraid of fighting against more than a dozen opponents alone, and he didn't retreat even if he was beaten bloody.

Now the bosses like to keep him around, and the commission he gives him in a day is more than the four of them combined!

It would be strange if they didn't get jealous!

It's natural to isolate him and drive him away.

The mute was indifferent to the provocation of these people. Anyway, these guys were just talking nonsense. If they really dared to take action, the bosses would just drive them away.

Seeing the meeting

# Every time verification appears, please do not use the invisible mode!

Everyone in the meeting room stood up and looked like they were about to come out. Chen Xinan said to Zhou Nannan: "Let's go out!"

"Leave now? Don't you want to watch?" Zhou Nannan hugged Chen Xinan's arm, with a little disappointment on her face.

Chen Xinan nodded and said with a smile: "No need to watch. Why, haven't you seen enough?"

Zhou Nannan looked at the watch on her wrist and said to Chen Xinan: "Where are we going now?

It's not even noon yet, I'll take you to Disneyland, it's so much fun!"

Chen Xinan shook his head and said: "I don't have time to go there! I have something else to do, if you want to go, invite other friends..."

Zhou Nannan hurriedly said: "What are you going to do? Can I go with you? Don't worry, I won't bother you! Maybe I can help you!"

Chen Xinan turned around, looked at Zhou Nannan strangely and asked: "Nannan, why are you following me?"

Zhou Nannan blushed and lowered her head and said: "What's the matter? Why? If you want to follow me, just follow me!"

Looking at her little girl look, Chen Xinan understood a little bit, reached out and rubbed her head and said:

"What are you thinking about! Didn't Yunmei tell you? I'm a married person!"

"I know!" Zhou Nannan's face flushed red, and she didn't dare to look at Chen Xinan's eyes, but lowered her head and said:

"Don't, don't get me wrong! I'm just bored, everyone else is in pairs, I'm alone, standing anywhere is an eyesore.

Why are you telling me whether you are married or not? Does it have anything to do with me?

I just want to find someone to play with me.

You don't misunderstand that I want to seduce you, do you?"

Chen Xinan turned around and looked at the girl in front of him.

Zhou Nannan felt guilty when he was staring at her. Just when she was about to get angry, Chen Xinan said to her, "Nannan, do you want to play a more exciting game?"

"Ah?" Zhou Nannan was stunned for a moment, looked at Chen Xinan and asked, "What exciting game?"

Although her face was confused, Chen Xinan knew that this girl's interest was really aroused by him.

Chen Xinan smiled slightly and said to her, "Let's go to Tongwan to play in the evening!"

"Tsk!" Zhou Nannan curled her lips and said with disdain, "Brother Xian, do you think I live in the mainland?

You haven't been out to play, right?

I'm tired of the nightclubs in Tongwan!

If you want to play, I'll take you to a more fun place!"

Chen Xinan shrugged and said, "Okay, you go to a more fun place, I'll go to Tongwan in the evening, and we'll play our own games!"

"Don't!" Zhou Nannan panicked when she heard it, and quickly said to Chen Xinan, "Isn't it okay for me to go to Tongwan with you? Do you want to call my brother and Yunmei?"

Chen Xinan shook his head and said, " No, just the two of us!"

"Just the two of us?" Zhou Nannan was stunned for a moment, then nodded vigorously with a red face and said: "Okay!"

The phone rang, Zhou Nannan took out her mobile phone and said to Chen Xinan: "Yueyue called."

Chen Xinan said to her: "Invite her to have lunch together at noon, you choose the place, it doesn't have to be too far!"

Zhou Nannan nodded and answered the phone: "We are out! Okay, you can send it over later, it's at... Liangji, the one we used to go to, let's have lunch together!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Nannan said to Chen Xinan: "Liangji is not far ahead, Yueyue has already gone there, let's go there now!"

Chen Xinan nodded and turned to drive.

The restaurant looked small and there were not many people, so Du Xinyue sitting at the window could be seen at a glance.

After parking the car, Zhou Nannan took Chen Xinan into the restaurant and said as they walked: "Don't think this restaurant is not famous, but the beef brisket noodles are delicious!

When Yueyue and I were in school, we would come here every few days to eat a bowl of beef brisket noodles here.

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And their braised food here is unique. I will order a few servings later and let Brother Xian taste it!"

"Okay!" Chen Xinan has never been particular about food, but after coming to Waigang, he found that people here are really particular about food.

For any kind of snack, there are people who can make it to the extreme.

It can be said that no city in the mainland has such delicious food, such a wide variety, and such excellence as Waigang.

Even Kyoto would be inferior.

"Here, I brought the things. Here you go!" Du Xinyue picked up a bag from the seat next to him and handed it to Zhou Nannan.

Of course, there was an unopened drone inside.

But it was a castrated version of the souvenir.

However, Chen Xinan still took it with a look of surprise, and said to Du Xinyue:

"Thank you, Miss Du! I'll treat you to lunch today, thank you for your help.

You're welcome, just order whatever you want."

Du Xinyue looked at Chen Xinan, then at Zhou Nannan, and said with a pout: "Then I'm really rude!

Nannan, this girl, rarely asks for help.

You actually begged me for you, so I can't let you go easily!"

Zhou Nannan blushed and scolded: "Yueyue, what nonsense are you talking about! Hurry up and eat, shut your stinky mouth!"

Du Xinyue pouted and snorted. He said in a low voice: "Client? You are lying! You dare to hide it from me, I will take time to deal with you!

I don't care, I want to eat roast goose with rice!"

Zhou Nannan cursed: "You are going to die! Liangji's roast goose is so expensive..."

"Okay!" Chen Xinan stopped Zhou Nannan and said with a smile: "Order whatever you want to eat, don't worry about the price, I can afford it!"

Du Xinyue raised her eyebrows proudly and said to Zhou Nannan: "Did you hear that? You are helping your boyfriend save money before you are together, you are so generous!

Brother Xian, you are a generous person, if you need my help, just ask!"

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