Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3261 Please help me invite them to dinner

The little brother who was beaten cried out and hugged his head, looking at Chen Xin'an with an aggrieved look.

"Boss, I'm wearing makeup like this, can you still recognize me?"

Chen Xin'an pulled off his fake beard and scolded him: "If you call this makeup, then my mask should be thrown away as waste paper!

Li Nianbei, you are good at it, you can get so many guns!

You are so patient!

What, you want to build a private armed force in the outer port? "

Li Nianbei took out a pack of tissues from his pocket, ran over and diligently wiped the blood stains on Chen Xin'an's face, and said with a smile:

"Boss, how can I do that?

These guns are all made by Brother Nong and have nothing to do with me! "

A man dressed as a younger brother came over, raised his hand to Chen Xin'an and said, "Long Ya Outer Port Liaison Officer, Ye Fannong has met Mr. Chen!"

Chen Xin'an looked the man up and down and said with a smile, "A man from a green suit?"

Ye Fannong said with admiration: "Sure enough, nothing can be hidden from Mr. Chen. He stayed at Snow Mountain Leopard for six years and retired due to injury!"

He lifted up his right leg, and Chen Xin'an discovered that his right leg was a prosthetic leg.

Chen Xin'an didn't have much of an outsider attitude towards the people of Long Ya, and was even more unfriendly than the people who met Long Dun.

He pointed at the guns in the hands of the gang and asked Ye Fannon, "How can you get these things?"

Ye Fannong grinned, walked to him, and whispered: "To be honest with Mr. Chen, it's not just this, even this..."

He stretched his arms, posed like a spear, and said to Chen Xin'an: "There is no problem now, as long as you have money, you can buy it!"

Chen Xin'an widened her eyes and asked him, "Is the outer harbor so loose?"

Ye Fannong shook his head and smiled: "It's not Waigang, it's Tailan!"

Li Nianbei chuckled and said, "Boss, have you forgotten? Tailan is at war now!"

Chen Xin'an suddenly realized!

I really forgot about this one.

Tailan is now fighting for power. What is the easiest thing to get at this time?

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It must be a gun!

Years of old inventory and assistance from various forces have turned Tailan into a large arsenal.

Therefore, smuggling these things has become the fastest way for all forces in Tailan to make money.

Of course, this kind of business is not something everyone can do.

If you don't have the connections, even if you have money, you can't buy a gun.

"Boss, do you want to prepare some goods?" Li Nianbei looked at him and said with a smile, "Brother Nong can get anything."

Chen Xin'an laughed, and then slapped him on the head again!

"Are you being smart, or is the old man using your words to test me?

I will definitely want something, but not for use in the mainland.

Don't forget that I still have a group of brothers in the Eagle Flag Country, and I give it to them.

Brother Nong, can I trouble you about this? "

Ye Fannong patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Chen, just give me a list!"

Li Nianbei shrank his neck and said with a dry smile: "Boss, don't get me wrong, grandpa doesn't know what I am doing in Outer Harbor!

I just asked casually, don’t think too much about it! "

Chen Xin'an snorted, glared at him and cursed: "Is it me who shouldn't think too much, or you?

Xiaobei, remember what I said today.

No matter what I become or what strength I have, I will always remember that I am Chinese!

I know what I should and shouldn't do.

Even if I don't think about myself, I will still think about my family, my friends, and you brothers!

So don’t worry that I will be uncontrollable, I’m here…”

He patted his chest and said seriously to Li Nianbei: "There is a scale. You won't let yourself cross the line!"

Li Nianbei's face turned red and he said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, I'm sorry.


! "

Chen Xin'an waved his hand, glanced at Uncle Long next to him and said, "Is he okay after hearing this?"

Since no one has been betrayed, it means that everyone present is one of our own.

Chen Xin'an asked, also wanting to find out Uncle Long's current identity.

Uncle Long came over and said seriously to Chen Xin'an: "Wang Yinglong, Longya Outer Port Liaison Officer, has met Mr. Chen!"


Chen Xin'an's eyes were as wide as a bell.

Ye Fannong smiled and said to Chen Xin'an: "Actually, I have been observing Uncle Long for almost two years. I have always had this desire, but I could never find a good opportunity.

This time, it was an excellent opportunity to cooperate with Xiaobei on the mission, so I put forward my opinion.

Unexpectedly, Uncle Long also had a patriotic heart. They hit it off immediately and agreed to join on the spot.

Now everyone is on their own. "

Chen Xin'an looked at Uncle Long and joked: "Uncle Long, you are a professional broker and you work on the outer harbor. After joining Longya, you will be subject to a lot of restrictions. Can you get used to it?"

Uncle Long smiled and said, “You have to get used to it if you’re not used to it.

People in outer Hong Kong always want to get away from the mainland, but they can't see that outer Hong Kong is increasingly inseparable from the mainland.

To be honest, many old friends may look down on my current status.

But in another year or two, they will be envious! "

Chen Xin'an smiled and nodded without saying anything more.

Uncle Long looked at Li Zhuo on the ground and asked Chen Xin'an, "Mr. Chen, what are you going to do with this kid?"

Chen Xinan looked at him and smiled: "Uncle Long, you don't think that what I just said to Luo Qinghong was a joke, right?"

Uncle Long was stunned for a moment, and said to Chen Xinan with some concern: "Mr. Chen, the Li family has a special status in Outer Port, and this kid is also Li Daxiong's most beloved grandson. I think..."

"Uncle Long!" Li Nianbei smiled and said to him: "The boss has his own plans and purposes for doing things

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, we just need to cooperate well, no need to make suggestions!"

Uncle Long nodded awkwardly and said: "Okay, I'll remember it!"

Chen Xinan looked at Uncle Long and said: "Uncle Long, help me do something!"

Uncle Long hurriedly said: "Mr. Chen, please tell me!"

Chen Xinan smiled and said: "Help me find a place, I'll treat people to a meal!"

"Okay, who? When? I'll help you arrange it!" Uncle Long patted his chest and said.

Chen Xin'an raised his lips, revealing a wicked smile, and said to him: "Tomorrow at noon, I will invite all the leaders of the Outer Port to have a meal."

Uncle Long was stunned and said awkwardly: "Mr. Chen, I'm afraid I can't invite all of them. Even if there are good excuses and reasons, I can trick them to come..."

Chen Xin'an waved his hand and said: "No need to lie, just tell the truth and say that I, Chen Xin'an, invited them.

Just register those who come and those who don't come and give them to me!"

Uncle Long gritted his teeth and nodded and said: "Okay! Then I will notify them as Mr. Chen ordered!

The place is in my Jinlongcheng main store, which is my own territory and is safer."

Chen Xin'an smiled and nodded and said: "Okay! Tomorrow at noon at 12 o'clock, Jinlongcheng Fatty's Notes."

He lowered his head, glanced at the mobile phone he took out, and said: "It's already half past twelve, Li Daxiong hasn't come yet, then do it!"

Picked up a pipe knife from the ground and walked to the side of Li Zhuo who was still unconscious.

Uncle Long's face changed and he shouted, "Mr. Chen..."

Before he could finish, Chen Xin'an had already raised his knife and chopped off Li Zhuo's left arm!

This knife was chopped off from the shoulder of Li Zhuo's left arm, which was equivalent to chopping off Li Zhuo's entire arm!

Amid the splattering blood, Li Zhuo was awakened by the pain and screamed loudly.

Chen Xin'an kicked him on the head, knocking him unconscious again, and took out a few steel needles and stabbed them directly into Li Zhuo's chest and shoulders to stop the bleeding.

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