Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3281 You can take more money

Even if he brutally kidnapped a woman in broad daylight, it didn't attract anyone else's attention.

The foreigner happened to avoid the sight of the patrolman.

Of course, even if a patrol officer sees him, he will only turn a blind eye.

After all, the foreigners in this area are all people of status.

The little patrol police couldn't afford to provoke them, unless the kidnapped people were also foreigners.

Amid Du Xinyue's cries, a group of people entered the villa.

"Saul, don't be so rude. We have always been good friends with Miss Du. Do you think so, Miss Du?"

Standing at the door of the living room, an SDC exhibitor shook his head and said to his companion who was pulling Du Xinyue's hair.

When the men behind them saw them coming in, they did not hide the weapons on the table. Instead, they all looked like they were watching the fun, and then they set their eyes on the mute.

Sol let go of Du Xinyue, curled his lips to his companion and said: "Commons, I think we are too gentlemen to these Miss Du!

Let her think that she can reject us at will, or even give us a look!

Now we are leaving anyway, and there is no need to act like a gentleman in front of her! "

Du Xinyue's tears had already flowed down her face, and she sat paralyzed on the ground, looking at the foreigners in front of her in horror.

Her arm was bruised and bleeding.

Normally, she would have been extremely nervous.

But now, she couldn't care less about the pain.

Because the next encounter is much more terrifying than this!

She really couldn't imagine how two well-educated foreign men who seemed to have bad character but were still polite to her suddenly became so barbaric!

Du Xinyue has always looked down upon local men, feeling that they were of low quality and short-sighted.

Even though she was mute, it was just her skills that made her feel safe.

On the contrary, I admire those foreign men very much, because those people are of high quality, well-educated, generous, and can say some sweet words that girls like to hear.

Several boyfriends Du Xinyue has

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

Her friends were all foreigners, and although they all broke up later for various reasons, she still felt that she had to marry a foreign man if she wanted to marry.

As for the mute, he only admires her because of his good skills and his courage to fight other men for her.

Of course, she won't treat the mute badly and she really wants to be her girlfriend for a while.

As for marriage, don't even think about it. She won't marry a local, let alone a mainlander. She only wants to marry a foreigner.

But now, she finally understands that not all foreign men are of high quality.

These two guys in front of me are wolves in sheep's clothing!

They are all pretending to be polite.

But what chilled her even more was that the mute was indifferent to this!

I originally thought that the mute had been fascinated by her and would do anything for her, even risking his own life for her!

Reality gave her a hard slap in the face!

These foreigners must have promised the mute more rewards, which made him tempted!

This is the reason why she looks down on local men. They are selfish and philistine. They can't stand the temptation. If they are given a little benefit, they will choose to betray. Such a man deserves to die!

Commons shook his head, walked to Du Xinyue, helped her up, took out a tissue, and gently wiped the blood stains on her arm.

Look, foreigners are different from foreigners. There are always people with high quality.

Du Xinyue took the tissue and said to Commons in a trembling voice: "Thank you, Mr. Commons!

We agreed before that when we send you to the airport, the employment contract between us will end.

Now since you are not going to the airport, can you give me the rest of my salary?

I want to go back! "

Sol said with a hideous smile: "If you want to leave, you can! As long as you are comfortable serving me, let alone the rest of your salary, I will give you more to let you go!"


He walked to the sofa next to him and sat down, patted his thighs with both hands, and said to Du Xinyue: "Come on, let's start!"


Du Xinyue wiped the tears on her face, forced a smile and said to him: "Mr. Saul, I think I have made it very clear before, I don't do this!"

She turned her head again and said to Commons: "Mr. Commons, you said that you are satisfied with my work during this period.

I really want us to get together and have a good break.

You are welcome to continue to find me next time you come to Outer Harbor.

I know that you are all good men with quality and etiquette, so you won’t make it difficult for me, a little girl, right? "

She now knew that she could count on no one but Commons.

After all, he seems to have some grace.

Commons smiled faintly and said to her: "Don't be afraid, beautiful Miss Du.

Sol, this guy likes to joke the most, and he is playing with you!

Don’t you girls from outer Hong Kong all love to play?

Don't worry, he won't treat you badly.

It's just that this guy is a bit irritable. The more you reject his words, the unhappy he becomes.

How about you cooperate with him and make him feel comfortable, then you can get more money! "

While talking, he took out his wallet from his pocket, took out some Eagle Flag Dollars, and placed them on the table not far away.

It was only then that Du Xinyue saw the guns and ammunition on the table, and her face suddenly turned pale!

What do these people want to do?

With so many weapons on display, they must have an agenda.

This is illegal in the outer harbor. Once seen by the police, everyone will be guilty of a felony!

Who are these people?

Are they really ordinary technicians at technology companies?

Seeing that Du Xinyue was too stunned to speak, Commons smiled and said: "These are the remaining wages of yours.

You can actually take away more! "

He took out a few more bills and put them there

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

He put some money on it and said with a smile: "This is given to you by Bang Saul."

Then he drew a few more and said with a smile: "These are mine. And these are given to you by my friends!"

You see, as long as you are willing, you can get several times your salary!

You girls from outer Hong Kong are very practical and like money.

So, I believe you won’t refuse, right? "

Du Xinyue slowly came to her senses. She looked at Commons, then at Sol, and the foreigners in the room. Finally, her eyes fell on the mute who kept his head lowered, as if he didn't dare to look at her. .

She swallowed her saliva, stepped back with her feet, and said harshly: "No, no! I don't want that money, and I don't want the rest of the salary either!

I'm leaving here now, please let me go! "

With that said, she turned around and ran outside!

But there was a sound of bullets being loaded behind him.

Another person gave a cold warning: "If you take one more step forward, I will beat you to death!"

Du Xinyue's whole body was stiff and she didn't dare to move.

Sol held a pistol in his hand and said to her: "Turn around, go forward, and come to me!"

Du Xinyue turned around carefully and looked at the black muzzle of the gun, tears streaming down her face again.

She was still so young, so of course she didn't want to die here in a daze.

Although she was very reluctant, she had no choice but to humiliate herself.

Of course she is not a chaste and fierce woman, she already has many men.

It's just that she still has her own bottom line after all, such as not liking to be forced or getting close to people she doesn't like.

But now, with a gun pointed at her head, she could only endure the humiliation even if she didn't want to.

Because she has no hope.

I originally thought that Commons was a human being with some quality.

Now I know that they are all the same!

Even that guy is a bigger jerk than Thor!

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