Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3289 Do you think I don't know you're stalling for time?

"Laugh! Keep smiling and talking to me!"

Seeing Commons' face pale and frightened, the mute spoke to him casually in Eagle Flag Language.

"Don't you like to smile and be mean? Now keep smiling for me!"

Commons glanced down at him, feeling that he would be smashed into a pulp if he let go.

How could he laugh under such circumstances?

Seeing the mute holding a knife to cut off his finger, Commons was so frightened that he shouted: "Don't do it! I'm laughing!"

He raised his face and tried his best to put on a smile. He even thought that this smile must be uglier than crying!

Sure enough, the mute was very dissatisfied. He held the knife and moved it on the stairs, approaching his hand that was already white from exertion.

Commons was so frightened that he shouted to the mute: "No! I don't want to die!"

The mute smiled, looked at him with squinted eyes and said, "I still like your smile just now, hiding a knife in your smile and not treating people as human beings!

Tell me a reason to save you! "

Commons felt that he could no longer hold his hand, and his physical strength was about to reach its limit. He watched the mute rubbing his fingers with the blade of the knife, and shouted in fear:

"I'll tell you where Loved went!"

The knife that was swiping his fingers stopped motionless. The mute looked at him with burning eyes, then bent down and pulled his shoulders!

Commons was overjoyed, knowing that he had made the right bet!

He quickly stretched out his left hand and held it with the mute's hand.

But the mute didn't pull him up, but put his left hand on the steps.

In this way, he grasped the steps with both hands.

What the hell!

Commons was so angry that he wanted to curse, but he didn't dare.

In this case, is there a big difference between one hand and two hands?

Do you think I couldn't put both hands on it just now?

I don’t have the strength to climb up, okay?

But he didn't dare to offend this guy now. He grabbed the steps with both hands and said pitifully to the mute:

"You can ask me anything you want to know, just

#Every time verification appears, please do not use incognito mode!

If I know anything, I'll tell you everything!

Please, please pull me up first, okay?

Let me take a breath, I can't hold it anymore! "

The mute narrowed his eyes and said to him: "Tell me, where has Loved gone now?"

Commons quickly said: "In the Hejia Industrial Park! I have been there for two days. You should come back today and leave the Outer Harbor with us!

I can take you to that place and you will definitely be able to see him!

Mute...friend, I don't know your name..."

The mute smiled and said: "My name is Lei Ming, but even if I tell you, you don't know me, let alone heard of it.

It's better to call me mute, it's just a code name anyway!

Hejia Industrial Park? What was he doing there?

Could it be...that the stuff was purified there? "

By the end of his words, his tone was very soft and low, more like talking to himself.

Commons said with a grimace: "I don't know either! He is just our person in charge, and he doesn't have to report to us for anything.

Can you pull me up first?

I really can't hold it anymore! "

His tone began to tremble when he spoke, and he had obviously reached his limit.

Lei Ming seemed not to have heard anything. He frowned and thought for a while, then asked him: "There is another person. There are eight of you together. Where did the other one go?"

Just as Commons was about to speak, he suddenly screamed, his hands slipped and his body fell!

But his screams stopped just as he screamed, because a hand firmly grabbed his right wrist!

Lei Ming threw the knife on the steps next to him, grabbed Commons's arm with both hands, shouted, picked him up, and threw him on the steps in front of him!

Commons, who had narrowly escaped death, sat slumped on the steps, breathing heavily, his face as pale as a piece of white paper.

thunder beat


He clapped his hands and said in a deep voice: "Answer my question, where is the guy named Bridges!"

Commons trembled in his heart and looked at Lei Ming in surprise.

Now he finally understood that it was not them who had poached the little girl, but this guy pretending to be mute, who had been deliberately approaching them!

This guy knows almost everything about these people and is obviously investigating them!

Who is he?

Why do this?

Commons was confused in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face. He gasped and said to Lei Ming:

"I don't know about this person, he is not close to us!

And we didn’t come together. He came one day later than us.

There is no communication between us at ordinary times, and he has always been very mysterious in his behavior.

I guess he is with Loved, and only Loved knows this person. "

Lei Ming raised the corners of his mouth and seemed to be sneering, but his expression was not obvious.

He raised his head and looked at the stairs above. Suddenly, there was a burst of intensive gunfire in his ears. It seemed that the two sides were exchanging fire at close range!

Lei Ming's expression seemed a little anxious and he said to Commons: "Tell me the location of the Hejia Industrial Park!"

Commons smiled and said: "I can take you with me, as long as you don't kill me!"

He struggled to get up, acting as if he was very tired.

But the next second, he suddenly rushed to the side and grabbed the knife in his hand!


"I'm stalling for time on purpose, can't you see that?

I got the knife, and now you're the one who's going to die!"

He held the handle of the knife tightly with both hands, looked at Lei Ming with a grim smile, and then stabbed forward fiercely!

But at this moment, he saw a sarcastic sneer on the other's face.

It seemed that he didn't care that he was holding a knife.

At this moment, he had a very ominous premonition.

# Please do not use the invisible mode every time verification appears!


Sure enough, before his knife touched the other party, his waist was hit hard!

The kick was so powerful that he couldn't stop it and staggered to the side.

Commons was a little furious. I have a knife, and you dare to be so arrogant!

Look, I won't cut it with a knife...

Before he could stabilize his body, his right foot suddenly became empty, and Commons's face suddenly changed, and he shouted: "No!"

He waved his hands to grab something, but it was too late.

Just where Lei Ming pulled him up, he fell down again!

But this time, his body tilted, and he didn't even have the chance to grab the steps with both hands, and the whole person fell down from the gap in the stairwell!

Screams continued to come from below, accompanied by the muffled sound of the body hitting the stairs, and then there was a bang, and it was quiet below.

Lei Ming looked down and saw that Commons had fallen to the bottom, but he was not dead yet. His arms seemed to be moving, trying to grab something, but he didn't move after all.

"Do you think I don't know that you are stalling for time? I also want your people to come as soon as possible!

It's you who is in a hurry to die, so you can't blame others!"

Lei Ming spat, no longer caring about the guy's life or death, raised his head, pulled out the pistol he had just seized, checked it, and quickly ran up.


A large piece of green dust net flew up, and those small steel balls like insects were like fish caught by a fishing net, all covered in it.

"Shet!" Riley cursed and slapped the controller in his hand.

Adams yelled at him: "Don't worry about those silver beetles! They have been surrounded by us, block them immediately and destroy them as soon as possible!"

Riley had to put away the controller first, holding the gun and standing at the position designated by Adams, aiming the gun at the two guys hiding behind the wall not far away!

Behind the wall, Chen Xinan said to Li Qi: "They have blocked the entrance to the passage. I will rush first and you will cover the rear! Killing one person will break through the gap!"

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