Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 3299 Who said this dinner was for an apology?

Looking at Guan Qing's almost murderous gaze, Wang Yinglong also felt helpless and aggrieved.

He smiled bitterly and said to the bald head: "Boss Sun, I didn't say that!

I just want to say that Mr. Chen wants to meet with you. Please take advantage of me, Wang Yinglong, and come together to see him! "

Guan Qing sneered and shouted: "You still want my uncle to bow his head and admit his mistake to you? Go ahead and dream!

Inviting you to dinner is to give you face. Whoever doesn’t want it can leave now! "


The bald man slapped the table and cursed at Guan Qing: "Bitch, who the hell do you think you are!

If it weren't for Uncle Long's sake, you would be a dead person now!

The Lu family paid 30,000 yuan for your life. Although the bonus has been awarded, the debt for injuring eight of my Dongxing brothers has not yet been settled!

Don't think that I can't recognize you. I'll settle this account with you later! "

Guan Qing turned to stare at him and said coldly: "Are you Dongxing He Huiqiang?"

The bald man snorted coldly and said: "Do you still want me to come over personally to sworn brother for such a small scene?

What are you thinking!

I am Sun Lixing, you have to call me Mr. Sun!

When a man speaks, bitches like you just stand aside!

It doesn’t matter whether you are your uncle or not, if he is a mainlander who wants to take advantage of us from Outer Hong Kong, let’s see if he has the courage to face our three hundred thousand brothers from Outer Hong Kong! "

Guan Qing gritted her teeth and said: "It's enough to know that you are from Dongxing, it doesn't matter whether you are He Huiqiang himself!

Anyway, my uncle said that even if people from Dongxing come, they can’t be friends!

Are you still a brother with 300,000 yuan?

Do you think Dongxing is the leader of Outer Harbor societies?

Are all the brothers on the Outer Harbor Road under your command? "

Sun Lixing's old face turned red, and he cursed at Guan Qing with some embarrassment: "Even if you can't come for the whole thing, at least you can come for half!

It’s more than enough to deal with a bitch like you!

And if your bullshit uncle of yours still dares to be arrogant in Outer Harbor, I guarantee he won’t see the sun tomorrow morning! "


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Sun Lixing, what you said is so crazy! "Wang Yinglong shouted sharply and frowned.

No matter what, Guan Qing is Chen Xin'an's person.

Today's dinner party was mainly invited in his name.

Others didn't know Chen Xin'an's strength, but he did.

And the deeper I get to know him, the more I am afraid of this person!

In addition, he is now considered a member of Longya, and his relationship with Chen Xin'an is one step closer. Naturally, he will not allow others to insult Chen Xin'an.

Sun Lixing snorted coldly and said with a look of disdain: "Uncle Long, it's not like you don't know, I've been crazy for more than a day or two!

The key thing is that I don’t feel right today!

Let me say it first, I don’t doubt Uncle Long that you are setting up a trap. After all, Uncle Long’s reputation is not just a day or two in Outer Harbor.

I just can't figure it out, what does that person named Chen want to do?

If he invited us people here, what else would he want to do if he didn't apologize?

And what does this bitch do?

I took money from others and the work has not been completed yet. This is not in line with our usual style in Dongxing!

Since the man named Chen doesn't dare to come forward, I won't waste my time here.

Bringing this bitch back can be regarded as a job with the Lu family!

Uncle Long, Mr. Li, this is a private matter between us, you two won’t stop it, right? "

Wang Yinglong shouted with a straight face: "Sun Lixing, I'm warning you.

This bureau at noon today was organized in my name.

If you have any grievances between you, you can wait until you leave my Fat Boy's door to resolve them. I won't interfere.

But if you want to mess around with me, don't blame me, Wang Yinglong, for turning against me! "

Li Daxiong didn't say anything more, he just put the tea cup heavily on the table and said with a cold face: "Drink tea!"

Sun Lixing's face


His expression was gloomy, but he didn't say much. He just looked at Guan Qing coldly and said, "What if I let you jump around for a while and a half again?"

Guan Qing said coldly: "No need to wait so long, you can teach me a lesson now!"

As she spoke, she pushed away the chair next to her, strode up to Sun Lixing, and grabbed his shoulder!

Sun Lixing ducked out of the way, pointed at Guan Qing and cursed: "Bitch, are you looking for death?

What kind of place is this that allows you to run wild here?

You dare to touch me, do you really think I am easy to bully? "

Guan Qing kicked him to the side, knocking him and the chair directly to the ground. Before he could get up, she rushed up and stepped on his head!

"Listen, you bastard! Even if there is no round at noon today, and even if you don't come to me in the future, I still have no intention of letting you Dongxing go!

No matter you or He Huiqiang, in my case, they are both people who must be killed!

I am just a girl, petty, so I remember clearly who treats me well and who treats me badly!

And I am a very vengeful person. As long as I have been offended, I will never turn it into friendship!

You have been shouting here for a long time, and I have tolerated you for a long time!

Now I can't bear it anymore, get up and fight me if you can!

If you can't break free, you will be beaten to death by me today! "

Sun Lixing, who fell to the ground, used his hands and feet to get up from the ground!

He is Dongxing's second-in-command, and besides He Huiqiang, he has the highest status.

But now, he was pressed to the ground by a woman stepping on his head. This was a great shame for him!

Wang Yinglong had told everyone not to bring bodyguards after entering the restaurant.

This was also for everyone's safety, so that people who usually had conflicts would not get together and take advantage of this opportunity to fight again.

So these big guys came in alone, and the bodyguards were left outside.

Although they are all big guys in the underworld,

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They are all people who have seen big scenes, and even broke out of the swords and shadows of the rivers and lakes.

But after all, they are all big guys, and the youngest is almost fifty years old, and their skills are no longer as good as before.

In fact, even at their peak, they were just street thugs who were brave and fierce, and they were no match for Guan Qing, who has a real ancient martial arts heritage!

In addition, Guan Qing had both new and old grudges at the moment, and in his rage, he was merciless and kicked Sun Lixing in the face several times, kicking his face directly to the ground like a roast!

The group of big men around were all dumbfounded!

Dongxing is a large society with thousands of people, and Sun Lixing is also a famous figure on Waigang Road.

Now he is being stepped on the ground like a sandbag, which is really embarrassing!

But no one went up to help, after all, it was a woman who kicked!

Everyone has heard about the Lu family bonus some time ago.

But when they heard that they were going to hunt down two women, everyone lost interest.

Of course, there were many participants, but those societies knew that it was impossible to reconcile with Chen Xinan, so they simply didn't come at noon today!

Only the people of Dongxing, I don’t know if they were too arrogant, really didn’t take Chen Xinan seriously, or had other purposes, and dared to deliver themselves to the door!

At this time, Sun Lixing was beaten, and no one was willing to stand up to help, but after all, they were all fellow foreigners, and it was not good to just watch and do nothing.

A big man said to Wang Yinglong with a stern face: "Uncle Long, you just watch and don't plan to pull her away?

You invited us here to humiliate us like this?"

Wang Yinglong said with a stern face: "I'm sorry, everyone, I have no right to stop Miss Guan from doing anything!

But if you want to help, I can only help Miss Guan deal with everyone!

Again, if anyone thinks that you are here to take advantage of me at noon today, please go back.

From now on, Wang and those who leave here today will be cut off and have no friendship anymore!"

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