Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 468 I want this table

Lu Jiaqi's performance at this moment was exactly the same as Ba Kun's before, she was shocked by Chen Xin'an's words!

When I heard that you should not move around casually for the next two days, you must stay by his side.

From now on, he would be given acupuncture once a year. The side effects of the surge of Qi and blood could be eliminated in three years. Lu Jiaqi agreed hastily!

Shame is no longer important now, and grudges are not important either. Being able to survive is the most important thing!

For Chen Xin'an, it didn't matter whether Lu Jiaqi lived or died.

But Lu Zifu must die!

This time Lu Zifu escaped from Dongshan and became a frightened bird.

He has already estimated Chen Xin'an's true strength, so it is not that easy to catch him again!

The Lu family needs an informant who can keep track of the developments of Lu Zifu and the entire Lu family at all times. It will be of great benefit to him to kill Lu Zifu and destroy the entire Lu family and the Shuntian Group.

Of course, Lu Jiaqi couldn't willingly be Chen Xin'an's spy and tell him everything about her family.

It's just that her life is in Chen Xin'an's hands, which will make the Lu family less unscrupulous towards the Ning family, and it will be worthwhile to save his wife from experiencing some dangers.

Tell Lu Jiaqi and Lin Ke'er not to go anywhere tonight, otherwise their injuries will worsen and they won't be able to be saved even if they are sent to the hospital!

Chen Xin'an walked out of the room, took out her mobile phone and called home.

He didn't call Ning Xiruo to avoid worrying her.

Instead, he called Lei Guang and told him that a killer had sneaked into Dongshan and asked him to immediately strengthen the defense of Panlong Bay and Liquor Building.

It would be a waste not to use such resources!

Chen Xin'an has always despised those individual heroes. They pick everything by themselves, leaving a lot of resources and conditions unused and doing nothing but reckless things.

After all, a person's energy is limited, and there will always be times when he cannot take care of his relatives and friends.

Chen Xin'an rarely asks for help, but she is never polite when using resources.

That guy Xiao Zhang was really waiting at the door.

When Chen Xin'an came out, she happened to see someone trying to take a taxi, but this guy refused to take him!

Seeing Chen Xin'an coming out, Xiao Zhang honked the horn excitedly. When Chen Xin'an got in the car, Xiao Zhang asked with a smile: "Brother, how are you? Are you divorced?"

This guy always thinks that Chen Xin'an is cheating on his wife and he's here to catch her. No matter how he explains it, he can't explain it!

Too lazy to pay attention to him, Chen Xin'an rubbed the bridge of her nose and said to him, "Where is the most fun place in Haiyang?"

Xiao Zhang frowned: "What kind of fun are you talking about?"

Chen Xin'an said: "It's a place to have fun!"

Xiao Zhang looked at Chen Xin'an with a look of sudden realization and said:

"Brother, you finally figured it out! Yes, now you should relax and have fun! Open up and play!

Women don’t matter, as long as you give them money, you can be as beautiful as you want! You can have as many as you want!

I haven’t mentioned it yet, but today, my brother will take you to a good place, and I guarantee you will be satisfied!

Stop looking so sad, I’ll make you smile so hard that you can’t even close your mouth! "

Damn it, did you see my sad face with your eyes?

You just assume that I am a cuckold, right?

Chen Xin'an really seemed to give him a big mouth, but seeing how enthusiastic he was, it was really embarrassing!

Forget it, he can think whatever he wants. There is no point in explaining this to this guy.

Polaris Entertainment City is the largest nightclub in Haiyang and the favorite place for young people to play.

There are a lot of beauties and handsome men here, and there are a lot of rich people.

It was already close to twelve o'clock in the evening, which was also the busiest time in the nightclub.

Xiao Zhang walked in with Chen Xin'an and happened to encounter a table of customers paying the bill in the hall. Xiao Zhang was about to get to that table.

The stage was not far away, and several bewitching women wearing revealing clothes were twisting wildly on it. The men and women on the dance floor were turning their heads and bodies and screaming loudly.

In fact, Chen Xin'an didn't like this kind of atmosphere at all, it was too noisy.

Many people say this is the best way to reduce stress, but Chen Xin'an scorns it.

It's so noisy here that you can't even hear what's being said. Men and women are acting like crazy. Their nerves are always in a state of high excitement and tension. How can we reduce the stress?

It's just an excuse to indulge.

Xiao Zhang came over with two barrels of beer, smiled at Chen Xin'an and said, "Brother, we are still here tonight! There will be a good show coming soon, and we have a good location. You are lucky!"

"A good show?" Chen Xin'an frowned, pointed around and said, "Aren't you just jumping around here like a lunatic? Are there any good shows?"

Xiao Zhang snorted and said to him: "At first glance, you have never been here to play!

There will be a talent group coming soon, the show is quite popular! ,

There are all handsome guys and beauties inside, so this place is very popular!

It's just that they don't come here often. Even if they play here often, they can't see them more than a few times a year.

You are lucky enough to catch them performing tonight!

Let me tell you, they can be brought out, the key is to see if you have a good eye!

If you are attracted by them, they will accompany you for free.

If you don't like it, they won't even look at you unless you pay a big price! "

Chen Xin'an curled her lips with disdain on her face.

What kind of talent group is just a group of high-class ladies and high-class gentlemen, creating some gimmicks and raising their social status? He really has no interest in these!

His eyes were constantly searching the crowd, looking for his target.

It was indeed very lively here, and there were many foreigners, but he didn't know which one was David or Cole.

At this moment, a waiter led a young man with dyed red hair over.

The waiter said to Chen Xin'an and Xiao Zhang: "I'm sorry, you two, but someone has actually reserved this table. I didn't know it just now, so I gave it to you.

Now that they have arrived, I still have to ask you two to move to another place. Sorry! "

The red-haired man said impatiently to Chen Xin'an and Xiao Zhang: "Hurry up, take your things and get out! I want this one!"

Xiao Zhang was unhappy and said to the waiter: "Why! Do you think I am a foreigner?

There are no tables in the lobby except for the first round of booking in the afternoon, but there are no tables later!

We have already occupied the stage and even opened the drinks. There is no way we can leave! "

The waiter lowered his face, glanced at the red-haired man next to him, and whispered: "Brother Qiang, look at this..."

The red-haired man pressed his hands on the table, looked at Xiao Zhang and Chen Xin'an coldly and said, "I tell you to get out, so just get out of here!

Otherwise, I will take action directly and throw you out!

Don't talk nonsense here, Mr. Zhan wanted this place specifically to support Huo Shaoyun!

If you dare to go on and on and delay things, don't blame me for being rude! "

Upon hearing the name Master Zhan, Xiao Zhang's face changed.

At this moment, a waiter led a young man over to several tables in the middle.

After saying a few words, the guests who were sitting at the table all got up and left obediently!

Xiao Zhang picked up the wine barrel and said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother, let's go and drink somewhere else! Hey, where is the place? Where do you arrange for us to go?"

The waiter shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "Sorry, there are no empty tables in the hall now. You can wait for a while. If someone leaves, I will notify you first!"

"You didn't have to change it after a long time. You just took our place and asked us to stand and drink with the wine?" Xiao Zhang was very reluctant!

The red-haired man sneered and said to him: "How about you sit down and drink with Mr. Zhan?"

Xiao Zhang immediately closed his mouth and did not dare to speak.

Chen Xin'an was still sitting, as if she hadn't heard anything, and said to Xiao Zhang: "What the hell, just go and play! You just sit there, there's no need to walk!"

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