Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 501 Your acting skills are so embarrassing

Seeing Chen Xinan's face livid and ready to explode at any time, Gongsun Sheng expressed helplessness.

Any of those two guys standing out is older than him, and they are his senior brothers and sisters in terms of seniority. They are more bad-tempered than each other, and they never say a word to him.

What do you want me to do?

In the past two days, Longdun has sent 500 people into Daxiling, but they can't find them.

Blame me?

Chen Xinan suppressed his anger and looked at Gongsun Sheng and said, "What on earth did they go to Daxiling for?"

"Looking for someone!"

"Looking for someone? What a joke! Who would you look for in such a desolate mountain?"

"Martial Saint!"


Chen Mo, who had just taken a sip of tea, spit it out.

"Who? Martial Saint? Are you kidding? He has been dead for 20 years and you are still looking for someone? That's not looking for someone, right? That's going to the grave, right?"

Gongsun Sheng had a dark face, wiped the tea off his face with a tissue, looked at Chen Xinan coldly and said, "Who told you that the Martial Saint is dead?"

Chen Xinan was stunned.

Indeed, the master never said that the Martial Saint was a question of life or death.

In terms of age, Wu Sheng is the same age as Master, but Wu Sheng is a few months older than Master.

Master is still alive and kicking, and Wu Sheng is in better health than Master, so how could he be dead?

Could it be that Wu Sheng is still alive?

But why did he run into Daxiling?

Gongsun Sheng sighed and said, "Back then, there were several factions within Longdun, and the struggle for power was fierce.

Your master and Huanshen were not interested in this, and they were also disappointed with Longdun, so they simply left Longdun, one to venture into the world, and the other to retire.

At that time, Huanshen and Wusheng were also having a quarrel. Wusheng was unwilling to return to his hometown with Huanshen, and Huanshen broke off his friendship with him in anger.

Wusheng also ran into Daxiling and avoided the world..."

"Wait! There is a bug here!" Chen Xinan interrupted Gongsun Sheng and said to him, "You just said that Wusheng was unwilling to follow Huanshen to retire and live in seclusion in the countryside?

Then why did he hide in Daxiling and avoid the world?

Isn't this a mental illness?

He left his wife and children behind and ran into the mountains alone. Isn't the result the same? Is he crazy?"

Gongsun Sheng rolled his eyes at him and scolded angrily, "What if he is sick?"

Chen Xinan rolled his eyes.

Isn't he sick?

It's so obvious! There's something wrong with his brain!


Chen Xinan frowned, looked at Gongsun Sheng and asked, "You mean, there was something wrong with the body of the Martial Saint at that time?"

"Yes!" Gongsun Sheng nodded and said, "I saw him vomit blood with my own eyes, it was very serious!

I asked him to go to Yao Laogui to see, but he beat me up and told me not to say anything more!"

Decades have passed, and Gongsun Sheng still has a face full of resentment when he mentions this matter.

Seeing Chen Xinan staring at him, Gongsun Sheng blushed and said unhappily, "The state of the Martial Saint was very wrong in those two years, and his temper became much more irritable.

He was very impatient with the people around him and often lost his temper for no reason.

His relationship with the Phantom God also had problems at that time!"

Chen Xinan remained silent.

The state of the Martial Saint was indeed a manifestation of physical problems.

But it didn't seem like he was sick, but more like he was obsessed with practicing martial arts, or was poisoned.

Because only these two kinds of harm can cause changes in personality.

Of course, he couldn't make a conclusion without seeing the real person.

Gongsun Sheng sighed and said, "Although Daxiling is full of dangers and few people live there, it has many herbs.

I suspect that the Martial Saint went to Daxiling to find herbs that can cure diseases!

But no one expected that he would be gone for more than 20 years!

During this period, Longdun sent many people to find him, but they all returned empty-handed!

This time, Huanshen was seriously ill, so I took her to the base and then found a way to inform your master.

I didn't expect that Yao Laogui would kidnap Huanshen!

Who can I go to for justice!"

Chen Xinan was also speechless.

Old ghost, why did you kidnap an old lady with bound feet?

Did you forget your little butterfly?

That's not right!

Chen Xinan suddenly found a problem and squinted at Gongsun Sheng.

The old man was frightened by his stare, and angrily scolded him: "Why are you looking at me like a thief?"

Chen Xin'an snorted twice and said to him: "If I'm not mistaken, you didn't tell Huanshen about the fact that Wusheng vomited blood?"

Gongsun Sheng blushed and said confidently: "Wusheng has already taken action against me, how dare I say anything?"

Chen Xin'an scolded him angrily: "The couple has a quarrel because of this, and you still call this talking too much?

Gongsun Busheng, you are not secretly in love with Huanshen, are you?

A third party intervened?"

Gongsun Sheng's old face turned into an eggplant in an instant, staring at Chen Xin'an with a guilty look and scolding:

"Don't talk nonsense here!

Huanshen and I are clean, how can a little brat like you defile it?

What happened back then was deliberately concealed by Wusheng, what does it have to do with me!"

Chen Xin'an pouted, looking at the old man's angry look, and his heart was full of contempt for him.

Liking someone is not something shameful, so why deny it?

It’s embarrassing to like someone but not dare to admit it!

Just then, someone knocked on the door.

Gongsun Sheng felt relieved and shouted, “Come in!”

Three people came in aggressively from outside, stood behind Chen Xin’an, and saluted Gongsun Sheng.

Gongsun Sheng asked curiously: "Old Zhao, Old Tong, Old Bai, what do you want?

Peace of mind, let me introduce it to you!

Zhao Shanhai, Tong Chunan, Bai Tielin.

Longdun’s three major instructors are also Yang Jian’s masters! "

Although he called them this, Chen Xin'an saw that the three of them were only in their thirties or forties, in their prime.

Moreover, each one of them is very powerful, and there is an intimidating aura as soon as you stand there!

Gongsun Sheng smiled and said: "You will be colleagues from now on. You can get to know each other first and make friends!"


Chen Xin'an glanced at Gongsun Sheng with a puzzled expression.

Zhao Shanhai looked Chen Xin'an up and down, snorted coldly and said:

“You decided to join so quickly?

It seems that the threshold for Dragon Shield is getting lower and lower! "

Tong Chunan raised the corner of his mouth and said with a sneer: "Then what card was he dealt? Gold medal or silver medal? You are so young, you won't be riding on us right away, right?"

Bai Tielin clenched his fists and said: "The gold medal is not that easy to win! You have to ask the three of us if we agree!"

Gongsun Sheng frowned and said to the three of them with a straight face: "Old Zhao, what are you doing? Xin'an is new here, don't scare him!"

Zhao Shanhai squinted at Gongsun Sheng and said, "Leader, you can't break the rules of Dragon Shield just because this boy is favored by you!

Here, what cards you want to take, what kind of treatment you want, what kind of status you want to have, all have to rely on your strength to speak for itself.

If this person has no strength and cannot bear the identity of a golden dragon, even if he is specially recruited by you, he still has to start from the grassroots level step by step! "

Bai Tielin looked at Chen Xin'an coldly and said: "Longdun is no different from other places, there is no such thing as friendship here!

It’s not a place where you can just come if you want to.

Even if it is a special move, you must be strong enough to be qualified for this!

do you understand? "

Gongsun Sheng still wanted to speak, but Chen Xinan said impatiently:


Stop acting like a fool here, your acting skills are really... embarrassing!

I have no interest in joining your Dragon Shield!

You three, aren't you the disciples who were beaten by me?

When I went back and complained, I felt that I couldn't save face and wanted to find me to regain the situation!

Just ask for a fight directly, there are so many words!

Tell me, are we going to fight together or in a wheel battle? "

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