Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 503: It’s like you gave up on me

This kid is so confused that he knows I am from the Baji Sect and still plays Baji Quan steps with me. He is just trying to do the same thing!

You, a young boy in your early twenties, want to play tricks with me, an expert who has been practicing Bajiquan for thirty years?

Bai Tielin's feet were uneven, neither a bow nor a horse, but his body was as steady as a bell. He struck at Chen Xin'an's head with the horse's paw.

"Hey!" Gongsun Sheng wanted to call out to Bai Tielin, but as soon as he raised his arm, he was suppressed by Tong Chunan!

Gongsun Sheng said with a straight face: "Isn't this a bit shameless? You agreed to give up three moves, and now you start to counterattack with one move?"

"Leader, this is not against the rules. This horse shoe detection is a defensive move!" Tong Chunan explained to Gongsun Sheng with a smile.

Zhao Shanhai on the side also nodded.

Bai Tielin felt his face was a little hot.

After he realized the opponent of Bajiquan at the same time, he naturally made an attack action.

This horse shoe detection can be said to be defensive or offensive.

Originally, every move in Kung Fu can be defended or defended, it mainly depends on how you use it.

But now that it has been typed out, there is no reason to take it back!

If Chen Xin'an can't even catch this move, then he doesn't deserve to practice Bajiquan!

Pushing out with one palm, it came to Chen Xin'an's chest in an instant!

The moment his palm hit his chest, Chen Xin'an suddenly turned sideways!

At the same time, his right hand was raised like a ghost, his thumb pressed the cover of his middle finger, and the other three fingers were spread out like wings.

Before he could understand what Chen Xin'an was going to do, the guy's finger had already banged on the top of his head, and then he flicked his head firmly!

"Ah!" Bai Tielin screamed, holding his head with both hands, taking a few steps back and rubbing his head hard!

The crisp sound made the three people watching tighten their scalps and make their spines tingle.

It hurts as soon as I hear it...

How could Chen Xin'an have such a bad taste in playing people's heads?

Chen Xin'an blew her fingers gently, grinned and said to Bai Tielin, "How many steps have you taken back?"

Bai Tielin was ashamed and angry. He glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "You are despicable! You are shameless! This is not Bajiquan at all!"

Chen Xin'an rolled her eyes, looked at him with disdain and said:

"Who told you that I'm going to do Bajiquan? Do I have to use Bajiquan moves to fight you?"

Bai Tielin was stunned.

Indeed, it is not a competition between the same disciples in the first place, why do people insist on using Bajiquan to deal with you?

When I first saw Chen Xin'an using the step-stepping and leg-stomping technique, I preconceived the idea that the opponent was just going to do Baji Quan!

My head was hit twice by bullets, and now it has two big bumps, as if it has two horns. It looks embarrassing and funny!

But in Bai Tielin's heart, he didn't think it was funny at all.

On the contrary, it’s a bit scary!

From the very beginning when he heard his disciples say that they could not defeat Chen Xin'an together, he was disdainful.

I think this guy must have some skills.

Because these apprentices join forces together, even if the three instructors join forces, it is not so easy to deal with them.

The opponent is a young man in his early twenties. Even if he started practicing Kung Fu from his mother's womb, he has only practiced Kung Fu for about twenty years. How advanced can he be?

Maybe it was a physical skill or a strategy, but it had an element of opportunism anyway.

Now it seems that although my guess is good, the opponent's strength really cannot be underestimated.

Of course, the first two moves were successful. Just as Bai Tielin guessed, this kid relied on his physical skills and deception.

But being able to win against a dignified golden dragon master with physical skills and succeed with deception is a pride in itself!

Bai Tielin rubbed the two bumps on his head vigorously, gritted his teeth, looked at Chen Xin'an and shouted:

"Chen Xin'an, I misjudged you before!

You really have the strength to compete fairly with me.

From now on, I won't let you anymore! "

It means that the nonsense I just said about giving you three moves can be invalidated now!

Chen Xin'an curled her lips and said indifferently: "It's as if you just let me go!"

Bai Tiejun's face turned red. Just now, he added his arms as the first move.

The second move even took several steps back, and the slap in the face made him numb, so thinking about it, he really didn't give in even a single move!

"No matter what, now I'm going to show my true strength, you have to be careful!" Bai Tielin squinted at Chen Xin'an and said:

"You know, when masters compete with each other, it's difficult to achieve the goal!

So once you can't hold it any longer, beg for mercy loudly!

Otherwise, I really won’t be able to control myself, and then you won’t have any good fruit to eat! "

Chen Xin'an grinned, looked at him and said, "I beg you, please don't control yourself.

Otherwise, I would think that the so-called master of Dragon Shield and Golden Dragon only has this little strength! "

"Insolent!" Zhao Shanhai and Tong Chunan shouted in unison.

Chen Xin'an turned around and looked at the two of them with a smile: "I've been acting arrogant for twenty years! What's wrong? Are you unhappy? Come and beat me! All three of you come together!"

"I..." Zhao Shanhai and Tong Chunan rolled their eyes angrily.

They really wanted to teach this arrogant guy a lesson.

But let three golden dragon masters who can be his elders join forces to deal with a young man in his early twenties, they really can't do such a thing!

Bai Tielin rolled up his sleeves, looked at Zhao Shanhai and Tong Chunan and said, "Old Zhao, old Tong, don't be angry!

Since we are communicating with the same realm, I will do my best.

So this rude guy, let me teach you a lesson!

Just watch it! "

Turning his head, Bai Tielin looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Chen Xin'an, after today's competition, if you can recover from your injuries within a month, Dragon Shield's door will still be open to you.

I don’t care whether you wear a gold dragon card or a silver dragon card from now on, because you are qualified to fight with me for so long!

If anyone within Dragon Shield is dissatisfied, I will settle it for you!

Of course, the premise is that you can still stand here within a month!

Otherwise, just start as an apprentice of the Wood Dragon Brand! "

Chen Xin'an looked at him and suddenly smiled.

Bai Tielin looked at him with a straight face and said, "Why are you laughing?"

Chen Xin'an stared at his head and said, "I think two pimples are not good-looking, but three are domineering!"

Bai Tielin's face suddenly turned into a purple eggplant, and he gritted his teeth and cursed: "Boy, you are looking for death!"

With a sharp shout, Bai Tielin crossed his legs, turned over and stomped, and quickly approached Chen Xin'an with a strong wind. He pushed forward with both hands and made a Crane Push!

Chen Xin'an grinned and pushed her palms together to collide with him. The two of them separated and took a step back.

Without any pause, Bai Tielin rushed over again, avoiding Chen Xin'an's punch, turned around, and leaned towards Chen Xin'an fiercely!

Baji Iron Mountain relies on it!

Chen Xin'an wanted to push it away with her hands, but she felt the rapid force of this move.

If you push hard with your hands, your wrists will definitely be injured.

It was no longer possible to avoid him, so he pressed his back with both hands and retreated!

"Lao Bai, good fight!" Zhao Shanhai shouted excitedly.

In his opinion, Bai Tielin had the upper hand in this one, and Chen Xin'an was knocked away by the iron mountain!

Tong Chunan also clenched his fists and said excitedly: "Okay! Show this kid a little bit and let him know the strength of our Dragon Shield and Golden Dragon masters!

You dare to look down on Dragon Shield just because you know how to embroider your fists and legs!

Why not teach this kid a lesson?

Lao Bai, you're welcome, I'll beat him until he can't get out of bed for a month!

I know you can! "

I can give a shit!

Bai Tielin was cursing in his heart. Only he knew that in that blow just now, he just took advantage of the situation to unload his strength, and didn't even hurt a hair at all!

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