Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 703 Who of you dares to stop me?

Are you serious?

You want me to go into smelly ditches and sewers?

Is this your shortcut?

Chen Xin'an stared at Wang Yi and asked with a puzzled face: "Let's not talk about anything else.

I would like to ask, what do you mean when you say I can go out?

You won't go with me? "

Wang Yi said with a disgusted look on his face: "Of course I won't go out from here!

This is a smelly ditch!

I'm a girl, how can I crawl into a smelly ditch?

What I mean is, after you go out, find a rope with me and throw it over the wall, so that I can climb out! "

Chen Xin'an's face turned dark, and he turned around to take off his pants.

Wang Yi widened his eyes and said, "What are you doing? The water here is less than one meter deep. Do you still want to swim in it?"

Chen Xin'an said with a dark face: "I'll take a piss and let you take a look at yourself!

Still a girl? Look at you like this, I would believe you if you said you were a rag picker!

You've been crawling in stinking ditches all day, why don't you dislike it? "

Wang Yi became angry, pinched his waist and cursed Chen Xin'an: "Chen Xin'an, you must learn to bend and stretch!

A real man can suffer crotch humiliation!

What's wrong with crawling into a smelly ditch just to escape?

When we get out, they will be the ones to be afraid of!

You believe me……"

"Shut up!" Chen Xin'an was too lazy to pay attention to her, and snorted: "If I, Chen Xin'an, want to go out, I will go out through the gate openly!

Want me to crawl into a smelly ditch?

Is your brain showing off? "

After speaking, Chen Xin'an turned around and ran away.

Wang Yi pinched his waist and cursed: "Go out of the gate openly? What do you think?

There are so many people, how can you go out?

Let me tell you, this is the safest road!

Why are you running! I won’t hold your head down and force you to go down…”

Chen Xin'an, who had already ran far away, shouted without looking back: "Look behind you!"

Wang turned his head and glanced unconsciously, then shouted "Mom" and ran away!

People from the security team rushed over, and the team expanded a lot, there were at least forty or fifty people!

These people are not all security guards, some are employees carrying spoons and shovels!

"Chen Xin'an, wait for me... I can't run anymore, I haven't eaten all day... Just carry me on your back!"

Wang Yi panted and followed behind Chen Xin'an.

Originally, her physical strength was quite good for a woman. After all, she continued to exercise and run every day.

However, I hid in fear for two days at Tiandi Liquor Industry, and I didn’t eat anything all day today, so my body was a little weak.

Without saying a word, Chen Xin'an grabbed the bag on Wang Yi's back!

Wang Yi thought he was going to carry the backpack for him, so he quickly told him: "Be careful!

The contents of the bag are very...

Oops, what are you doing?

Just wait for me to take it off!

Chen Xinan, you bastard..."

Chen Xin'an grabbed Wang Yi's backpack with one hand, turned her around, and then dragged her forward!

Even though he was dragging a person in his hand, to Chen Xin'an, it was as light as nothing and would not affect his running speed at all.

Fortunately, the backpack was strong and the straps were wide enough. It strangled Wang Yi's shoulders, so she wouldn't injure her arms.

It's just that his legs were dragged on the ground, looking rather embarrassed, and his posture was really hard to describe.

Wang Yi has given up struggling, because this bastard Chen Xin'an doesn't care what she says.

And although this posture doesn't look good, it really saves effort.

She was even able to straighten out her blouse that was wrinkled together.

Then she gave the security guards chasing her an awkward yet polite smile.

Fortunately, the jeans are thicker and the laces are sturdy.

So she hasn't been disheveled yet, and she can be considered to have saved the most basic face!

Ahead is the gate.

The security guards on duty who received the news would not let Chen Xin'an break out.

The gates and small doors have already been closed, and everyone is lined up with rubber sticks, ready to go!

Chen Xin'an lifted Wang Yi up and whispered to her: "Remember, run out as soon as you get the chance and leave me alone! The most important thing is, don't be stupid!"

Wang Yi glanced at the two groups of people before and after him, and said angrily to Chen Xin'an:

"You are the one who is stupid!

Do you think we still have a chance in this situation?

Do you know that you are throwing yourself into a trap?

If you had listened to me just now, you would have already prepared the rope outside! "

"You can pull me down!" Chen Xin'an scolded with disdain: "You'd better keep your bad idea to yourself!

Let me, Chen Xin'an, get into a smelly ditch?

Thank you for being able to figure it out!

They're just a bunch of losers. If I hadn't taken care of you, I would have gone out long ago!

Having more people doesn’t necessarily make it useful, just look at mine! "

Wang Yi pinched his waist and cursed: "Chen Xin'an, you mean I'm dragging you down, right?

There are so many people blocking us, even you can't escape!

If you can’t be taken seriously, why are you so crazy? "

Chen Xin'an grinned, raised an eyebrow at her and said, "You're right, I'm crazy! Now I'll show you how crazy I am!"

As if he didn't see the security guards behind him, Chen Xin'an rushed directly to the security guards blocking the gate, pointed at the tallest and strongest man and shouted: "Open the door for me!"

The security guards were all stunned. Did this kid take the wrong medicine? Are you still so arrogant despite being surrounded?

How dare you use such a tone to order me?

Who gave you the courage?

The strong man strode over, stretched out his hands to grab Chen Xin'an's shoulders, and said with a sinister smile:

"Okay, I'll open the door for you. Come with me!"

He put his hands on Chen Xin'an's shoulders, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

As long as you are caught by me, you won't be able to escape!

Lie down!

He grabbed it with both hands and used a big Judo back and crotch, trying to throw Chen Xin'an over his head!

Unexpectedly, the man's legs in front of him seemed to be welded to the ground. He tried his best, but the other person couldn't move at all!

I still don’t believe this is evil!

The strong man simply opened his hands, hugged Chen Xin'an's upper body, and threw Chen Xin'an to the ground with all his strength.

The other party remained motionless, looked at him with a look of disgust and said, "Have you had enough hugs?"

Before he could react, the other party grabbed his crotch with one hand!

"Oh!" The strong man's facial features were squeezed together, tears and runny noses poured out, his whole body tightened, and his whole body turned into shrimp.

Then his feet left the ground, the person drew an arc in mid-air, and with a pop, he crawled on the ground like a toad!

He was covering his crotch with both hands, and his body was twitching.

Foaming at the mouth, a look of despair on his face.

Chen Xin'an spread out his right hand, blew hard on the palm, and shouted: "Who else is there!"

"Beat him to death!" A group of security guards became angry and swarmed him!

Then they all froze, as if someone had tapped their acupoints at the same time.

Chen Xin'an, who was surrounded in the middle, held a trouser pocket in one hand and a red card with an official seal in the other. He spun it several times in his hand like magic and held it up in front of everyone in the front row.

"See clearly, this is the pass card stamped by Mr. Lu himself!

What do you mean? Do you still dare to stop me? "

Everyone looked at the pass. It was undoubtedly the company's highest-level pass.

Then everyone turned their heads and looked at the security monitor.

"Ahem!" The security squad leader coughed twice and asked Chen Xin'an: "Who are you?

Why do you have a company pass?

Even if you have this, you can't sneak into the company in the middle of the night!

Also, show us your ID card.

I'm going to call Mr. Lu now to verify your identity! "

Chen Xin'an snorted and cursed: "Who specifically stipulated that you can't come over at night?

Lu Ziming doesn't dare to restrict me, who do you think you are?

You won't open the door, right? Okay, I'll drive it myself! "

He took a running start, then flew up and kicked hard!

The two-meter-high and ten-meter-long retractable door collapsed!

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