Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 709 Everyone who has seen what I am capable of has died.

If Wang Yi was so easy to fool, she wouldn't be the most famous reporter in Haidong.

There is no chance of reaching the top in one step and being transferred to Kyoto!

No matter how repulsive she seemed, she had actually listened to what Chen Xin'an said to her in the room!

So she took precautions and saved herself.

Chen Xin'an took Wang Yi back to her room and quickly packed her things.

After packing the trolley suitcase, Chen Xin'an stood by the bed and looked down, then said to Wang Yi, "The police are here, we have to leave quickly!"

Wang Yi frowned and said, "Why are you running? We can tell the truth to the police..."

Chen Xin'an shook her head and said, "I don't have time to waste time with the police!

If you want those who are chasing you to know your itinerary, go to the police station! "

Wang Yi said worriedly: "But if we run away like this, wouldn't we become suspects?"

Chen Xin'an thought for a while and said to her: "Bring your phone here, let me use it!"

After dialing a phone number, Chen Xin'an stood by the window, said a few words to the person over there, and then hung up the phone.

"Tomorrow during the day, take some time to go to the city bureau and tell the police the truth about what happened tonight! Follow me directly now!"

Wang Yi looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief and said, "Isn't it right? Who did you call?

It's useless, life is at stake, no one can help you!

Chen Xin'an, this is not Dongshan. You can't have anything to do with it here, right?

I felt that I couldn't run away, so I had better tell the police honestly.

Chen Xin'an, do you understand the law?

This is considered absconding out of fear of crime..."

Chen Xin'an didn't want to listen to her ramblings and helped her push the trolley box out of the room.

It's already three o'clock in the morning. Fortunately, this is an apartment hotel, so there won't be many guests coming in and out.

The body is still next to the elevator and no one has found it yet.

When the elevator came up, several police officers came out. They knew the seriousness of the body when they saw it, and immediately began to set up a cordon to take pictures and investigate.

Seeing these policemen, Wang Yi's legs were so frightened that he subconsciously wanted to turn around and run away.

Chen Xin'an grabbed her and swaggered past the policemen and entered the elevator.

A group of policemen just glanced at the two of them, lowered their heads, and began to go about their own business.

Wang Yi didn't react until the elevator door closed and started to move downward.

What's going on?

Did he become invisible just now?

Why didn't the police see her?

Or... did Chen Xin'an's phone call really work?

Looking at Chen Xin'an beside him, Wang Yi swallowed.

Chen Xin'an ducked aside with a wary expression, glanced at her and said, "Don't swallow your saliva at me, I'm not your type, and you're not mine either!"

Wang blushed, glared at him and said, "Chen Xin'an, why can't I see through you more and more?"

Chen Xin'an curled her lips, snorted and said, "It's like you can see through it!

First sister, you don’t need to understand me, just know that I won’t harm you! "

When the elevator reached the first floor, Chen Xin'an took the box and walked out.

As soon as I walked out of the lobby door, I suddenly leaned back and lifted the box in my hand!

Wang Yi, who was following behind, bumped into his back with a bang, rubbed his nose and cursed:

"What are you doing! Why don't you leave?"

At this moment, she suddenly screamed and suddenly discovered that there was a throwing knife stuck in her box!

Chen Xin'an sent the box to her side and said to her: "Go to the police car!" Then he rushed out!

The assassin in black ran around the apartment building and hid in the alley next to him, panting heavily.

Seeing that there was no one around him, a grin appeared on his face, and he snorted coldly and said:

"Comparing your leg strength with me? You're still far behind!"

Damn it, uncle, you can really run, have you become a bunny?

If I had shorter legs, I really couldn't outrun that kid! "

Someone next to me said disdainfully: "Even if your legs are longer, you still can't outrun me!"

There was a person squatting on top of the trash can not far away.

Because it was in the shadow of the light, if the other party didn't speak or move, you wouldn't be able to see that there was someone there!

It's that haunting guy again!

Chen Xin'an hooked her fingers and said to him: "How many knives do you have? Throw them all over and see if they can hurt me!"

The assassin in black is about to collapse!

Why is this guy like a ghost, once he gets entangled, he can't get rid of him?

He held a knife in his hand, but he didn't throw it away because it was the last flying knife he had!

There has never been such a phenomenon before. Almost all ten throwing knives were thrown out, but even a hair on the person's body was cut off!

Little Daozi looked at Chen Xin'an with a gloomy face and said, "I only have one question, why do you always know my location?"

Chen Xin'an said with a look of disgust: "You stink, brother!

My face was covered with vomit, as if it was marked, and I could smell it from a long way away! "

Little Daozi was so angry that he went crazy!

Are you still looking disgusted?

What qualifications do you have to dislike it?

Who caused the vomit on my face? You have no idea?

If I had known this, I should have washed my face just now!

But it's the same thing after I kill this guy and then wash him.

Anyway, this guy is like a dog-skin plaster. Since we can’t get rid of him, let him die here!

Xiao Daozi straightened his clothes, held the knife in his hand, and said to Chen Xinan:

"You think I can only throw flying knives, right?

In fact, no one has seen my real ability.

Because all those who have seen it are dead!"

Chen Xinan interrupted him and said: "Your sentence is wrong!

You said no one has seen it, and you said that everyone who has seen it is dead.

But even if he is dead, it still means that someone has seen it.

So although this sentence is very pretentious, it doesn't make sense at all..."

Xiao Daozi was dumbfounded, tilted his head and said to Chen Xinan: "No, don't you hear the point of my sentence?

Are we discussing whether this statement makes sense?

I'm talking about my ability, okay?

Why are you focusing on such a weird thing!"

Chen Xinan shook his head, looked at Xiao Daozi and laughed: "The main thing is that every time I see someone pretending to be a fool, I can't help but want to hit him!

You look like a fool, but you just pretend to be like others. If I don't hit you, who should I hit?"

Xiao Daozi: "..."

You look like a fool!

A gentleman can be killed but not humiliated!

I have never been looked down upon like this before, how can I bear this?

He screamed strangely, and the knife in his hand made a flower. As his feet moved, the blade fiercely cut towards Chen Xin'an's throat!

Tian Lei was cut in the throat by this knife!

He couldn't even count the number of people who died in this way!

He saw that Chen Xin'an might have picked up an aluminum alloy pot cover from the trash can and used it as a weapon, and a hint of sarcasm appeared at the corner of his mouth.

You want to use this thing to block my knife, what do you think? Little baby!

But at this moment, he saw Chen Xin'an staring straight at his back, as if he saw something terrible.

Xiao Daozi was startled and immediately stopped his attack. He turned his head and saw that there was nothing behind him!

As soon as he turned his head, with a bang, Chen Xin'an hit him in the face with an old fist!

Xiao Daozi took two steps back and his body was about to fall.

It felt like a pickle shop opened in his nose.

Bitter, sour, spicy, and salty tastes all rushed to his throat.

He felt so uncomfortable that he wanted to hit his head against the wall and die!

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