Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 717 Don't broadcast those with incorrect values

No one is really a fool. If someone else says something, they will lose their current job and follow the other party recklessly.

Feng Xiaoyuan is indeed top-notch, but without the platform, he is nothing.

And no matter how much you earn in a month, those of us who work in services only get that much salary.

You are top notch and you are essential to the company.

We are just staff. If I quit, the company will be able to find a replacement soon.

It’s so hard to find a job now, who dares to quit easily?

I originally thought that since I was so favored in the company, if I said a word, I would definitely get a response from a hundred people.

If you want to leave, naturally thousands of people will follow you!

But he never expected that there would only be two or three people.

And even then he was not so determined, with a look of regret on his face.

Feng Xiaoyuan felt like he was going to explode with anger, he pointed at everyone and cursed: "Okay, you guys are good enough!

I, Feng Xiaoyuan, will remember you. Let’s see! "

Turning his head, he looked at Chen Xin'an and said: "Chen, you will regret it! If nothing else, I will see how you explain to the fans during the live broadcast!"

Xiaoyi also nodded and said to him: "Mr. Chen, you are really impulsive!

The platform must live broadcast on time to retain popularity. If Brother Xiaoyuan doesn't go, he will be complained! "

Chen Xin'an asked her: "What kind of talent show does he do on live broadcast?"

"Talent show?" Xiaoyi shook his head and said, "No, just chatting with fans and doing those cross-dressings.

For example, if you pretend to be a woman, talk and do actions, it just looks like that. Actually, it’s quite embarrassing…”

Chen Xin'an was speechless. How could he become a top-notch person like this? Are all people online sick?

"What did you do for him before?" Chen Xin'an asked again.

Xiaoyi blushed, lowered her head and explained: "He is pretending to be a woman, and I am a man, cooperating with him, dancing and singing to make everyone happy."

Chen Xin'an scratched his head. This kind of program can actually be popular. Live broadcasting is not for normal people!

The woman who just brought the peach to Feng Xiaoyuan said: "Actually, Xiaoyi can take it!

She has a strange, masculine voice when she sings.

And the imitation is very strong, I think this is a gimmick! "

The people next to him also nodded.

"Live broadcasting is just a gimmick. Once you have creativity and gimmicks, it will become popular easily!"

"It seems that when Xiaoyi helped Feng Xiaoyuan, someone responded well!"

"Yes, I remember! There are fans who specially buy gifts for Xiao Yi! Is it because of this that Feng Xiaoyuan drove Xiao Yi away?"

"Mr. Chen, Xiaoyi can help! If the company cooperates with us and gives us some big gifts, we can start the account again. As for whether we can get back to the top, it's hard to say!"

These people are all experts in live broadcasting. Although they are not front-line anchors, no one knows the conditions for becoming a front-line anchor better than them!

Of course, they urgently need to introduce someone who can replace Feng Xiaoyuan.

Otherwise they would all be unemployed!

Chen Xinan thought for a while and said to Xiaoyi: "Then you go and try it!

I will discuss it with Mr. Li and the others later and do some promotion specifically for you!

You don't have to bear any burden. Anyway, it's just a matter of urgency. It doesn't matter whether you succeed or not.

Okay, let’s get ready! "

Xiaoyi knew that she was facing a rare opportunity, and she shed tears of excitement!

She bit her lip and looked at Chen Xin'an, bowed deeply, and said with sobs, "Mr. Chen, I will definitely work hard!"

Feng Xiaoyuan looked at this scene with a pale face.

The person he had humiliated just now had now taken his place.

Those who originally followed him betrayed him and went to serve Hu Yi.

He felt like his face had been torn off, thrown to the ground, and trampled over and over again!

"Let's go!" He squeezed out one word through his teeth, turned around and walked out of the company door with a gloomy face.

In the office, Li Lingyin said to Chen Xin'an who was sitting on the sofa: "Boss, the live broadcast has been arranged.

At that time, there will be internal staff to help Xiaoyi collect about 5 million gifts.

The live recording will be promoted on major video platforms. It won’t be a big problem to start this account again! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "I fired someone you value, will you feel uncomfortable?"

"Of course not!" Li Lingyu covered her mouth and said with a smile: "The company belongs to the boss, and it is up to the boss who wants to be fired!

Anyway, even if it’s a loss, it’s the boss’s loss! "

"Stop talking nonsense!" Li Lingyin glared at her sister.

Li Lingyu is an unsmiling female boss in front of her employees.

But in front of Chen Xin'an, she was an eccentric little girl.

She stuck out her cute little tongue and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, Dream Media spent a lot of money to promote Feng Xiaoyuan to the top.

Don't you feel bad about selling him like this? "

Chen Xin'an grinned and said: "Why do I feel so bad! How many of these can I sell?

The money Meng Bufan spent in the first place is none of my business!

Also, you have to control the company platform!

There are anchors like this who are neither male nor female, and there are other anchors with incorrect views. If you can change it, change it; if you can't change it, sell it!

This kind of anchor who relies on swords to take the wrong approach will be banned sooner or later!

I don’t want Dream Media to be in a mess! "

"I know, boss!" the twin sisters responded in unison.

Chen Xin'an nodded and asked them: "Didn't I ask you to gather the film crew and wait in the company today? Where are the people?"

Li Lingyin said apologetically: "Miss Tong Xinxin said that we can shoot today. Director Zhang didn't want to waste time, so he went to the set!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, stood up and said, "Then Ling Yu, just take me to the set to have a look!"

"Okay!" Li Lingyu clapped her hands and said to Chen Xin'an, "Then I'll take the script and let the boss read it over in the car!"

The set was near Blue Moon Lake in Kyoto, and the crew set up a large outdoor location here.

Chen Xin'an read the entire script in the car. It actually tells the story of a woman's revenge.

The selling point is the combination of real kung fu and modern stunts, with hard bridges and hard horses plus cool special effects. It is a great attempt.

The heroine is played by Tong Xinxin, a star hired from Damin Entertainment.

She has a professional background and has learned martial arts routines, and her moves are very beautiful.

Moreover, she is beautiful, has a good figure, and is an A-list star, which has the appeal of high box office.

Chen Xin'an and Li Lingyu got out of the car, and a large group of people in costumes were basking in the sun next to them, looking lazy.

This doesn't look like the tense atmosphere of filming. They all look like the second uncle. Those who don't know may think they are in a sanatorium of some dynasty!

Li Lingyu frowned, pointed at a bearded man in the crowd in front and said, "Boss, that is Director Zhang Dazhe!"

She walked forward quickly and said loudly: "Director Zhang, didn't you say you were rushing to shoot a scene today? Why haven't you turned on the camera yet?"

Director Zhang's face was livid, and he gritted his teeth and cursed: "I want to turn on the phone too. But no one is here, how can I turn on the phone?"

The producer next to him came over and said to Li Lingyu: "Mr. Li, Director Zhang and we have been waiting here for almost three hours, but Tong Xinxin hasn't come yet!

I’ve made countless phone calls, and they always say it’s quick.

It's been three hours and it still hasn't arrived!

I think it was deserted again today and I couldn’t take pictures! "

Just then, someone shouted: "Here we come! Miss Tong is here!"

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