Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 724 Is it enough to eat? If that’s not enough, I have some more here!

A bank card passed through Li Lingyu's hand and returned to Lu Zifu's hand.

Lu Zifu almost suffered a cerebral attack on the spot!

Is this what you said about using 200 million yuan to buy my winery?

Isn't this my money?

You didn't pay a penny, so you bought my winery for nothing?

What kind of gangster logic is this?

But he couldn't refuse!

Things at Tiandi Winery were too big, and the fine alone was an astronomical figure.

What's more, that idiot Lu Ziming himself said that there was a bigger reason for Chen Xin'an and the candid photographer to catch him!

Once that incident is revealed, not to mention that Lu Ziming will not have a good life, even him, the chairman of the group, will be greatly implicated, and there will be a lot of trouble!

It seems that this time, Sainty Group is really going to have a hemorrhage!

What makes Lu Zifu extremely aggrieved is that in Dongshan, you can just take the losses. After all, the current development focus of Sainty Group is in Kyoto.

Originally, when Chen Xin'an came to Kyoto, the Lu family was planning to teach him a big lesson!

I devoured those good things from the Lu family in Dongshan, and now I'm spitting them out with profit!

Then your little life was taken away by the Lu family!

Unexpectedly, before the Lu family could plan, Chen Xin'an would attack them first!

At this moment, Lu Zifu really wanted to point his finger at Chen Xin'an and scold him!

Such young people don’t have martial ethics!

This is Kyoto, not Higashiyama!

This is my territory. How can you, a country bumpkin who just arrived, challenge the authority of a wealthy family like me in Kyoto?

What's so annoying is that he actually provoked him and caused the Lu family to suffer a big loss again!

Do you really think the Lu family is easy to bully?

Do you really think that I, Lu Zifu, who has been wandering around the world in this life, am really a greedy person who is afraid of death?

If you dare to cause trouble for me on my territory, even if you fight to the death, what advantage will you get?

Seeing the uncertainty on Lu Zifu's face, he seemed to be making a lot of determination.

Chen Xin'an grinned, took out a USB flash drive from his pocket, handed it to Li Lingyu and said:

"Xiao Yu, let this thing out and show it to Mr. Lu!"

"Okay!" Li Lingyu took the USB flash drive, walked to the side, opened the closet next to it, and popped out the multimedia equipment.

The projection screen slowly hung down from the wall on the left, and soon the picture appeared.

This was exactly the scene when Lu Ziming and his gang were dragging their trolley boxes out of the women's dormitory.

When he saw the corpse in the trolley box, Lu Zifu's expression was as gloomy as if it was going to rain!

If this video is given to the police or released, there is no need to think about the consequences it will bring to the group!

At this moment, Lu Changzhou, who had been lying on the ground, suddenly got up and rushed to Li Lingyu's side with lightning speed!

As Li Lingyu screamed, Lu Changzhou pushed her away, then pulled out the USB flash drive and stuffed it into his bloody mouth!

I originally wanted to chew the USB flash drive, but I lost my teeth and couldn't use the strength, so I simply stretched my neck and swallowed the entire USB flash drive!

That’s right! This is the real purpose why I brought you here!

Lu Zifu glanced at Lu Changzhou with approval, and a proud smile appeared on his lips.

Lu Jiaqi, who had been standing by in a daze, as if everything had nothing to do with her, sighed softly and shook her head.

You still don’t understand Chen Xin’an too well!

Without any back-up, he would be so generous and give things to you to see?

Sure enough, Chen Xin'an seemed to be frightened, looked at Lu Changzhou with wide eyes and asked:

"Is this thing edible?

Is it enough to eat?

It’s okay, if you want something to eat, ask me for it, I still have it here! "

Then he took out a USB flash drive from his pocket, which was exactly the same as the one Lu Changzhou had swallowed before!

The proud smile on Lu Changzhou's face disappeared, and he stared blankly at the pile of U disks in Chen Xin'an's hand.

Even Lu Zifu was about to collapse. This bastard actually made so many backups!

Lu Jiaqi looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Mr. Chen, we agree to your conditions!"

Lu Zifu's face turned pale and he glanced at his daughter.

Lu Jiaqi sighed and said something to him: "I am a swordsman, and I am a fish and meat!"

Lu Zifu sighed and stopped talking.

After leaving the film and television building, Lu Zifu seemed to have aged ten years.

The confrontation with Chen Xin'an ended in failure once again!

Moreover, this time it’s at your own doorstep!

This is simply a great shame and humiliation for the Lu family!

With a livid face, he said to Lu Jiaqi: "Have you contacted the person I asked you to contact?"

Lu Jiaqi shook her head and said: "There's no reply from there yet! After all, if you want to deal with Chen Xin'an, ordinary killers won't work!


Lu Jiaqi looked at her father and seemed hesitant.

Lu Zifu snorted and said, "If you have something to say, just say it, no need to hesitate!"

Lu Jiaqi was worried, looked at Lu Zifu and said, "Father, why do we have to fight to the death with Chen Xin'an?

I know that the death of my younger brother has created a blood feud between our Lu family and this man!

But in the final analysis, it was because we wanted to annex his wife's company that we were targeted by her resistance.

I know my father wants to avenge his younger brother, but I'm afraid...

I'm afraid that the revenge will not be avenged. Our Lu family will not only lose troops and generals, but also our vitality may be severely damaged! "

Lu Zifu looked at his daughter with a gloomy face and asked, "What, you want me to give up now? Go and ask your brother's spirit in heaven if he agrees?

Go and ask other members of the Lu family if they agree! "

Lu Jiaqi shook her head and said to Lu Zifu: "Father, I am not giving up, I just want to advise you not to be so anxious for revenge!

Things at the winery are very big, and Chen Xin'an still has a lot of leverage in our hands.

If we, the Lu family, risk everything to get revenge now, not only will my brother’s revenge not be avenged, but our whole family will have to pay for it!

Chen Xin'an doesn't need to deal with us personally. Those things are handed over to the police or the national security department, which is enough for our Lu family to bear!

What's more, our Lu family still has some secrets that cannot be known to outsiders. Once the official investigation is carried out, we will be in big trouble even more difficult than now! "

Lu Zifu frowned, knowing that his daughter had always been narrow-minded. If it weren't for the girl's family, she would be the best candidate to take over the group!

Taking a deep breath, Lu Zifu looked at his daughter and asked, "Girl, what do you want to do?"

Lu Jiaqi shook her head and said, "Don't do anything!

Chen Xin'an is not a peaceful person.

Our Lu family is not the only one of his enemies in Kyoto!

Therefore, our Lu family cannot afford to be the vanguard of others!

During this period, we will focus on dealing with the impact of the winery on the group.

If Chen Xin'an wants to take over the winery, give it to him.

Anyway, the contract has been signed and the matter is a foregone conclusion. There is no point in being angry anymore!

Don’t forget why we let the winery take this step!

If we can't get through the trouble, we don't believe that Chen Xin'an can get through it!

Will he still follow our old path by then?

As long as he does that, it will be a good opportunity for us!

The most important thing is to let those people consume Chen Xin'an's energy.

We just need to put the icing on the cake at the most critical moment and give him a fatal blow! "

Lu Zifu was silent. After a while, he looked at his daughter with admiration, nodded and said:

"Okay, just do as you say!"

It was getting late, and Chen Xin'an had been working at the company all day.

I felt it was rare and was so moved!

In the evening, the sisters arranged a staff dinner, and of course Chen Xin'an couldn't refuse.

After having enough wine and food, Chen Xin'an drove Long Ye back to the Junhao Hotel.

As soon as he entered the door, a warm and soft jade body was hugged into his arms!

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