Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 751 The most proud thing in this life

Originally, Ning Xiruo went to Dream Media just to take a look, sit down and leave.

After all, it was Ning Keer's company, and she was Ning Keer's fan!

More than half a year ago, she was still a little fan girl at Ning Keer's concert.

In the blink of an eye, he turned into the other party's boss lady!

I have to lament that the changes in this world are really unpredictable!

She wanted to go over and had no intention of checking the accounts.

And since Konoha took me to the shopping mall all afternoon, I postponed this matter and planned to go there tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, Li Lingyin was treated grandly in the company, prepared to welcome the boss lady, and even prepared a meeting gift.

But Ning Xiruo didn't go. After she waited for her sister to come back, the two sisters simply sent all the books to the hotel to save the landlady from having to make a trip tomorrow.

So this scene happened.

But Director Niu and the Golden Boy were shocked!

The woman in front of me, who is not as beautiful as a mortal, is actually the new boss lady of the company?

Mr. Niu looked frustrated!

what to do?

No amount of money can be spent to hire the landlady!

After all, the company provides all the funding for the filming, so someone pays with their left hand for practice, and then takes it over with their right hand? Isn’t this a mental illness?

More importantly, they have no interest in acting at all!

The golden boys and girls were also dumbfounded. They all lowered their heads and did not dare to express their anger!

I used to dislike him for driving a shabby car, but he didn't expect that he was driving a top-notch luxury car! The kind that kills Ferrari instantly!

Later, I said that she was just an amateur and had plastic surgery, but I never expected that she was the CEO’s wife!

Anzula felt that her face was burning and hurting, as if someone had slapped her more than ten times!

Xiao Jun also shrank his neck, wishing he could hide himself.

Do you still dare to take ideas from the boss’s wife?

Now everyone knows a little bit about who the new boss of the company is.

So everyone put a lot of labels on him.

Kung Fu master, business genius, cruel and ruthless, unparalleled in thinking...

These labels only came into being after that cocktail party.

But the most famous one is still the "Wife Doting Maniac"!

Xiao Jun felt as if he had been through the gates of hell.

The new boss is definitely not someone to be trifled with, and his wife is the one he can't touch the most.

I still think about teasing others. This is a crazy temptation on the verge of death!

Ning Xiruo did not take the package of documents, but looked at the twin sisters and said:

"You are Lingyin and Lingyu, right?

Putting the accounts aside for now, let me say one thing first.

From now on when the company is filming, unless there are special circumstances, road closures are prohibited!

Please tell me this and go and restore the road first! "

"Yes!" Li Lingyu responded, turned around and ran out.

Ning Xiruo said to Xiao Jun and Anzula: "Artists are never superior to others!

If you feel that your fame and salary can be used as capital to bully others and not treat people as human beings, then you are not worthy of becoming a star! "

Xiao Jun and Anzhu La were blushing and looked extremely embarrassed.

After all, this was in front of many media reporters, and they were big stars.

It was a huge loss today, and it had a huge impact on their reputation.

Anzula's face was livid. She had been a star for a long time and could only boss others around. How could she listen to other people's advice?

She raised her head and said to Ning Xiruo with a sneer:

“Is the president’s wife preaching to me?

Don’t think that just because I signed a contract with Dream Media, I have become your employee and can honestly listen to your big talk here.

The fame and achievements I have today are all the result of my own efforts.

The company also valued my potential for continued development, so they signed a contract with me.

To put it bluntly, the company is just using me to make money, and I am using the company to develop.

It’s just mutual benefit for everyone. Do you really think I’m your subordinate?

Listen to you pointing fingers at me here?

I just don’t have a good life like you and marry a good husband.

If there is no president, what is your wife? "

"Anzhula! Who gave you the courage to contradict the president's wife like this!" Li Lingyin scolded Anzhula angrily.

Anzhu La was already upset anyway, and sneered at Li Lingyin and said, "What's wrong, Mr. Li? Did I say something wrong?"

Turning her head, Anzula sneered and said to Ning Xiruo: "You are lucky, you are beautiful, and you are married to a good husband!

If your man is capable, if he wins a big company for you, you can become the CEO's wife just by lying down!

Being respected by so many people, wearing gold and silver, having no worries about food and clothing.

We little people don't have such a fate.

We can only rely on ourselves for everything. If we are not arrogant, no one will look down upon us!

We are stars, but in the eyes of people like you, we are also veritable nobody.

Do you understand our sorrow? "

"Anzula!" Li Lingyin shouted angrily.

Konoha Makoto waved his hand to her, indicating that she didn't need to get angry.

Then he turned to look at Anzhu La and sneered: "You said she has a good life?

Do you think she is here today because she married a good husband?

You hear me clearly!

Before she got married, she was already the president of a liquor company with assets worth hundreds of millions!

Now her Liangmao Liquor Industry has assets of nearly 10 billion!

Appearance is natural and she can't control it.

But your destiny is in your own hands and cannot be completely changed by relying on others!

The road she has traveled is far more bumpy than yours! "

"No, she is right!" Ning Xiruo waved her hand to stop Konoha, and said to Anjula:

“I did marry a good husband!

This is also the thing I am most proud of in my life!

But I am not as arrogant as you!

This star, let me give you a message:

Put yourself before others and treat others as human beings.

Treat yourself as a human being before others.

Hope to encourage you! "

"Well said! My wife is a cultural person, I can't explain this truth to you!"

A jet-black guy came over excitedly, opened his hands, and hugged Ning Xiruo!

A few minutes away, next to the parking lot.

The taxi driver watched Chen Xin'an walk down and snorted coldly: "You are so shameless! Is such a beautiful woman your wife?

You are just taking advantage of others' inability to hear!

Boy, let me advise you, you can’t get in dressed like this!

This is a five-star hotel. If you are disheveled, you will not be admitted! "

Chen Xin'an grinned at him and said, "Don't welcome me? How dare they!"

After saying that, he walked away swaggeringly.

The driver shouted to him: "Then I'll wait for you here! You will be back in less than five minutes!"

"Bold!" Yue Zhihua shouted angrily, suddenly rushed over, and slapped the opponent on the head.

The other party ducked away with a tilt of his head, and said only to Yue Zhihua: "You are so bold! Do you believe it when I pull your belt?"

Upon hearing this, Yue Zhihua felt as if he had been bitten by a poisonous snake, and subconsciously grabbed his pants with both hands!

He stared at the guy in front of him with wide eyes, and then said in shock: "Are you Chen Xin'an?!"

Immediately afterwards, his mouth bulged and his whole body was trembling, as if he was suppressing his emotions. In the end, he had no choice but to break through, pointing at Chen Xin'an and laughing loudly!

"Hahaha! God has eyes! Chen Xin'an, how did you become such a virtuous person? Are you here today?"

Konoha and Wang Yi also recognized the guy in front of them and laughed happily.

Wang Yi also took out his mobile phone and took photos of Chen Xin'an!

What kind of people are these?

Chen Xin'an was speechless.

Only Ning Xiruo threw herself into Chen Xin'an's arms with red eyes without feeling dirty!

The driver in the taxi rubbed his eyes to make sure he saw it correctly, and murmured:

"This guy was an incense seller in his last life, right?

He looks so handsome, but he has such a beautiful wife! "

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