Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 754 Have you forgotten what you did last night?

A waiter pushed a dining cart to bring breakfast to the room. Everyone sat at the dining table and looked at each other with awkward smiles.

Everyone sat tacitly next to Ning Xiruo. The seat next to Chen Xin'an was empty and no one was embarrassed to sit there.

Everything is kept secret, no one should laugh at anyone.

Chen Xin'an asked strangely: "Where are Master Meng and my uncle? Haven't they gotten up yet?"

Xiao Jiu said quickly: "I just called the room phone. They got up early and will come right away."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone knocked on the door.

Xiaojiu got up and ran to open the door. It was Meng Fei and Yue Zhihua who came over.

Chen Xin'an greeted enthusiastically: "Come over quickly and sit down to eat together. It was just delivered. You can order whatever you want!"

Meng Fei smiled and said, "Thank you, Master!" He found a seat and sat down.

Yue Zhihua snorted and sat next to Chen Xin'an as if he was angry.

After all, there is only one empty seat.

This guy acts like an elder all day long, and it's easy for him to suffer big losses!

Chen Xin'an said to Yue Zhihua with a straight face: "Why don't you go out in a hurry? Let's have breakfast first. Why are you wearing sunglasses?

Who are you pretending to be? Take it off quickly, I thought you were blind! "

The most annoying thing about people like these bodyguards nowadays is that sunglasses seem to be their standard equipment.

Regardless of whether he is wearing a suit or not, he must wear a pair of sunglasses and look like he is pretending not to be beaten.

"Chen Xin'an, please don't go too far!" Yue Zhihua cursed through gritted teeth, then snorted and lowered his head.

Chen Xin'an looked confused. Did this guy get kicked in the head by a donkey when he got up in the morning? How come you can't tell the difference between good and bad, and can't tell the difference between good and bad?

Is it still a crime for you to take off your sunglasses in the room?

Ning Xiruo also said to Yue Zhihua: "Uncle, take off your sunglasses. It's not convenient for eating. If you like it, I'll buy you a few more pairs when you go out!"

Even though his niece had spoken, Yue Zhihua couldn't pretend not to hear, so he took off his sunglasses and put them next to her.


Chen Xin'an couldn't hold it back and sprayed a mouthful of milk on Yue Zhihua's face!

Ning Xiruo also looked at Yue Zhihua in shock and said, "Uncle, what's wrong with you? Who are you fighting with?"

At this moment, Yue Zhihua stared with a pair of panda eyes, and the muscles on his face were twitching.

Chen Xin'an was holding a napkin and helping him wipe the milk from his face. It was very hard to hold back his laughter!

"Old uncle, whose masterpiece is this?

This guy is so careless, he only wants to hit you in the eye socket!

Just tell me and I'll help you get revenge!

I'll beat him into panda eyes to vent your anger!

Even my old uncle dares to hit him, he is looking for trouble! "

A group of girls were also holding back their laughter. Yue Zhihua’s current appearance is really funny!

Wang Yi scratched his head and said to Chen Xin'an: "Chen Xin'an, it seems you were the one who hit me, right? I seem to remember it was you!"

"Damn! Sister Yi, I don't think you'd put a shit basin on someone's head like you!" Chen Xin'an was unhappy and glared at Wang Yi.

"Ugh!" Konoha opened his mouth and made a vomiting expression, and cursed at Chen Xin'an:

“Can you stop being so disgusting?

Please don't hold the poop bowl while others are eating! "

What the hell are you doing?

Chen Xin'an glared at her, curled her lips and said to Wang Yi disdainfully:

"Although I drank too much, I still remember that you lay down first last night!

How can you have the shame to say that I beat my uncle?

What did you see? You are just talking nonsense here! "

Yue Zhihua pointed at Chen Xin'an with a look of grief and anger and cursed: "Did you forget what you did last night? It was you, the bastard, who beat me!"

Chen Xin'an scolded angrily: "Why should I hit you when I have nothing to do?

What, are you going to get slapped in the face?

Why don't I hit Mr. Meng? "

Meng Fei said with a smile: "Master, I run fast!

You were drunk last night and drove Zhihua and I out, saying you wouldn't let anyone with a handle stay in the house.

I went back, Zhihua was worried about the young mistress and wanted to take you away, but you unexpectedly beat me up..."

Having said that, Chen Xin'an was a little impressed.

It seems that there is such a thing.

This seems like something he can really do...

"Ahem!" Chen Xin'an was a little embarrassed, patted Yue Zhihua's shoulder and said:

“Uncle, you need to be more sunny and open-minded.

Some things are in the past, no need to worry about them anymore!

Pay attention in the future, no matter if I am drunk or sober, try to be good and obedient, then I will be safe..."

"Get the hell out of here!" Yue Zhihua flew into a rage and yelled at him with a red face and thick neck.

Chen Xin'an knew that she was in the wrong, so she lowered her head and ate breakfast quickly.

Yue Zhihua really wanted to step on this bastard and beat him up.

But after looking at the others who were still eating breakfast, I finally suppressed my anger and lowered my head to eat breakfast.

Chen Xin'an quietly picked up Yue Zhihua's sunglasses, put them on for him, and said while holding back a smile:

"You'd better cover it up! Looking at you like this, I can't eat..."

"I'm not done with you!" Yue Zhihua became anxious, holding up the half-drunk glass of milk in front of him as if to throw it away.

Chen Xin'an was full anyway, so she ran away, stood in the living room, pointed at Yue Zhihua's right hand and said:

"Did you steal my money? Why do you still have cash in your hand?"

Yue Zhihua turned his hand, and all the milk in the cup poured onto his head!

Chen Xin'an laughed strangely, opened the door and ran out as fast as he could!

At the intersection of Kyoto's Gongti Avenue, a garbage truck that shouldn't have appeared at this time suddenly rushed out of the nearby garbage transfer station.

Just at the intersection, the garbage truck suddenly turned left. The car lost control and rolled over. The car slammed into a Mercedes-Benz waiting at the red light at the intersection.

No one expected that this garbage truck would be filled with sand!

The heavy car body instantly crushed the Mercedes-Benz, and the sand poured down from the car, completely burying the Mercedes-Benz underneath!

Seeing that he had caused an accident, the driver of the garbage truck jumped out of the car and ran away the moment the car overturned. Before anyone could react, he was already out of sight!

At this time, a traffic policeman came over, reported the accident to the team, and then invited a forklift to push the garbage truck away and clean up the poured sand, revealing the crushed Mercedes-Benz underneath.

Someone recognized the twisted license plate and exclaimed loudly: "This is the car of President Luo of the Wushu Association!"

A group of people rushed over to help and opened the deformed car door.

The driver had died, but there was no one else in the car.

Less than twenty meters away from the car, in a red BMW on the roadside, Luo Xiaoman, who was sitting in the driver's seat, turned his head and said to the old man in the back seat:

"Dad, do you believe it now? I would never lie to you. Those people really attacked you!"

The man sitting next to the old man said: "This must be a coincidence, right?

Luo Gang is also unlucky. I don’t think Laofatang dares to be so heartless! "

Luo Xiaoman snorted and said, "Brother Cai, please don't be so naive, okay?

If someone wants to kill you, they can't put a gun on your forehead to be sure they're going to kill you!

With your intelligence, I really don’t know how you can be used as a purse string in the Luo family! "

"Bastard!" Luo Cai scolded Luo Xiaoman with a dark face: "Then tell me, how did he know we were going to the boxing gym at this time?

How do we know which way we should take? "

Luo Xiaoman is such a fool that he can't figure out the answer. Of course he can't answer it.

If Chen Xin'an hadn't warned him in advance, he and his grandfather would have been smashed in the Mercedes-Benz!

"I don't know, but I know this is no accident! Our Luo family is going to launch an all-out war against Laofa Hall!"

Luo Lie, who had been sullen and silent, said in a deep voice: "Shut up!

Immediately notify the family to handle it, bury Xiaogang well, and treat his family well!

Now drive to the boxing gym! "

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