Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 763 I am your subordinate

Most of the people in the stands stood up and stared at this scene in shock!

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman, who were at the top of the spiral staircase, fell straight down!

Their bodies collided continuously on the steel frame, and then fell to the ground with a bang, motionless!

There was an uproar in the stands!

We know that fighting for red silk is dangerous, and many people have seen it.

But this is the first time that both of them have fallen from the highest point like this!

Many discerning people have already noticed that this fight for red silk is not an easy one.

That last board shouldn't have fallen off!

And the ladder that should have appeared did not appear!

If there wasn't a technical failure on the beam hanging the red silk, that means it was simply a human fault!

Konoye Zhen and Xiao Jiuyi sat next to Ning Xiruo, holding her arms nervously.

Meng Fei moved and wanted to rush onto the field.

But it was Ning Xiruo who said behind him: "Master Meng, don't act rashly!"

"But Young Mistress..." Meng Fei's eyes were red, and he was extremely worried!

Ning Xiruo took a deep breath and said to him, "Why did he tell us before?

No matter what happens, don't get excited!

Have you all forgotten? "

Meng Fei took a deep breath and slowly sat back in his seat.

Konoha and Xiaojiu were relieved to see that Ning Xiruo could still control her emotions.

But his eyes were fixed on the figure lying on the ground on the field, and his heart was filled with worry, and he wished he could run over immediately!

Yue Zhihua took a deep breath and said to Ning Xiruo: "Don't worry, I'll go over and take a look!"

After all, Ning Xiruo was still worried about her man and nodded to him.

On the other side of the stands, Luo Qianxue stared blankly at the man on the field, with anxiety on his face and clenched fists.

She was trying hard not to stand up or run over.

She was surprised that her heart was full of worries about Luo Xiaoman.

Because she has never been so worried about any man!

She and Luo Xiaoman have known each other since they were in junior high school.

When she was in high school, that guy started chasing her and pestering her shamelessly.

I can't say it's annoying, but sometimes it's really annoying.

But more often than not, I feel an inexplicable sense of peace of mind.

She doesn't have to worry about being plotted by men and being bullied by men.

Because this guy will always appear in front of her at critical moments.

Beat the shit out of those men who want to do evil to her!

But from now on, will this sense of security disappear from her?

Of course, Luo Qianxue would not admit that she really liked this guy.

It's just that you get used to certain things that someone does and develop dependence.

It shouldn't be long before she gets used to life without him again.

Seeing his beloved son fall from a height of thirty meters, Luo Lie's entire face turned pale!

Even Shen Guangming beside him didn't expect this situation to happen, and was stunned for a moment.

Just at this moment, Duan Fengchen snorted and said, "How could this be possible?

These installers are so irresponsible!

There was such a big mistake, it was such a waste of human life!

If you fall from such a height, you will definitely not be saved!

President Luo’s condolences!

How pitiful it is to be bereaved in old age!

Fortunately, President Luo still has two sons, and one is his son-in-law. It doesn’t matter if there is one less and one more..."

"You..." Luo Lie raised his arm and wanted to slap the table in front of him, but he hit it softly. He tilted his head and collapsed on the chair!

"Dad!" Shen Guangming quickly ran to Luo Lie's side and reached into his pocket.

He took out the Suxiao Jiuxin Pill from his pocket and uncorked the bottle, only to find that it was empty!

Seeing Luo Lie's face getting more and more ugly, Shen Guangming became anxious and shouted to the Luo family sitting in the stands: "Go to the pharmacy immediately and buy Suxiao Jiuxin Pills!"

Luo Jian, the son of my uncle Luo Ping, stood up and said, "I have it here!"

He quickly ran over and took out a bottle of medicine from his pocket.

But Shen Guangming stopped him and said, "Luo Jian, your heart is fine, why are you holding this kind of medicine!"

Luo Jian snorted and said, "I happened to pass by my ancestral house when I came in the morning, so I prepared an extra bottle for grandpa!

What's wrong? I keep my grandfather's illness in mind, what else do I need to explain to you, an outsider?

Mr. Shen, what do you mean by preventing me from giving medicine to grandpa?

If something happens to grandpa, can you afford it? "

When the words came to this point, Shen Guangming couldn't stop him, so he had to step aside.

Luo Jian poured a handful of medicine from the vial into his hand, lay down in front of Luo Lie and said, "Grandpa, take the medicine quickly. You'll be fine after taking the medicine!"

He fed the medicine in his hand into Luo Lie's mouth.

But at this moment, Luo Lie seemed to have fallen into a coma, with his head hanging down and lying on the table.

"Dad!" Shen Guangming called worriedly.

In the past, when the old man took medicine, he could see immediate results and alleviate his condition.

But this time, why has there been no response?

Emergency personnel had already rushed onto the field, quickly checked the condition of the two injured people, then put the two people on stretchers and quickly carried them away.

Then there was an exclamation from the stands.

Luo Jian hugged his grandfather who had stopped breathing and cried loudly.

All the Luo family members gathered around and carried the old man onto a stretcher and took him out of the field!

In a lounge not far away, an old man in white was sitting in front of the tea tray, drinking tea leisurely.

Next to him, there were two sets of Go boards, and he actually played with them at the same time.

Duan Fengchen hurriedly walked in, unable to conceal his inner excitement, and stood beside him and said: "Mr. Feng, it's done!"

The old man in white picked up a black stone calmly and placed it on the chessboard. The chess boy standing next to him quickly picked up three white stones.

"Old Duan, why are you still so reckless at such an old age?

Everything was planned, so how could it not work out?

You, your self-cultivation is still not enough!

Can I rest assured that I will leave the Wushu Association to you? "

Duan Fengchen looked embarrassed and stood beside the old man politely and said: "This is what Mr. Feng taught you!

I'm afraid that if I practice for another thirty years, I won't be able to compete with one-tenth of Mr. Feng!

Besides, the Wushu Association is not left in my hands.

I'm just Mr. Feng's dog, trying my best to do something for Mr. Feng! "

The two middle-aged men sitting opposite and playing chess with the old man in white had disdain on their faces.

Even the chess boy rolled his eyes at Duan Fengchen, looking down on him.

But there was a smile on the face of the old man in white.

But he still deliberately kept a straight face and said to Duan Fengchen: "Old Duan, please don't talk nonsense.

The Wushu Association has nothing to do with me. If you become the new president, you have nothing to do with me. There is no need to do things for me!

You can't say this nonsense in front of anyone, lest others think that I, Feng Yunqing, have been withdrawn from the world for so long, and I still try to control the Chinese martial arts!

Then my sin would be great! "

"Understood! Please listen to Mr. Feng's teachings!" Duan Fengchen kept nodding and bowing, suppressing the ecstasy in his heart.

It’s done, my position as president of the martial arts association is finally secure!


Feng Yunqing placed two black stones on the two chessboards, and while waiting for the chess boy to pick them up, he said to Duan Fengchen:

“Send someone to the hospital to confirm whether all three people are dead.

Ten minutes later, the incident was immediately announced to the world through international radio.

In this way, the Wushu Association will be firmly in the hands of our old law hall!

Even if someone objects, there is no chance of a comeback! "

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